Mr. Anderson was profiled. TNA wasn't specifically mentioned.
Big Show has been hurt the last few weeks, due to a suspected torn labrum. Yeah, I'm clearly not a health major because I have no clue what that is off the top of my head. Hopefully they take it easy with him if need be.
WWE will tape the 7/26 Smackdown, 7/29 Raw, and 8/2 Smackdown in advance due to a tour of Australia and South Africa in the time when the shows would normally be taped. I'll be interested to see how those tours do.
Zack Ryder teased a new YouTube show. I think. I'd be entertained by a show giving "screen time" to various underused WWE personalities to show their promo skills, etc.. Clearly WWE's not going to get behind him unless he does something to get attention on his own.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Damien Sandow talked ahead of Raw. I am a complete and total mark for this guy. I'm considering emulating his beard and maybe even getting a similar robe. Anyway, he came across well in his interview.
Here's another "John Cena will meet a Make-A-Wish kid" story. Also, the sun's coming up tomorrow.
Titus O'Neil talked ahead of a Smackdown live event. I like him more as a person the more I read about him. He sounds like he's got a good head on his shoulders and would be a good ambassador for WWE. I don't think he's necessarily a future WWE or World Champion, but I see good things for him in the future. He's really come a long way from his days on NXT (either season). I'm a little sad that Darren Young didn't at least get a mention in the article.
Southern California performer (and man of many hats) GQ Money has signed on to work backstage at NXT.
Impact jumped up to 1.38 million viewers this past week. No NBA playoffs to compete with certainly helped (of course, people were more apt to blame Hogan and Sting for the lower ratings).
As you'll likely hear 5000 times during Raw, you can see the "Bret Hart Appreciation Night" segments on the WWE App.
Alex Silva had travel issues ahead of Impact and missed the segment he was going to be in. Whoops. As far as I know, there isn't any heat on him.
Some released NXT wrestlers made some profane videos. The f*ck am I watching?
For my take on yesterday's questions:
Seriously. THIS. MAD. I have an inkling that this answerer wasn't even watching when WCW was at their worst (maybe not even born?) based on the caps, nicknames, and such. He didn't walk off the stretcher on-camera so in some ways it "didn't happen". And he didn't appear on Raw, presumably to sell the beating. But yeah, don't let the truth get in the way of a good complaint. If you don't like how Cena's booked, don't watch his segments. Don't buy the PPVs with him headlining. Support other acts that you DO like. Support TNA and some of the better indies out there. Don't just post the 45 billionth "smark" complaint on the Internet. WWE doesn't care what you think about the product unless it affects their business. If you're just going to fuss on the Internet, they're going to keep laughing all the way to the bank.
2. They did give updates when WWE gave them. Someone needs a lesson from Damien Sandow.
3. It's not so easy. DVD distributors only want something that they can market that will bring in money. They must not see enough value in TNA DVDs. DVDs aren't really doing as well as they used to be in general if I'm not mistaken. The kids with their Netflixes and Hulus and whatnot.
4. WWE did work with ECW back in the day, so anything's possible. It's not likely, but it is possible.
5. And this is where I make a WWECW joke and say Zack Ryder.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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