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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Takeover: Toronto Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT special event.

- Kickoff:
- Asuka video:
That was pretty solid to put Asuka over. She's definitely been impressive.

- #DIY promo:
Not bad. It just probably wouldn't sell me if I wasn't already excited for the match.

- Takeover:
- Opening video:
OK that was pretty great. Nice sell for how big this night is for everyone involved.

- Roode entrance:
I'm glad Bobby's getting this level of spotlight.
- Roode vs. Tye:
Good start. We know from the get-go which competitor's the cocky douche and which one is out for revenge.

Oh Dillinger's on a mission tonight. I love it.

Tye's got some real fire here.

This is a lot of fun with the "ten" taunts.

I'm liking this.

Nice backslide spot.

This is good from both men.

Nice psychology with Roode avoiding the Tye Breaker.

GENIUS of Roode to want to beat Tye with his own mood. What a dick.

Pretty good back-and-forth with false falls.

Tye's having a big moment here.

That was really good. Roode won, but Tye put up one hell of a fight.

- Post-match:
Great to see Tye get the recognition he deserves.

- Ellering above the ring:
Talk about a flashback.

- TM61 vs. Authors:
I love the story of the never-say-die scrappy faces against the dangerous monsters.

This is already pretty wild.

The Authors are delightfully destructive. KILL KILL KILL.

This is really good! The babyfaces are giving it their all!

I'm glad TM61 are getting to show what they can do.

Ellering's devious. Of course he still has something up his sleeve.

That was awesome for what it was.

- Trophy ceremony:
Really weird to not have Cody on hand for this. Awkward....

- Revival vs. #DIY:
-- Fall One:
Nice start. This could really be incredible.

I like this being a slugfest and an impressive wrestling match all at once.

#DIY make for a pretty smooth team.

Good heel work from the champs.

I'm liking this.

Gargano is on a TEAR.

NICE Shatter Machine spot.

-- Fall Two:
Gargano trying to tie things up early was good.

Revival are up, so they're being somewhat conservative and wearing Gargano down. #DIY are the ones who have to win this fall. The Revival just have to not lose.

I'm enjoying this a lot. They work together quite well.

I love the teamwork of Revival. It's a beautiful thing.

NICE superplex counter.

Ciampa on a tear of his own here.

Good second fall. This has been quite the show.

-- Fall Three: 
Good brawl to open things up.

This is something else. I'm liking it.

GOOD GAWD what a suicide dive counter.

I'm loving both teams here. There's nothing developmental about their ring work at this stage.

I'm loving all the attempted pinfalls. It seems like some matches are just MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE and just pinfalls after super-big spots.

THE TRAILER HITCH!!! That's great.

LOVE Revival stealing their finisher. Genius, genius, genius.

And #DIY returning the favor.

The Revival are just a whole 'nother level as heels.

Loving all the rollups.

That was AWESOME. Shocked we have new champs given 205 Live coming up, but we'll see what it ends up leading to. Maybe the titles will be defended there?

- Asuka vs. Mickie:
Asuka ALREADY pushing the advantage

Pretty good action to open things up.

Don't count Mickie out! She's definitely still got it.

Mickie actually working as something of a heel here.

I'm liking the action here. They're telling a good story.

Mickie has DEFINITELY still got it.

GOOD GAWD what a German suplex. Mickie poked the bear here.

This is quite solid. I'm glad we're getting to see it.

NICE half Boston Crab/Muta Lock spot. I didn't expect this kind of fire from Mickie.

This is a damn WAR.

Mickie's making her earn this win. They've got to use her again after this. WM33 against Charlotte?

This is quite the match.

GENIUS ending. That was one hell of a match from both sides.

- Nakamura vs. Joe:
Oh they're out to destroy each other right out of the gate.

This is already intense!!

I love a "fight into the crowd" spot.

I'm enjoying this battle.

NICE focus on Nakamura's knee.

Joe's speed and agility for his size is something else.

I'm liking the physical style here.

Both men bringing their "A" game. I hope we see this at Wrestlemania someday.

I'm loving the submission work from both sides.

This has been an absolute battle.

I'm loving the war both men are bringing.

NIIIIIICE musclebuster counter. That was insane.

And a genius counter to the second Kinshasa, too.

The Samoan Suplex Machine on full display.

NICE low blow. What a jerk.

That was incredible! Very surprised to see Joe win, but I guess they needed to do something to keep both men occupied with neither of them being called up until the Rumble at the earliest.

So, Round 3 during Rumble weekend? They'll need to bust out a big gimmick to keep it fresh.

More wrestling coming up.

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