Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Steph/Team Raw:
Oh no. Stephanie starting the show AND no Mick Foley? It's going to be a long night.
Fine hype segment so far.
Hey, Seth was the first draft pick! Of course he should be on the team.
Stephanie threatening her team's jobs is pretty dumb. If she fires them, I'm sure Shane would love to sign them!
If Rollins or Reigns threaten to sic Sin Cara on Jericho, I'll pop. I don't know how many fans there would get it, though.
I'm interested to see where Y2J's story leads. Does he stick around through WM33? I definitely think the Rumble is possible at least.
Damn, Jericho got the worst of two fights yesterday.
WWE is one of the only places where HR would let employees settle their differences by fighting. Although what if one of them gets injured and Raw has to go against Smackdown four-on-five?
- Kendrick/Dar vs. Swann/Cara:
Great timing for Dar's debut. I'm glad he's here now.
Good stuff so far. So much for Cara being fired, eh?
I'm enjoying this.
That was pretty solid! I assume we're in for Swann vs. Kendrick at Survivor Series.
- Kendrick/Dar:
Oh look, it's a burial of a talent in their home market.
I'm really enjoying 2016 Kendrick.
Not a bad introduction to Noam on the main roster.
- Goldberg/Brock video:
This is a big comeback for Goldberg.
I'm excited for this spectacle. Then again, I was excited in 2004.
- Stephanie/Zayn:
Who schedules a shareholders meeting during the evening!?
Fuck this segment. Stephanie took the spotlight at Zayn's expense. If I had never seen Zayn before, I certainly wouldn't conclude he was a star.
- Big tag team segment:
Yeah I'm pretty tired of the Sheamus-Cesaro pairing. They're hardly Team Hell No.
Oh wow, this is bad. I hope for the talent's sake they were reading from a script.
OK, Xavier having bagpipes was pretty funny.
Yeah, this is painful. New Day's trying, but it's pretty rough.
Hopefully WWE trades Anderson and Gallows for Tanahashi and Elgin.
- Club vs. Kofi/Big E:
Impressive work from New Day.
The Club aren't bad by any means. They just don't really stand out.
Good aggression from the heels.
Surprise win for the gaijin.
- G. Truth segment:
Poor Golden Truth. And Shining Stars for that matter.
- Lesnar video:
Does Brock ever care about wrestling?
After what Brock has done to past opponents, Goldberg might should have challenged Bo Dallas instead.
Good stuff from Heyman.
This should be a war.
- JeriKO/Braun:
I'm glad they're selling Strowman as a beast. He could squash both men.
That was pretty good and funny.
- G. Truth vs. S. Stars:
Is this Main Event?
Truth has still got it.
Primo and Epico are fine, just pretty flavorless. After seeing so many other teams, they blend in.
Fine action.
OK, the brochure spot was pretty funny.
Good enough ending to establish the Stars as heels.
- Women's segment:
Charlotte is being set up as a franchise player. She's certainly got a chance to be one.
Why do we need Cole for this segment, exactly?
So is Alicia replacing Dana? She did beat Brooke on Superstars.
Oh yay a forced Brangelina reference.
Passionate promo from Bayley to sell the match.
I guess Charlotte didn't get to pick her teammates.
Charlotte has a point about how badly Sasha was thrashed at HIAC.
And a Lindsay Lohan reference. Is she still relevant in 2016? Damn.
Blah blah blah.
- Sasha/Bayley/Alicia vs. Charlotte/Nia/Dana:
I like Nia vs. Bayley.
Alicia's a good crash dummy/hand to work with less refined names.
Fine stuff going on.
I'm liking Nia as the monster, although she can only go so far with Charlotte as champion.
Enjoyable combinations of performers here. Charlotte, Sasha, and Bayley always work well together.
Pretty good match overall.
- Rollins/Braun:
I wonder what Seth does until WM33 against HHH.
Braun also has a limit with Owens and Rollins at the top of the card.
- Lana promo:
Umm, you're not in America, Lana.
- Rusev vs. Zayn:
I like Rusev's pure brutal energy.
Pretty good so far.
I like how these two contrast. Rusev's really impressive.
I like seeing Rusev's power on display.
Now THAT was a Helluva Kick!
- Rollins vs. Braun vs. Owens vs. Y2J vs. Reigns:
Funny spot early with Braun.
Oh, man! Looks like anything goes. Smackdown's got to love this; they're going to destroy each other!
I like Strowman as a mastadon. I'm tired of seeing Big Show, so maybe Braun replaces him.
They're incorporating the big monster well.
Uggghhhh. Doing a flashy dive is a cheap way to get the crowd on your side.
Cool to see The Shield kind of working together.
I'm enjoying this. Everyone's doing good stuff.
Owens mocking Roman was great.
NICE counter of the pop-up powerbomb.
This is really good. Everyone's turning it up.
Funny ending.
More wrestling coming up.
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