Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Bray/Cena/Styles/Bryan:
It's weird seeing Bray all on his own, but it's great to see him as WWE Champion. I'm glad some enw faces are holding titles.
Ah I'm liking this run already. Finally he's a top force!
Good stuff.
"Hey champ. I'm ready for number 17."
I like John getting right to the point instead of making silly jokes.
AJ has every reason to be upset at not getting a one-on-one rematch from the Rumble.
Yeah, Cena stepping right in and getting a title match was pretty lame.
If only Bryan could be involved in this from a physical standpoint.
A triple threat works for me! Should be pretty great.
- A. Alpha vs. Ascension:
If The Revival heads to Smackdown, some of these teams are screwed.
Gable just sonning Viktor here.
Fun work so far.
Well this has lasted longer than I expected.
I like The Ascension well enough, even though they never win anything.
Jordan's a house of fire. Glad this team is doing so well.
Good stuff.
- Usos promo:
I'm ready for this clash. Both sides are really good.
- Carmellsworth/Ambrose/Bryan:
Poor James. Is he a stand-in for the WWE Universe?
Oh, no. We're in for a whole night of wacky Dean shenanigans, aren't we?
Poochie the IC Champion.
Hahaahah James doesn't want any part of this!
I like James' character. I'm glad he's not as exposed as he was.
- Corbin/Ambrose:
I'm ready for a big brawl with these two at Mania.
The IC Title becoming something of a hardcore title works for me.
- Bryan/Nikki/Natalya:
This just keeps on going...
Good idea, Bryan. Have them brawl outside the arena and lock them out so we don't have to see any more of this.
- Baron interview:
This could set up something pretty wild.
- Dolph interview:
Ha. I'd be OK with someone replacing Ziggler. At least take a year off to do something fresh and new. Pull a Chris Hero or Drew Galloway if you will.
I'm OK with this angle. Hopefully it leads to some new names being showcased, and/or a Swagger/Ziggler team. Talk about two talented workers really hitting a wall right now.
- Becky vs. Mickie:
It's great to have a spry veteran added to the division.
Nice chain wrestling here.
Mickie definitely knows how to be an effective heel.
Becky doing her best against someone with a lot of experience.
This is pretty good so far!
I loved Mickie trying to use Becky's move against her.
I'm loving the story here.
Hahahaha poor Becky always gets suckered into shit.
Good action all around.
- Naomi/Alexa:
Naomi could be in for the biggest push of her career.
OK, Glow Worm got be laughing.
I love Alexa as a heel.
Ahhhh this is good.
Nice setup for next week. Naomi was good and Alexa was great. Heels generally get to have more fun.
- TJP promo:
Man. TJ was champ three whole title reigns ago.
- Bray/Harper:
Luke isn't going to let his other Family members outshine him without a fight!
- Bray vs. Cena vs. AJ:
This is good already.
I definitely want to see an AJ/Bray feud at some point.
Yeah, I'm getting tired of the five moves of doom, too.
Wow. Lots of big moves not leading to the match ending. Let's not get too ROH here, guys.
GOOD GAWD what a frog splash!!
Well we're going to see that table not breaking on Botchamania.
I love the forearm being countered to an AA.
Way to no-sell the AA.... these guys are all talented, but finisher spam is WAY out of hand.
I'm liking the action, but WWWWWAAAYYYYYYY too many finishers not actually being finishers.
Phew. Finally. Hopefully Bray's title reign lasts longer than Cena's.
- Bray/Orton:
This is weird. I wouldn't have expected Randy to submit like that. But surely no one's as devious as the Viper? I bet he's suckering Bray in.
OR after Goldberg beats Owens, he has to face Bray because Goldberg vs. Brock is already booked. Either way, I hope we're in for a triple threat from the Wyatts.
-- 205 Live:
- Swann promo:
Hahahahahaha Alicia's pretty popular on this show!
- Swann vs. Dar:
Good work to start.
I'm enjoying this one so far.
Hahahaha Noam's dancing.
Both men are quite solid for their ages.
Good counter to Noam's uppercuts.
Swann has impressive moves.
Good counter to the ankle lock. Only Angle can do that in WWE!
I guess Alicia's not down with being Rich's valentine.
Noam's quite the competitor. He's got experienced instincts.
Nice ending!
- TJP/Neville interview:
I like that Neville put over the big CWC win but noted TJ didn't have to face the King.
Ooooooh that ankle jab.
This is great! Pretty natural trash talk.
- Metalik interview:
"Golly gee I'm here to win and show you my cool moves!" Babyface promos are really lacking in 2017.
- Metalik vs. Gulak:
Drew's not about to be outshone by the new guy.
I like what both guys bring to the table, and the contrast inherent there.
Both men bringing good action here.
Metalik's definitely really agile. I'm glad he's here.
The Metalik Driver is SCARY.
- Kendrick/Tozawa:
I mean, Brian has been cruiserweight champion. Tozawa could learn from a successful veteran!
Can't wait for this match.
- Neville vs. TJP:
These are two top level athletes.
This is already awesome. They make it look easy.
I'm liking what both of them are bringing here.
Not much to say beyond WOW.
I like TJP's versatility. He excels at a lot of things.
This is just incredible!
Good ending. I liked that all around.
- Neville/Gallagher:
Neville has no time for your shit.
You do NOT toss Jack's umbrella!!!
More wrestling coming up.
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