Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I liked the opening segment, even though it continues the focus on Hogan and Sting. It got over future matches and that's the goal.
I like that they're hyping Sabin's return like he's an important character instead of it just being like "yep, Sabin's back in action". Would WWE do that for Ted DiBiase or Alex Riley?
Good Angle promo. WWE probably would have had him make fun of Aces and Eights' jackets or bikes or something.
Popcorn match. The X-Division is basically a circus act at this point.
Fine Robbie/Jessie segment. I wonder what the end game is for Rob Terry. TV Champ?
Angle's about to mess with the real deal, now. Good segment. I'm curious to see what kind of shape D'Lo's in.
I KNOW there's someone out there who thinks TNA's just doing this with Rob Terry to "rip off Ryback". But yeah, fine show of dominance. Terry's impressive.
I like the continuation of the Tag Title hunt. It's like they actually care about their championships!
Fine Sting/Angle segment. Some serious history there.
Nice Knockouts segment to set up their match. This is what I want WWE to start doing for more matches.
Nice Sabin promo. I'll give him time. He was impressive earlier, but there's so many crazy spotfest guys that he's going to have to consistently perform to show that he's not just another easily replaceable stuntman.
What sane man would challenge Kurt Angle to an "I Quit" match!? That's like challenging the Incredible Hulk to tug-of-war.
Nice intense FIGHT. These two weren't trying to put on a 5-star wrestling match or get any ironic chants started. They were there to get the story over. I appreciate their hard work.
Fine Angle promo to set things up for coming back from the commercial. I really like TNA's transitions.
REALLY good promo between Angle and Styles. This is a well put-together story. I like that they're not rushing things.
I'd be down for Morgan vs. Bully. Morgan's earned the spotlight.
Good little Knockouts match. Everyone brought their A-game. I like that there wasn't any stalling or "wasted motion".
Nice intensity from Gail. Damn. They've got some good heat in this program.
Good Aces and Eights segment. I wonder where D'Lo goes from here? I'd be surprised if he became an active wrestler.
I liked Aries and Roode's segment, but I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that they sort of undermined their opposition.
Man, Morgan looked really good there. I think he earned a shot at Bully. Triple threat?
Fine ending to the show. I really hope Morgan isn't tossed aside, because he had his work boots on there. Bully vs. Sting makes sense as a draw, but they've got someone really talented in the Blueprint.
More wrestling coming up.
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