It's Monday at 9:00. I shouldn't have to tell you what that means. Tonight we continue on the road to Extreme Rules, where The Miz will defend the WWE Championship in a Triple Threat match. Read on for my thoughts on a very British Raw.
R-Truth's getting a pretty solid reaction here. Good for him.
More Ross, Lawler, and Cole? Color me shocked.
Nice "main event" level promo by Truth... until he started interacting with Morrison. Then we got back to upper midcard level at best.
That was weird.
For the record, I hope Morrison goes back to Smackdown in the draft.
If Truth continues this "cigarettes and water" stuff, I'll start hoping he gets drafted to A.M. Raw.
That was unexpected. I wonder why they changed the match. Maybe it ends up a Fatal 4 Way?
If R-Truth does go heel, I hope he intentionally uses the wrong name for cities he's in. And he gets different ring attire. It's hind of hard to take him seriously as a top-tier guy with his pants jangling around all the time.
This is some weird stuff.
Not as weird as the Brits saying "water" though. It has an r at the end for a reason.
I think we get the point now. The longer this goes, the more I'm wondering if R-Truth got knocked loopy or showed up unfit to compete and they're just rolling with it.
I think they were trying to chant "that's illegal" but it came out sounding like something from Pygmalion.
Bret Hart on Tough Enough? Pretty cool.
I'm guessing Ziggler cut his hair for us to take him more seriously as he (presumably) moves up the card. A more serious Dolph could do pretty well I think. It's going to take a little while for him to make it to the upper echelon in WWE either way.
Evan Bourne lost again. Cue the whining on how he's not being used right.
I don't really know what this movie's about, and I don't really care. What part of the WWE audience does this appeal to?
Del Rio throwing a retirement party. I can feel the heat already.
Extreme Rules can be gimmick overkill at times. A triple threat cage match. Wow.
Miz pulling a filibuster here. The show was pre-taped so he wasn't really talking through the whole commercial break.
I think it's more than a little soon for Sin Cara to be teaming with Cena against Miz and Riley. Talk about your quick pushes. He's only had a few matches in WWE, and they've been against people lower on the card than WWE Title contenders. It takes time for the fans to accept someone at that level.
I'll have a specific column for what I'd do with the draft on Sunday. (Other than saving it for one of the 3-hour Raws in June).
Impressive by Sin Cara. I don't know about main event-level impressive (Miz and Riley basically set him up to show off his moves), but he's got some nice moves.
Hate on Cena's moves all you want, as long as he makes WWE tons of money, they're not going to care that you're booing him.
They tried to make Sin Cara a big deal here. I don't think he's there yet, though. That being said, I like what I've seen so far.
Poor Bratz doll didn't have a chance. Kong doesn't play well with others.
The Divas' champ can appear on either show, so it won't matter if Eve is on Smackdown.
For the record, I don't think Cole can be a "Sir" since he's not British. He can be knighted, though.
I tuned into Raw to AVOID royal wedding references...
Cole's great as a heel figure when we don't have to hear too much of him on commentary.
I'm pretty sure that's "God Bless America" they're playing.
I wonder how many Americans actually know what the Queen looks like.
Swagger looks something like Prince William now that I think about it. Or maybe a combination of him and Harry.
This went on too long. A good idea in theory, but didn't come off like it could/should have.
I wonder what kind of reception Layla will get on Smackdown. She was born in London.
Interesting reception for the Irish U.S. Champion.
I'd like more focus on the match and less on Cole. We get that he's a big heel.
Unless this match has a big angle involved, I think it might have been better to end with Cena/Cara vs. Miz/Riley.
I think I'll have to check out Mortal Kombat as well. Carnival Games not so much.
I like the "RSVP" idea. Pretty clever.
I'm ready for the Nexus run-in to save Punk now.
I continue to believe that you should boo heels if you appreciate their work and be quiet if you don't like a face. WWE will pay more attention to the fact that a face isn't getting over or a heel's getting a lot of boos than a contrarian chant.
I was thinking we'd get a Ryan face turn (and maybe a switch to Smackdown next week), but this was a pretty clever ending.
That's all for my Raw thoughts. I'll have a news post up later, and be back for NXT tomorrow.
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