Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Impact Wrestling.
- ROH:
- Recap:
Good to see the story of reDRagon vs. Bullet Club sold as important.
- Dijak vs. Miles:
I really like Dijak.
This is some fun destruction.
Absolute domination by Dijak.
- Nana/Dijak:
Dijak's very talented. I hope a title in his future.
- Cole/Bucks/Guns:
Blah blah blah I can't take this seriously because their match is just going to be a lot of flips.
- Addiction/Kamaitachi/Briscoes/Cole/Page:
Pretty good stuff from Kazarian. He definitely survived a crazy match.
Addiction vs. Briscoes is a good feud idea.
Really powerful stuff from Frankie.
Same old song and dance in the tag team division.
OK Cole stuff, I suppose. He's plateaued as a performer in ROH. There's nothing left for him to prove beyond presumably ending Kyle O'Reilly.
- Briscoes vs. Page/Cole:
Good tag action so far.
I like the heel actions going on.
Page is really growing on me.
Both teams are fired up.
Uuggghhh the uppercut party spot.
Fine ending for me.
- Post-match:
That was pretty good to continue selling Cole vs. O'Reilly. That can be a big moment for Kyle if he's staying with the company.
- Lethal promo:
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Lethal's in a weird place now that he has no animosity toward Cole.
- Cabinet vs. ACH/KUSHIDA/White:
Nice start to shake things up.
Fine stuff. I'm getting a little burned out on trios action, though.
ACH sending this tape to HHH as soon as it airs.
You know, moves and stuff. It's all running together at this point.
I am liking the isolation and work on Coleman's arm.
This is heating up pretty well.
And even more fancy combination moves.
Lots of flashy athletic moves. What else is there to say?
And we keep on going...
Moves everywhere.
Alright, it's done now. On to TNA.
- Impact Wrestling:
- Brandi/Maria/Sienna:
I'm excited for Lashley vs. Cody.
I really hope they don't put Brandi over someone like Sienna.
Allie is over for a reason. They've done her character well.
"Ride my coattails instead of Cody's." Funny.
How weird is it Brandi can be Rhodes but Cody can't? Brandi never used the Rhodes name in WWE, so she's able to use it wherever.
I'm glad Sienna got the better of her. She should look like a beast.
- Edwards video package:
- Rex vs. Godderz:
I like this style of match.
Jessie's impressing. I hope we see him continue to live up to his potential in the future, wherever it will be.
They're telling a good story here.
NICE end to Round 1. Keep an eye on Jessie.
This is pretty good.
Nice match, and they don't need a bunch of crazy flips to make it so.
NICE ending, too. Heel Aron is definitely a step up from what we had seen before.
- Rex promo:
OK, he definitely won me over there.
- X-Division Happy Fun Time:
Golly gee I'm sure glad we're all here in the X-Division guys. Better start sending that resume to HHH for 205 Live, guys.
- Z/Sutter/Mandrews vs. Spud/Decay vs. Rockett/Everett/Lee:
No idea why this is even a thing, but whatever. Hopefully DJ Z is trolling the rest of them into not defending his title because he's in all these goofy tag matches.
The turnbuckle powerbomb is only dangerous when it's in WWE, apparently.
I wish Abyss was the dominant monster instead of bumping for jabronis.
No idea what in the world is going on here.
So that match happened. I guess they're training for meaningless multi-man matches in ROH and the cruiserweight division.
- More on Edwards:
It'll be interesting to see if we end up seeing Eddie vs. Davey in TNA before Davey hangs up the boots. I definitely think we'll see that match somewhere next year.
- Hardys/DCC:
Ah I'm going to miss this if TNA does under.
There's a running theme of wrestlers turning the lights out before appearing.
I'm surprised DCC destroyed the Hardys so easily.
- Hardys vs. DCC:
This is pretty wild.
That referee needs to be DELETED.
- Post-match:
More crazy stuff.
HAHAHAHAHA Nice Harris cameo.
Jesus this just keeps getting crazier!
I miss heel champion Jeff for how ridiculous he was.
This is making me miss the hardcore division.
Pretty fun stuff overall.
- EC3 promo:
I assume Ethan wants that briefcase.
EC3 has definitely made the most of his time in TNA.
GREAT fire from EC3 here. I hope he has a big 2017.
Can't blame Drake for not putting his title shot on the line.
Whoa. Big stakes for EC3 there.
I'd pop for Drake ending Eddie's title reign. Whoever made the decision Eddie should be champ is a big ol' DUMMY. Yeah.
- Lashley promo:
I mean, Cody was probably about to retire anyway.
Please win Lashley!!
- Even more Eddie:
I'm very sorry to hear Eddie lost a close friend around that time. I bust his chops and all, but I don't wish personal misery on the man. That's a little intense for pro wrestling.
- Eddie vs. Lashley:
Lashley's gonna KILL you. Lashley's gonna KILL you.
Lashley's domination is fun to watch.
Eddie is such a create-a-wrestler.
I mean this is just a massacre.
NICE press slam spot.
Umm, Lashley, you can't win the title on a count-out.
I'm liking this. They've built Lashley really well.
I'm going to miss Lashley a lot if TNA goes under. I don't really see him ending up in WWE or ROH.
This is a blast. Both men are going hard.
Yeah Lashley that's what happens when the referee gets taken out.
Hahahahaha Lashley killing the second ref was great.
I wasn't crazy about that ending, but it made a lot of sense to continue Edwards' title reign without burying Lashley.
More wrestling coming up.
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