Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
I really wasn't a fan of the opening segment, for the same reasons as always. I remember back in the Attitude Era thinking Rhyno (using his WWF name since that's where he was at the time) was an absolute beast. A dangerous animal. Why? Because the company treated him like one. Paul Heyman put him over hard on commentary and his finishing move was presented as devastating. When Rhyno fought someone, it meant something (even though he wasn't really seen as a top-tier act). Compare the situation to now: they could easily have Ryback look like a shark who smells blood with Cena's injury (exaggerating the actual injury for storyline purposes if need be). Cena could be seen as in danger of losing the title he worked for damn near 19 months to get back. But no, the announcers are there to make jokes and get themselves over and Ryback's just another in a long line of big guys that will ultimately job to Cena. Why should we care that Ryback's challenging Cena? Cena obviously doesn't see him as much of a threat if he's more concerned with making jokes about underwear and dancing. Would he do that if he was facing Brock Lesnar? I think there's a reason that there was a lot more intrigue in Cena vs. Lesnar, and not just because of Lesnar's success in the past in WWE and UFC. Fans felt that they had to see that match, because even if Cena won, he was going to have to earn it. Lesnar was going to put up a fight one way or another. Not here. Ryback might as well be JTG as seriously as this is being taken.
Here we go again. WWE has a great character in Damien Sandow, and a pretty solid in-ring talent to boot. But this isn't a wrestling show anymore. This is the Vince McMahon Variety Show where people sing and dance and "entertain". Where everyone's just here to put a smile on your face. This is a sharp contrast to what made wrestling great and successful. Heels used to get people so incensed that they would damn near riot if they cheated, even when they knew it was fake. Not so much these days.
Not a bad match, but once again they feed the talented up-and-comer to the already established name. Anyone who didn't like Sandow and wanted to see a babyface win got it. Instead of building Sandow up and getting heat on him, he's just fodder for Orton. Orton's already a 9-time World Champ. A loss isn't going to hurt him if things are done right. And, as always, he's one failed drug test away from leaving the company for an entire year. This is insanely backwards.
At least we're adding heat to Big Show vs. Orton. Why couldn't Show have KOed Orton during the match and added embarrassment due to Orton not pinning Sandow?
Maybe I'm just in general angry right now, but this show is really terrible right now. Fandango beat Jericho at WrestleMania. I repeat. Jericho LOST once more at the biggest show of the year, to a guy who in kayfabe had never been in an official match before. Fandango's left Jericho lying crumpled on a number of occasions after interfering in his matches. But Jericho's out here rehashing his shtick from over a decade ago and goofing off. There's a time for fun and games, but when someone takes you out and you disappear for a few weeks, it makes more sense to come back pissed off. TNA gets this. Big wins and losses and their aftermaths matter. WWE's getting really frustrating to follow in places because of screwing up basic storytelling.
So much for Fandango's momentum. I hope he comes back strong, because I think that hurt him as an act. He can use the excuse that Jericho frustrated him at least. Will WWE go that route, though?
I don't guess that was bad with Ryback and Hell No. I just hope Bryan rebounds from being referred to as half the man Ryback is and someone Ryback could destroy.
Del Rio vs. Ziggler was a damned solid match and continued the angle well. However, if they keep giving away stuff between Del Rio, Ziggler, and Swagger, what are they going to do for future PPVs? The novelty will have worn off and people will be ready for something new because they've faced off so much.
Fine post-match. I think this feud's got some good build to it.
At least they were consistent in that Kaitlyn actually does like The Simpsons. I doubt they'll bring up "American Psycho" given how it's EXTREMELY not PG, even though it's her favorite movie. Other than that, I really don't care for the other characters.
Not a bad 6-man tag at all. Believe in The Shield, because they're going places.
Fine domination by Cesaro. I hope he's "back" as a serious contender.
That was a pretty good promo, though it's kind of laughable that he's saying there's no competition after being defeated so regularly in the not-so-distant past.
Fine stuff between Heyman, Lesnar, and HHH. Possible foreshadowing for Lesnar going after a title? I could listen to Heyman read ingredients off of a box of cereal. He's that good of a talker.
Fine little 6-Diva tag I guess. To me it would have made more sense to have AJ get something over on Kaitlyn to add fuel to their feud, BUT I can't complain about Kaitlyn looking strong. I wonder what they're doing with the Bellas.
Pretty good segment between Sheamus and Henry. I think they'll do something nice at Extreme Rules. Not nice like get each other flowers. A nice match/fight.
Fine match between Sheamus and Barrett. They always deliver.
Great heel stuff from Henry after the match. What can I say? I have a special place in my heart for two big guys beating the crap out of each other.
Oh, man. A dance off. Can't wait. It makes sense with the characters, though. Maybe it ends in chaos?
YES!!! Ryback beating Kane clean was a nice move to help the challenger's credibility.
Fine ending to the show, giving us a reason to take Ryback seriously. I still want Ryback to hire The Shield to get the WWE Title. Please!?
More wrestling coming up.
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