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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Nese sets out final indie dates, what will go last at Survivor Series, Interviews with Heyman/Foley/Charlotte/Lawler/Cass, WM33 press, ECW special coming this week, classic content and Raws on Network, TNA audience, new Network show coming after the Series, ROH title changes hands, and Questions on how WWE will book Raw vs. Smackdown, Taker vs. Shane, LU Season 4, celebrities at WWE events, and WWE at the Macy's Day parade

Tony Nese has announced he's finishing up his indie dates with a NYWC show on November 26 and two HOH shows on December 3 and December 16.

The plan on Friday was for Lesnar vs. Goldberg to close Survivor Series. They might have some real tough acts to follow. That combined with the fact neither of them will likely compete at Roadblock has me questioning this move.

Paul Heyman discussed Survivor Series:
- The argument can be made Brock should win in two minutes considering his opponent is nearly 50 and hasn't wrestled in more than a decade. I think that would leave a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, though.

- Honestly, I liked Brock vs. Goldberg OK. It would have been better if the crowd didn't mercilessly bury both of them and they were motivated to go out with a bang.

- I hope they do make up for their WMXX match!

- Brock/Goldberg 3 at either the Rumble or WM33 is a possibility if Bill comes out of the Series intact.

- Heyman kayfabing this interview as heel manager is awesome.

Mick Foley previewed Survivor Series:
- Very glad to see he's lost so much weight, by the way.

- I think we take for granted someone will go through a table. It takes some mass along with force to break it, though. It's not as easy for Sasha as it is for, say, Seth Rollins (who's hardly big himself).

- I'm very glad WWE is staying away from political commentary this year because there's more than enough discussion of that elsewhere.

Charlotte also talked before this weekend's big PPV:
- Charlotte vs. Mickie or Charlotte vs. Trish at WM33 would be pretty great.

- Good for her to have some separation between Charlotte and Ashley. It can be dangerous to get too involved in your work life.

Charlotte also got press for being part of the WM33 party.

The "Authentic Untold Story of ECW" with Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, the Dudley Boyz, and Tazz will air on WWE Network after Raw. Is there really anything left to say about a company that went out of business 15 years ago? What could possibly be left untold at this point!?

WWE has added another episode of Prime Time Wrestling to the Network, so we could be in for a big drop of classic content soon.

Jerry Lawler discussed The Rock leaving Memphis for WWE 20 years ago:
- Lawler's one of the biggest and most important names in wrestling history, far beyond his commentary career.

- USWA was developmental before there was developmental!

- Being in charge of an affiliated promotion like USWA or OVW has historically led to headaches due to dealing with WWE's sudden decisions of how to use a talent from there.

- A future WWE game needs to include Flex Kavana as a character. I'd pop for him wrestling in that gimmick at CHIKARA or something. It will never happen, but it's funny to think about.

- Working different crowds in different towns is very important.

- I think in general having a talent's gimmick not be "more famous wrestler's relative" is the right move to see if they're good enough to make it beyond name association.

TNA's audience this was was 336,000, pretty much in line with what they normally do. It'll be interesting to see what things look like for them viewership-wise in 2017 with whatever changes they'll make.

WWE Network is adding Raw episodes from 2010.

Big Cass was profiled by Fox Sports. I can see him as Universal Champion before too much longer. He could easily win MITB in 2017 or 2018. Glad he did get a degree so he has something to fall back on.

WWE's animated Story Time will debut after Survivor Series. That looks pretty funny.

Will Ospreay defeated Bobby Fish in England to become the new ROH TV Champion. Ospreay recently signed with the company and this was his first match there. As of this writing, it's unknown how this will affect the lineup for Final Battle. Fish was scheduled to defend the championship against Dragon Lee that night.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I think one team will win, but there will be a case of two team members not getting along or something leading to a loss so it's not so much one side won as the other side couldn't work together effectively.

2. I wouldn't be totally shocked. We'll see how Survivor Series ends.

3. There continue to be rumblings filming will start in January or February, but nothing official. I believe at one point there were rumors of them filming S4 in November, but obviously that didn't end up happening.

4. A lot of them are fans or with people who are fans!

5. I assume it's not cost-effective for promotion.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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