Read on for my thoughts on last night's Extreme Rules PPV.
Miz vs. Rhodes was ok to warm the crowd up (it's a pretty standard practice to start the show with a babyface win to get people in a good mood - I doubt this is a sign that they "don't like Cody" or are "burying" him or whatever). If they wanted to continue the feud, they could play up the old rivalry between Flair and Dusty Rhodes.
I like Jericho a lot, but I think it hurt Fandango to lose clean. He can always get momentum back, but a win or some kind of chicanery would have done him much better than a loss. Jericho getting a win does nothing for him. He could have easily rebounded given how much credibility he has with the crowd. I hope Fandango doesn't fall off the face of the earth now that they've taken his heat away.
I don't think we needed an interview from Sheamus. We've seen and heard a lot from him this month already. Give some promo time to the undercard guys, so people might actually care about their matches.
Kofi vs. Ambrose was pretty nice. I'm surprised that Ambrose didn't have to cheat to win.
I like that there was celebration for the win: winning titles should be important!
Not really crazy about Henry vs. Sheamus. I know they can do a good fight, so the gimmick is really what I blame here. It might be time to retire the Strap Match. It's pretty silly. Instead of trying to kill each other, they're more concerned with touching turnbuckles.
At least AJ and Kaitlyn got some TV time. AJ's got a pretty cool new shirt available.
Whatever Zeb Colter gets paid, it's not enough. He's such an amazing heel. In a world where everyone's afraid of saying things that aren't "PC", he just lets rip with controversial remarks.
THIS is when you do a "that was awesome" chant. Del Rio and Swagger KILLED it. Great story and great action. Wow.
Not a bad Ryback promo. I hope if Cena's interviewed, he's equally serious.
I would have liked it to go longer, but Hell No vs. The Shield was really good. All four men deserve credit for their hard work here.
Orton vs. Show was fine. Not crazy about it taking 2 RKOs and a punt to beat Show, but at least Orton won. If it took that much to beat Cena, there would be tons of complaints.
The LMS match wasn't bad. Not crazy about the ending, but I'm willing to see what they do from here instead of having a kneejerk negative reaction. Cena didn't "win" and was taken out on a stretcher while Ryback was able to walk. How is this a case of "SuperCena looking strong"?
HHH vs. Lesnar was really solid. Good story overall. I wonder where they go from here.
Overall, the show was pretty good. Not sure what all the complaints are about. I guess if it's not FLAMING BARBED WIRE THUMBTACK LIGHTTUBE RAZORBLADE DEATH MATCH extreme, it's not good enough for the Internet marks. "Smarks" are just as misled as marks. They're just worked by dirtsheet writers and promoters of products that aren't mainstream. But they think they're smart because they prefer more hardcore or technical stuff.
More rambling coming up.
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