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Monday, June 5, 2017

Extreme Rules Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw brand WWE Network special event.

-- Kickoff:
- Nia on the panel:
I hope we see Bayley go crazy tonight.

Man, Nia going hard on Bayley here.

- Hardys interview:
Interesting implication of them finishing their careers in WWE. I wonder how long they'll be able to keep doing bumps there, especially after Jeff's motorbike accident.

- Kalisto vs. Apollo:
I really hope Crews gets to show off his skills here.

Kalisto's acrobatically impressive.

Good work so far.

So, Titus vs. Crews at GBOF?

I'm enjoything this one.

Man, tough run for Apollo. I would have thought he'd be a big hit.

- Angle on the panel:
Brock's been built as such a threat someone has to beat four other guys to be a believable opponent.

Brock vs. Angle has been incredible in the past.

-- Extreme Rules:
- Ambrose vs. Miz:
This one should have a good story.

If Miz can win the title early without a pinfall or submission, good for him!!

Fine so far.

I'm liking the story being told. Miz is a solid, experienced worker.

Dean does what he does pretty well.

This is pretty goodso far.

That was a nice powerbomb spot, and I hope the turnbuckle plays into the ending.

Man. Dean's itching for that hardcore action.

Nice figure four spot from Ambrose.

These two are working together pretty well. Both men have their working boots on.

Hahaha I love Miz's strategy here.

Finally a champion I can be proud of!!

- Bayley interview:
Glad to see Bayley pull something out from down deep.

- Swann/Sasha vs. Noam/Alicia:
Alicia in no mood to face the Boss.

Ha. Dar saving his woman there.

Swann showing off in his hometown. Cool to see him get this stage.

Alicia and Sasha not clicking here.

Fun when it's Sasha, Noam, and Swann.

Good ending.

- Elias promo:

Guess they needed to fill some time. I wonder if the previous match went a little short or something.

- Alexa vs. Bayley:
I'm ready for some stick action. This hasn't been a very extreme Extreme Rules...

I wonder if they accidentally brought the stick down early.

Man, they're holding off on actually using that stick when other matches have about 500 shots.

Wow. I figured Bayley would get some heat on the champ with the kendo stick after Bliss destroyed her on Raw's segment.

Man! Bayley just can't catch a break here.

That was OK, I guess. I was wanting a lot more, and that was begging to be booked as Bayley tearing into the champ only for Alexa to get the win. Bayley'd get her heat back only for the champ to outsmart her. Not very extreme...

- Hardys vs. Sheamus/Cesaro:
So how long until a crazy dive from Jeff?

This is pretty fun so far.


I like the heel team. Cesaro in particular is better in a team.

Why stop Jeff? He was probably going to dive back in regardless!

Uh-oh, Jeff. I don't know if that was the right move.

I like Jeff trying to help Matt here. He might need to call Reby or Senor Benjamin, though. I would pop SO HARD for Vanguard-1or Maxel doing a run-in.

NICE Razor's Edge.

Sheamus and Cesaro can destroy Matt and get the win AH LOVE IT MAGGLE.

This is good.

I'm liking this action overall.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH Jeff's like fuck this I'm helping my brother out.

Brothah NERO back to his spot monkey ways!

Very surprised the Hardy nostalgia tour went to a title loss that soon. I expected them holding the title until at least Summerslam.

- Neville vs. Aries:
Good work early.

Both men doing solid submission-focused work here.

Got to have a DIVE.

Aries is definitely a really hard worker. I'm very impressed.

I love the strategy on display here.

This is solid!

NICE counter to the Figure Four.

I love Neville's Rings of Saturn. He's a tough SOB to be so small.

Umm it's not like you can be DQ'd in this match. Why the rope break??

NICE counter into Aries' own Rings of Saturn. This is good.


This is a solid story.

Really cool choke on the ropes.

I love a good submission match.

This Last Chancery spot is AWESOME.

Oh man, that was a good false ending on the outside.

Good action all around here.

That was a really good ending. I'm shocked that Neville retained. Who's next for him to wrestle?

- Reigns vs. Joe vs. Bray vs. Balor vs. Rollins:
Oh this is going to be fun. A big grudge match.

Kind of funny to see two Samoans trying to hit the Samoan Drop on each other.

This is fun. Everyone's really solid.

Dives everywhere!

I'm liking all these guys.

I wouldn't mind another Seth/Brock match. No Taker to get involved this time.

I like when Bray works like a beast.

This is really good.

I'm liking all the oneupsmanship.

Joe/Bray is pretty interesting here.

I was starting to wonder where Roman was.

I'm liking Roman using a chokeslam. I'd pop if he took Taker's other signature moves. It's not like Kane's really doing them.

Reigns works hard as hell. If he wasn't "Vince's guy," I'd like to think he'd get a better shake from the online fans. It's definitely much more about "sticking it to Vince" or being contrarian than anything else.

I'm really enjoying all the chaos here. I'm getting Attitude Era vibes.

Seth has some insane stamina.

NICE double blockbuster. Seth is the man.

HAHAHAHAHA Bray suckering Joe.

Bray winning with Sister Abigail on Seth would have been clever.

NICE counter to the Coquina Clutch.


This is just crazy. All-out madness.


HOLY SHIT. All five men are just taking it to a high level here.

This is just unreal. Carnage after carnage.

Cool to see the two Shield guys face off. I wish Dean would have succeeded like these two are.

Roman winning after countering the Pedigree would have really been special.

How is anyone going to survive this one???????

NICE counter to the spear by Balor.

That was a pretty genius ending. Worthy of a "fight forever" chant. Everyone really knocked it out of the park in that one.

More wrestling coming up.

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