Main Event:
Del Rio vs. Big E was VERY good. They told a pretty good story of finesse and technique vs. power. Big E in some ways was actually elevated, even in a loss, for looking so good against a former World/WWE Champion.
That was certainly interesting. The match itself was fine. I just feel like I've seen the Usos and 3MB compete in "filler" matches forever. I want to see some other acts thrown into the mix. They couldn't find a place for Bateman or Watson, yet these two acts seemingly get a good deal of TV time to spin their tires. Anyway, I liked what they did with Ryback to continue the build for Payback. Maybe they'll actually treat him as a threat to the WWE Title?
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
WWE is looking to partner with the NFL to potentially recruit athletes who "don't make the cut" there for NXT. This was something JR did as VP of Talent Relations that the much-maligned John Laurinaitis did not. If it leads to some solid WWE Superstars, it's fine with me. I think it's fine to have some people with those backgrounds in addition to the "indie darlings".
R-Truth talked ahead of WWE going to the Middle East. He's 41!? Where did the time go?
Hulk Hogan did two appearances to promote TNA. I talk a lot of smack about him, but I'll give him a lot of credit for all of his promo work for the company. He can get viewers that an AJ Styles or Daniels might not be able to get.
Hardcore Holly talked about his book and more. The story goes that there was a time when no one would publish wrestlers' books because it was thought that wrestling fans couldn't read. I still crack up about the "Sparky Plugg" gimmick. caught up with Bart Gunn. I can't be the only one who finds it crazy that they openly referred to his "shoot" name.
Chris Jericho is advertised for a Raw taping in July. He has more dates with "Fozzy" in August, but other than that I don't know of any impediments to him being a wrestler. You never know when he'll decide to do something else for a while...
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. They could be improvising and/or throwing a bone to the anti-Cena crowd.
2. That's a good question, actually. I don't think it was meant as any kind of slight to WWE and/or its audience or anything. I agree about viewing him as a movie star that wrestles at this point, since that's more of his "full-time" thing.
3. Yeah, they "rebooted" ECW as a full-time brand at 2006, and it slowly but surely turned completely into something like Main Event or Superstars. They have no interest in going away from their PG-style contact for any of their current products.
4. Yeah, they pretty much nailed it. If he wants to make a good living as a wrestler, WWE is the safe bet. It's a shame, because he definitely has charisma and can add to the show. He might be treated better elsewhere (key word: might), but it would be at the expense of a comfortable living. There's no guarantee that WWE would take him back if he tried to "pull a Christian" and leave for somewhere who would appreciate his talents more.
5. It makes sense in context given Fandango's character and Jericho's background. Sometimes an unorthodox segment can be a good thing. Go back in time and you'd have people complaining about "This Is Your Life" with Rock and Mankind, which was the highest-rated segment in Raw history.
For my take on the OTHER questions from yesterday:
1. That had to be a bizarre and chaotic day for WWE. I don't envy anyone who was in WWE at that time.
2. Nothing official that I know of at the moment from the big 2.
3. If anything, it's positive to show how dangerous concussions truly are. I definitely don't see it as any kind of "diss" to people with legitimate concussions. Is USA going to get complaints now?
4. I like it! It did drag before the Bully Ray reveal (to the point where I thought it could/should have ended at Lockdown), and it will probably drag between now and the ending, but overall I'm liking it. To me, it seems like the obvious ending is Bully vs. AJ at BFG (which I'm totally fine with). And Bully has been pretty heelish, so I don't see where that complaint's coming from. I'd continue to have Bully retain the title until AJ takes it from him at BFG. He can beat Sting and Hogan en route to that day. There can be some twists and turns with membership and I'd like to see them take all of TNA's titles before the babyfaces sweep them in October.
5. I didn't watch WCW when it was around, so I can't tell much about that angle from personal experience. I loved Austin vs. McMahon as a mark, so I'll have to go with that one. I like the current angles pretty well for different reasons. Both current angles are better than the Main Event Mafia vs. Frontline. Yikes.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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