It's week 2 of WWE Superstars online, and Mark Henry's taking on Ted DiBiase in the main event. Who will be higher on the Raw ladder once the match is over? Then, on Impact, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff want answers from The Network. Will they get them? Read on for my thoughts on both shows as they happen.
That song should say "I'm invisible tonight" given how few people (presumably) watch the show online.
WWE has had a grand total of zero lockouts in its decades-long history because the wrestlers aren't in a union.
I'd be surprised if either of these guys went to Raw. That would mean that WWE's thinking about them.
I'm somewhat excited about this year's draft, because you never know what direction WWE will go in.
Was "diet changes" a reference to the (allegedly) mediocre English cuisine?
I liked Reks in this match. JTG wasn't as impressive as I've seen him in the past. I smell a "future endeavors" note in his future.
You know what's missing from that WWE Films ad? A reason for WWE fans to care about it.
I guess Maryse is still heel based on her opponent and entrance.
The referee SHOULD have been counting there. What the heck?
Josh Mathews not knowing who Yoshi Tatsu is is not a good sign.
I wonder if this will be anyone's favorite match on the next season of Tough Enough.
That was the French Kiss DDT, guys. It's special.
Nice segue to promote the main event.
Talk about two guys who could use a fresh coat of paint post-Draft. Will DiBiase get somewhat of a fresh start? Where will Mark Henry spend the remainder of his WWE tenure?
Scott did Tweet that joke during Raw.
What's lower on the WWE totem pole- being on NXT or being with Ted DiBiase?
Stanford's technically a member of the Raw roster, so if he was drafted he would presumably be with Matt Striker and Jack Korpela calling Smackdown matches.
Not a bad match, though I'd probably rather have DiBiase win. However, maybe this means they'll be using Henry higher up the card to work with some other young heels.
On to Impact...
AJ Styles as a serious promo-cutter just doesn't work for me. He looks like he belongs in an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog and that Deep South accent is horrible.
Good outsmarting by Bully Ray, though I wonder why he didn't move out of the way a bit later and have AJ crash through the table.
Good for TNA to play up Flair's injury from Fortune. Keep it up.
You'd think that they'd stay away from cage matches for a while after Sunday, but it makes sense with the first segment.
I'm a bit surprised that Murphy and Terry didn't get the surprise win there to start a new tag team feud.
I actually am getting pretty tired of Jeff and Karen. I wish they'd move away from them for a while.
If I never see a shaky camera in TNA again it will be too soon.
Imagine if other sports had stars that stick around as long as Hogan has. Then again, in most other sports you can't stick around just as a mouthpiece who can barely physically perform.
That's a pretty awesome RVD shirt.
RVD said "heel" - that's inside talk!!
Listen to all of these "shoot" comments! Man, TNA must be real.
Weird costume for Sting.
I've had my fill of Hogan on-air. That promo sucked massively. This is Charlie Sheen-sounding stuff.
The Horsemen reference was funny, but the rest of that segment was abysmal. I don't like where this is going...
Matt Hardy is a somewhat serious contender to the TNA Title. That should tell you something about TNA's priorities.
Something tells me that this guy's not really Hispanic....
Two heel tag teams facing off. So um, who are we supposed to pull for? Tara I suppose.
This is bombing, and for good reason.
Jeff looks pretty good for someone who broke 2 ribs 4 nights back.
A royal wedding for the King of the Mountain actually is kind of clever.
NO. That was just stupid and bad. Why couldn't Angle just sell the horses or set them free or something? Why did it have to be something that groan-inducing? That was bad and TNA should feel bad.
Anderson's not the only one bored after that segment.
I'll have an update on Abyss in the upcoming news post. Needless to say, he wasn't faking the blood from the mouth.
Nice rub for Crimson if they keep using him right.
Was that the (WWE) ECW Title Matt had? Kind of shocked to see it on a TNA show if it was, given what they've said about that brand in the past. Correction: It was Jeff's TNA Title. That makes a lot more sense.
If they're going to use Steiner to get Morgan closer to the main event picture, good for them. Morgan getting a big win over him would be great for his career.
I wonder if they give Steiner the mic for the sheer comedy of it sometimes. They're more than a little incoherent at times.
Good promo by Morgan. He's getting better on the mic.
There needs to be a button that translates things into Scott Steiner-promo language.
Anyway, this was a good set-up, assuming that Morgan gets the comeback at some point.
I can't be the only one who somewhat forgot about Ms. Tessmacher.
I'm surprised we haven't seen a gothic makeover for Angelina, unless she doesn't want to dye her hair or something.
Nice Fortune and Immortal interaction before the match.
If Hardy wins, we riot.
I wouldn't be surprised if we get another round of Sting-RVD-Anderson at Sacrifice.
I'm curious about where the angle with Kurt, Karen, and Jeff is going. I'd be very surprised if it's Serena who ends up helping him out.
And that's that. I'll be back tomorrow for a look at Smackdown, and I'll have a news post upcoming not long after midnight.
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