Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Bryan/Miz/Maryse/Corbin/Ambrose/AJ:
Good to see Daniel in a WWE ring in his hometown for a positive reason.
Miz basically owns Daniel Bryan at this point.
Miz going hard on his former rookie.
That was a pretty good comeback, although of course Miz has won over a lot of critics of his wrestling ability with his work lately.
Hahahahah Miz has pretty nuclear heat here.
Corbin more or less a face for interrupting Miz.
Nice work all around here.
Deadpan Snarker Bryan is the best.
Not AJ's best.
That makes a lot more sense than a TAG. TEAM. MATCH.
- AJ vs. Corbin vs. Ambrose vs. Miz:
Miz trying to take the easy way out. Good times.
Pretty fun start.
Solid work.
Springboard moves are risky for a reason!
I'm liking the chaos.
Nice rollup spots.
Good Tower of Doom spot. They generally make most sense in a match like this rather than a tag match.
Good work all around!
NICE moonsault spot out of the rebound clothesline setup.
Good save by Maryse.
WHOA. Big win for the Lone Wolf.
- Harper promo:
I'm liking Luke as a singles act again.
That should be a pretty good match.
- Nikki/Natalya:
This is really trying too hard.
Oh come on. Nikki's been a good wrestler for quite a while now.
Not believable at all.
Ooooohhh at least the shot at Cena not having kids with Nikki was good. This whole thing's just a Total Divas/Total Bellas ad.
OK, that ending line was good, even if they've totally ignored Tyson Kidd for a long time.
- Ziggler vs. Crews:
Pretty good so far. Ziggler actually has something to prove now.
HAHAHAHAAHA Did Ziggler piss someone off backstage or something?
- Post-match:
I'd be taking out my frustrations too if I lost like a chump like Ziggler just did.
At least Ziggler can beat up cruiserweights.
Not bad, but it's more of a case of Dolph moving down the card than elevating Kalisto or Crews.
- Ziggler/Bryan:
It will be weird if Dolph can beat both of them after his struggles with each individually.
- Dual Contract Signing:
Mickie going IN on these whippersnappers who don't know her legacy.
Mickie deserves to be remembered for what she did years back.
Nice promo from Mickie (re-)establishing who she is.
Oooooohhhh Becky firing back.
Nice comeback. Mickie vs. Becky should be pretty good.
Alexa's mean girl act is great.
OOOOOOHHHHH Naomi not even worth remembering by the champ.
Hey, Naomi could surprise the overconfident Little Miss Bliss.
Good fight segment.
- 12-man tag:
Yeah I don't see this ending with everyone as friends.
Good to see the Vaudevillains in action again. With no Superstars around, some names are just kind of floating around.
Gable and Jordan are quite the solid pairing.
Fine action all around so far.
Ha. This is a mess for the heel side.
I'd like to see more of these tag teams in action on Smackdown and fewer Total Divas-related segments.
This is pretty fun.
Wait, The Ascension just got a win!!??? That hasn't happened since late September in another big multi-team clash.
- Cena vs. Orton:
I'm pleasantly surprised the whole show wasn't built around this match.
While we all got tired of seeing them face off, they work together really well.
Yeah, be careful around Bray, Cena. I hope "SuperCena" has been toned down in 2017.
Good counter-wrestling.
Nice work from both sides.
Cena's strength is unbelievable.
NICE spot with Bray concerned Orton wouldn't kick out of the AA.
BIG DDT from Randy there. Jeez.
Ha. They need some less fragile refs!
NICE deception by Luke. He learned from his Family well.
Good stuff.
-- 205 Live:
- Nese out:
That's unfortunate. Tony had really been a workhorse for the division.
- Mustafa vs. Ariya:
The winner of this really has their work cut out for them in the main event.
Good action to start.
I would have been fine getting a countout win ahead of a five-man elimination match. It's not going to be easy!
Both men adapting to the WWE environment fine.
Pretty impressive! That finisher is SICK.
- Metalik video:
I assume he's had a hold up in getting settled in the U.S. that's all taken care of now. I wish him the best in WWE.
- Kendrick promo:
I'm loving the reinvention of Brian Kendrick.
- Kendrick vs. Dorado:
Brian can't beat Lince if he can't catch him!
Lince's very impressive.
Good story being told here instead of just flip-flip-flip.
Nice action going on here.
Heck, Lince might have him!
That's the problem with big top rope moves. Your opponent has a lot of time to counter them.
Good ending!
- Kendrick/Tajiri:
I'm liking this. Brian's such a weasel.
Tajiri did more with zero words and some mist than some people can do with 15 minutes in the ring.
- Neville promo:
He's being built quite well as the final boss of the cruiserweights. I hope WM33 doesn't see a big spotfest for the division; that would defeat the point of the rebranding of 205 Live as not just being flippy moves.
Neville not holding back with his thoughts on his fellow cruisers.
Good overall. All hail the king!
- Gallagher vs. Dar vs. Cedric vs. Mustafa vs. TJP:
-- Fall One:
Well that was an odd start.
Funny stuff with Noam the loudmouth.
Hahaha no one likes Noam.
This is a lot of fun with bodies flying everywhere.
NICE big back body drop.
Hahahahahah I love Jack.
Nice stretch to the first elimination. I'll miss Noam.
-- Fall Two:
YESSSS I miss the C4.
Cedric's definitely very talented athletically.
HAHAHAHHA Noam not going out quietly.
Good of TJ to take advantage like that.
-- Fall Three:
Interesting teamwork.
That inverted 450 always blows my mind.
Again, TJ capitalizing well.
-- Fall Four:
This has been good so far.
TJP's submission work on point as always.
NICE continuity with the headstand not working.
That would have been a pretty funny ending for Jack.
Not bad at all!
- Post-match:
The UK is well represented in the title hunt.
More wrestling coming up.
Chamber predictions:
ReplyDelete- Mojo on Kickoff. I don't really see any reason to do otherwise.
- Alexa. Why change the title before WM33?
- Becky/Mickie is something of a tossup. Maybe Alexa costs Becky the match? They're going to need at least one viable babyface female for Mania, and I don't really see them doing Alexa vs. Mickie one-on-one.
- Nikki to end the feud.
- I'm going with Alpha retaining the titles and facing Revival at WM33. They're in a tough position there. Either Jordan and Gable beat every potential challenger or we see a fluke win with Alpha on the hunt for WM33.
- Hopefully Ziggler can get the win. Him losing and beating people with a chair again is a meh idea. I'd be down for him teaming with Jack Swagger or Baron Corbin next since he's out of both singles title pictures.
- Orton over Luke unless they want to set a triple threat for WM33 (which would actually be pretty cool).
- Bray is expected to win the Chamber to face Orton.