Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- #BROKEN Hardys:
This is probably going to make me miss Jeff and Karen Jarrett's Mexican escapades.
- Steve/Rosemary vs. Moose/Brandi:
Yeah, the less we see of Brandi as a wrestler, the better, probably.
Steve's going to need every ounce of CRAZZY to beat Moose. Sheesh.
Moose is a pretty convincing hoss.
I like Decay as a trio. They're working together pretty well here.
Ha. Moose has his work cut out for him against all this chicanery.
NICE powerbomb.
That was good for what it needed to be.
- Eddie arrives:
When we do see Eddie vs. Davey, it better not be a flipfest. Eddie should be trying to kill the guy who cost him the title and left him destroyed.
- Moose/Brandi:
It's just really weird Brandi wouldn't call Cody to help her out. I'd totally watch Cody vs. Moose at the next tapings. It would make sense with Cody's ROH attitude.
- Eddie/Angelina/Davey:
Yeah, Eddie should definitely go on a warpath against his former partner.
I always love heels playing the victim, like their actions are justified. It's so true to life. That said, I also love when heels are just all-out mean and do bad things because they can.
I do really wonder how Eddie's going to make it after Davey retires. I assume this is to put Eddie over so he might be able to make it on his own.
Fine brawl.
I'm glad Eddie wants a fight instead of a by-golly five-star match.
- Sutter/Bennett:
This is occasionally funny when they don't overdo the number of segments.
- Hardys En Mexico:
I love this. It's so ridiculous.
New venues are what this angle needed. They had burned out the regular characters and the previous places of conflict.
- Van Ness/Allie/Maria:
Oh my God I love Allie. This is pretty funny.
A wrestling wedding? What could go wrong!?
- Kingston vs. Godderz:
Glad we're seeing Kingston get a shot in a televised promotion.
This is pretty good. Both men have skill.
I like the story here. Godderz is the pretty clean-wrestling athlete, and Kingston is the rough brawler you do NOT want to mess with.
Wow. A little surprised at that result. I assume we're in for some 50-50 booking where he gets his ass kicked by DCC.
- Post-match:
Lol. Watch Jessie son all three members in singles competition and Impact still try to push them as a threat.
- Bachelor Party:
What the fuck am I watching? Clearly they're having a lot of fun with all this.
- Bachelorette Party:
Hahahahaha. I love the dichotomy between Allie and Sienna. They should quite with these segments while they're ahead, though.
- Fact of Life:
I bet Eli's going to sucker Tyrus in with a fake injury. That's what you do when you're not a dummy, yeah.
Drake's a pretty natural heel.
Yeah, DCC is at times a group you don't want to run afoul of.
Great, they're already splitting these two up? I do like Eli's arrogance here.
Ooooh. Yeah, Drake, don't bite off more than you can chew.
That was pretty good.
- Konnan/Hardys En Mexico:
I expect to see plenty of Konnan if Impact continues to work with his promotion.
I mean, the Hardys are pretty loaded already.
Hahahaha funny ending.
- Bachelorette Party:
OK, time to wrap this up. I'd actually rather see a Shera match than another segment here. We've gotten the point by now.
- More Hardys En Mexico:
That really awkward moment when you want to show footage from a match but it features people under contract to LU. They did about the best they could there.
This might be the craziest thing I've ever seen in wrestling.
Cool to see Psychosis and Super Crazy again.
This is awesome.
What are they even going to DO with all those titles?
I can only imagine what insanity awaits next week!
- Brooke vs. Sienna:
I like a good fight!
Heck, Brooke doesn't seem rusty at all.
Sienna's pretty solid.
I feel bad for Sienna if she can't win even with Maria's help.
Nice enough ending, although Sienna hardly looks like a dominant force now.
- Bachelor Party:
Stop the pain!!
I really hope that's the last of these segments.
- Drake backstage:
Wow, that's pretty extreme.
- Lashley/Barnett:
Man, Lashley's a pretty dominant guy.
WHOA. Wait, what!??? Didn't see that one coming.
So I guess Barnett's here to be something of a sparring partner? I can live with that.
This could be a lot of fun.
I look forward to seeing someone who might actually be able to hang with Lashley in his own area of expertise.
Oh, I'm ready for this one.
- Bachelor Party:
OK, at least there might be a payoff of the Bennetts splitting or something. That would make some of this worth it.
- Edwards vs. Richards:
Oh this is fun already.
Davey's pretty fired up!
I'm liking the brutality on display.
Davey really loves his wife, huh?
HOLY SHIT what a chairshot to Eddie's face. That was pretty gnarly.
This is some Attitude Era shit.
Oh, man! Angelina came prepared with those handcuffs!
This is the most I've cared about any of these people in a long time. They're telling a great story of violence.
OH MY GOD. I haven't seen a Conchairto in a long time. Probably gor good reason.
Even the ref isn't safe!!
Now THAT's how you end a show. Very big angle.
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