Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
- Shane/Ambrose/Ellsworth/AJ:
Shane is apparently pretty much invincible. I almost want to see Shane vs. Jeff Hardy in a "who can make the most insane bumps" match.
I like Shane putting over the talented members of the other team. Everyone worked really hard in that match.
Dean's kind of a dick. I can see why Shane's upset at his actions and attitude.
Go James Ellsworth! Gettin PAID!!!
Hopefully Dean's not getting paid for his forced night off. He almost cost his team the big match!
I love AJ's smugness. I'm glad he's come into his own as a heel after he was such a dork as a babyface in TNA for so many years.
AJ kind of has a point there with how long he had to fight to make it to WWE.
AJ going from that hellacious ten-man tag to a ladder match takes guts.
James getting cocky here!
I think it'd be a big heel move for AJ to win, and it would make up for him getting sonned at Survivor Series.
- Miz/Maryse/Bryan:
They really need to schedule these photo shoots before the show.
Interesting. I feel sorry for Kalisto being the odd one out of the cruiserweight division. I don't know how much traction he can get on his own.
- Ambrose/Shane:
I would totally watch Ambrose and Shane face off.
- Miz vs. Kalisto:
Not bad so far.
Lots of FLIPS.
Yeah, they're really going to need to take action against Corbin.
Nice enough for what it needed to be.
- Ziggler attacks Miz:
Oh, no. This is still going on!? Hopefully they wrap it up for good at TLC.
- Shane/Daniel/Becky/Alexa/Natalya/Dean:
Effective, brief segment to set up the women's title match.
Cat Lady Natalya is one of my favorite self-referential gimmicks.
That was mostly good with the women.
Oh, man. They're REALLY forcing Wacky Rebel Dean Ambrose tonight. I'm trying to think of Steve Austin being used like this.
- Bryan/Corbin:
I like how they're using Kane. Not enough for him to be overexposed, but he's still effective in his role.
- Tag Team Turmoil:
-- H. Bros vs. Ascension:
I love a clustermess match most of the time.
Nice for The Ascension to try to get a big advantage early.
Good enough work early. Nice aggression from Konnor and Viktor.
Wow. So much for the former NXT Tag Team Champions.
-- H. Bros vs. Breezango:
I love how this naturally sets up a story of "they've already had one match. Will they be too fatigued for this one?"
Surprising win. I expected the Bros to build momentum before it was taken away.
-- Breezango vs. A. Alpha:
Rapid-fire pinfalls eveywhere!
-- A. Alpha vs. Vaudevillains:
DAMN. Makes me wonder if Gotch has heat or something.
-- A. Alpha vs. Usos:
As much as I like the heel Usos, I wonder how much more they can get out of them coming up short vs. the champs.
I'm liking this action. These two squads work together pretty well.
Nice counter to the Samoan Splash (can't really talk about Snuka anymore).
That was nice!!
- Bray promo:
Ooooooohhhh that should be good.
- Bryan/Ellsworth/Ambrose/Dean:
Ellsworth is pretty good in his role.
OH MY GOD Dean Ambrose is Poochie.
Please get security on him already!! Or pull him out of TLC!
- Natalya vs. Becky:
Good back-and-forth to start!
I'm loving the reinvention of Natalya. She's getting to show more of what she can do. She's been a valuable soldier for years!
Good work overall here. Both ladies are talented.
Nice counter-wrestling.
Really good ending. I love submission wrestling!
- Alexa attacks:
Poor Becky never gets to be triumphant for long. Such is generally the case for babyfaces.
- More Miz/Maryse/Bryan:
I love how self-centered Miz is.
That ladder match should be pretty good.
Miz is great as always.
- Carmella/Nikki:
Holding out for a crazy heel turn where Becky attacked Nikki. It wouldn't shock me. They clearly love Nikki as a face, and there's only so long they can go before she runs out of other opponents. Or maybe it was Naomi? Eva Marie? Emma? Mickie James? Trish!? Or maybe... it was a big swerve all along! No one attacked her!!
Ehhhhh. Maybe they'll make something interesting out of the stipulation. Smackdown's in a tough spot putting together a PPV on such a quick turnaround.
- Kane vs. Corbin:
It didn't take long for Corbin to get the advantage! Bryan might need a tougher for for him.
NICE! Glad Kalisto isn't doing the normal babyface method of just taking being attacked.
- Post-match:
I wonder what Kane does at TLC (if anything). Rematch with Harper?
Looks like we're in for a chairs match!! I'm glad Kalisto evened the odds against the Lone Wolf.
- AJ vs. Ellsworth:
GOD evil AJ is the best.
This is just rude from the champ.
This is great.
Uggghhhhhh Ambrose.
This is pretty much a handicap match.
Well, at least that was relatively quick. It was fun for what it was.
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