Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Steph/Mick/Joe/Reigns:
The best way to kill off a hot new talent is to make him secondary to a feud between two non-wrestlers. Way to get off the wrong fucking foot.
I really like Joe throwing Foley's endorsement of him in his face. Foley put Joe over 10 years ago in one of his books and during his TNA run, but obviously didn't "sign him" for Raw.
I'm excited for Joe vs. Rollins when it does take place.
Reigns is played by a Samoan named Joe. Mind BLOWN.
Roman not backing down!
Wow, jumping right to Joe vs. Reigns, huh? Makes me wonder if Reigns has a chance to replace Rollins against HHH at WM33. The talk had been Reigns vs. Taker and HHH vs. Shane.
- Nia vs. Bayley:
Yeah, Bayley. You've got an uphill battle there.
Bayley's resourcefulness coming in handy here.
I love a good submission spot.
This is pretty good.
One doesn't beat Nia as much as survive her. I'm totally OK with Bayley trying to get the countout win. That said, I can see how it would be taken as a cowardly move.
Charlotte here to rub salt into the wound.
Nice ending.
- Braun vs. Bonan/Pelley/Wallace/Stock:
I don't think I've seen anyone beat four men in a squash match.
Ahhh, this is fun.
I love the fear they're showing. It's like they're facing Frankenstein's monster!
- Braun/Foley:
I'd watch Braun vs. Cactus Jack in his prime. That would be something.
I'm ready for Roman vs. Strowman. Should be pretty insane.
- Tozawa vs. Gulak:
Nice back-and-forth so far.
Gulak always goes down swinging/striking/grappling.
Tozawa can kick ass for a small guy. Hopefully he does better in WWE than "Kaval" did.
Pretty impressive.
NICE ending.
- Post-match:
I have a feeling we're in for Kendrick/Gulak vs. Tozawa/Tajiri. I don't blame Brian for not wanting to be on Akira's bad side.
- JeriKO/Goldberg:
I'm back to mostly liking this duo. We haven't seen them 1,000 times tonight, so maybe that's a sign people realize they're overexposed.
Interesting tease from Chris.
Owens ducking Jericho is also interesting.
Dude. Goldberg could beat both these guys.
Goldberg must have gotten tired of waiting for that announcement so he just came out and did it. Surely Twitter would have been fine?
Funny to insist Brock vs. Goldberg won't headline WM33.
Goldberg wanting to get right down to business. I like that.
OH SHIT. You can't just take Chris' list like that!!!
There's some real history between Y2J and Goldberg, including a backstage encounter that's been spun to mythic proportions like Y2J/Brock has.
Funny misdirection from Chris.
So, Kevin's just going to go along with putting his title on the line at Fastlane?
It's kind of a shame Owens vs. Jericho will end up being shifted down the card to being a U.S. Title match, but I'm sure I'll be sick of them by that point and be OK with them not being the center of attention.
Ahhh, I guess this is going to be what finally sets them on course to face off at WM33. I wonder how long Jericho will keep working after that event.
- Club vs. Sheamus/Cesaro:
Ha. Anderson stealing Cesaro's shtick there.
Fine action so far. I like a good fight feel to things.
I'm really liking the team of Sheamus and Cesaro. They blend together pretty well.
Solid outing from both teams.
I'm guessing we're in for a triple threat tag match at Fastlane.
- Rollins update:
Yeah, I'd definitely have a backup plan in mind with that prognosis. Maybe they could do a tag match or something? I really don't want to see Rollins vs. HHH stretched out to Summerslam.
- New Day promo:
I really wonder what the genesis was for this resort gimmick. It's pretty terrible.
I would pop if Emmalina has been at the resort all this time, though.
Remember in 2011 when everyone thought WWE ice cream bars were imminent and it never happened?
- Xavier/Big E vs. S. Stars:
I pretty much always like New Day as wrestlers.
Guys like the Stars and Ascension are lucky WWE has two tag divisions to fill. Sheesh.
Primo and Epico are fine wrestlers; there's just not much interesting about them anymore.
Still holding out hope for a Big E singles push.
- JeriKO backstage:
At least Y2J wants to put Sami over.
Just counting down until they split up.
- HoF induction:
I did not see that one coming at all. Glad the team is being honored, though.
- Y2J vs. Zayn:
These two mirror each other pretty well. I wouldn't be surprised if Sami more or less follows Jericho's footsteps career-wise as far as being a reliable player rather than "the guy." Nothing inherently wrong with that role; not everyone can be the star. A supporting staff is important to have.
Zayn's just at another level as an athlete. Nothing generic here.
Sami showing everything he can do.
I love Jericho and Owens taking care of a mutual foe.
This is pretty good!
Pretty good psychology/"chess" going on here.
NICE ending. Good work from both men.
- Sasha/Charlotte:
This is the feud that will never end! One or the other needs to be drafted this summer and get some fresh opponents.
Nice dis from the champ.
- Lots of cruiserweights:
Interesting contender's match. Why five people?
Neville carrying himself like a top guy without a care in the world. I like it.
Aries vs. Neville at Mania? I'd watch it.
Hahahaha Noam just rubbing it in.
I wouldn't mind TJP being pushed again before too much longer.
And of course it turns into cool flippy moves.
Hahahahaha Neville not playing that BS.
- Emmalina video:
FINALLY! Why the heck have they waited so long!!??!?!??
- Neville/Nese/Dar vs. Gallagher/Cedric/TJP:
I like Neville being a class all his own. He doesn't care if you're a "fellow heel."
This is pretty fun so far.
I'm liking the Noam/Neville dynamic.
Things are disintegrating here.
Fine win for the babyfaces.
- JeriKO again:
So, does Owens wait until after Fastlane to attack Jericho?
- Joe vs. Reigns:
OH SHIT. Joe taking no prisoners. Ambrose better watch out.
Glad to see Joe arriving in a big way. I hope he gets to do a lot of good things on the main roster.
Reigns bringing the fight right back to him.
Oh I'm liking this. Just an all-out brawl.
This is pretty good.
I was wondering when we'd see Braun.
Samoa Joe just beat Roman Reigns. Let that sink in for a second.
- Post-match:
Solid ass-kicking.
I hope Reigns and Strowman have a big Falls Count Anywhere match or something.
GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY what an ending to the show.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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