-- Main Event:
General note: I'd like to see Smackdown get a match on this show every other week or so. Jack Swagger and some of the tag teams could use the screen time and it means we don't see the same few matches over and over.
- Cara vs. Dallas:
I still love Bo Dallas. He's such a natural goofball.
Sin Cara's a solid worker.
I liked the big neckbreaker.
Basic work, but effective.
SC would be fine in the cruiserweight division, although I think he'd blend in with Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado.
SC doing a lot for a match not a ton of people are watching.
Fine ending.
- TJP/Cedric vs. Nese/Dar:
Nice start.
These guys are adapting to WWE well enough.
I like TJ using submissions.
Nese is impressive, too. I like how he gets out of the stereotypical "flippy" cruiserweight mold.
NICE spot with Noam putting in the armbar.
Pretty fun ending sequence. I'm enjoying the cruiserweight division.
A George Steele collection has been added to WWE Network, as is fitting.
Natalya looked at life for a WWE star on the road. That's one of the biggest stressors on the job.
Kelly Kelly hinted she'll be involved in a WWE Hall of Fame induction. Interesting. Not really sure how she'll fit into all that.
DDP footage has been added to the 2017 Hall of Fame collection on WWE Network. I'm glad he's being honored in such a way.
WWE has announced six-man tag matches featuring UK talents for Smackdown live events in the UK this May. I expect they'll do something similar for Raw shows in the area shortly. I hope this means good things for the selected UK talents and for WWE in the area.
Impact Wrestling's creative team going forward will be led by Jeff Jarrett and feature Dutch Mantel and Scott D'Amore, with assistance from Abyss, Jeremy Borash, and Rockstar Spud. I assume Abyss will be something of a producer for the matches. No official word on Matt Conway's status.
Alberto El Patron had been in negotiations to work with Impact Wrestling, with plans for him to debut at the first tapings of 2017. With the new creative regime, the decision has been made not to bring Alberto in. While he's certainly a great talent, I can see why Impact would be hesitant to spend big money on someone with his recent issues outside the ring.
LU's first two seasons will hit Netflix on March 15. That should hopefully be a big deal for the group. They're somewhat in limbo right now as far as moving ahead with season four, doing more live events, etc.
Christopher Daniels talked ahead of main eventing ROH's 15th anniversary PPV:
- I expect a LOT of "You Deserve It" chants/comments if Daniels takes the belt. I'll agree with them.
- Umm, Daniels worked for Impact for more than ten years.
- The story has often been either "Daniels doesn't need the title; he's already over" or "Daniels doesn't want to be World Champion"
- I wonder what the ROH Title picture would look like if O'Reilly hadn't bailed.
- At Daniels' age, the argument can be made he's there for the Kane/Mark Henry role of guy who's there to work with the younger names so they can have long careers themselves.
- I'd like to think Daniels could get on as a trainer in WWE if things don't go well in ROH. That said, he's going to do his best to keep ROH viable. I wouldn't be shocked at all to see him end up booking things.
- Impact could definitely have former names do an invasion from ROH angle. If Daniels wins the title, he could show up and bury the company for never believing in him, etc.
- I'm very interested to see where Joe will be at WM33. I'd be more than OK with HHH being in his corner instead of wrestling himself, but I don't see that happening.
Impact Wrestling drew 275,000 viewers this week, notably down from what they had been doing. That's not a good number for the big wedding angle and Josh Barnett in the ring. Weddings almost always draw in wrestling, and Barnett has crossover appeal. The new creative team has a long road ahead of it getting the audience up.
Big Show discussed facing Shaq and more:
- Man, Show's pretty ripped. Glad to see it.
- Different workouts are good for different things. It's a good approach to focus on certain areas at a time.
- WWE needs to do a documentary on Show's weight loss.
- Pretty inspiring words from Big Show. I'm glad he's made that progress, and hope others do the same.
- Shaq has been working out, although probably not at the big level Show is. I do wonder what WWE's backup plan is if for some reason Shaq is off the table.
Raven's podcast will debut Monday. Jericho's got a pretty good gig going with the podcasts. He could have retired from wrestling some time ago and been fine.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. The idea is still there, even if the execution hasn't quite lived up to expectations as far as part-timers' appearances go. We'll see if that changes if/when Angle comes back and any other part-timers show up.
2. I'm cautiously optimistic they'll use 205 Live as a place for him to really show what he can do, like the big names who get sent to NXT before the main roster. 205 Live could use the star power, and there's nothing to say he won't eventually move up to wrestling on Raw or Smackdown (as he should).
3. I wish we would have gotten Awesome in WWE, but given how the ECW brand ended up for most originals, I can't say it would have gone much differently for him.
4. I wouldn't rule it out! If they don't split Mania into two nights, they could do another "Takeover" like special with future international brands all having a card together.
5. I haven't seen anything about him in a while. As far as I know, he's still in a lot of pain.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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