-- Main Event:
- Hawkins vs. Axel:
I wouldn't mind Axel winning with the Perfectplex right there. It's not like this match means anything.
Fine basic stuff here.
Pretty much filling time here.
Hawkins trying to chew some scenery.
Axel is a pretty impressive athlete, and Hawkins is a good hand.
Fine enough.
- Ariya vs. Metalik:
Well that was rude, Ariya!!
Good feeling out early.
Gran does some really wild bouncing and jumping.
This is basically just showing what Metalik can do and Ariya playing the foil.
Solid enough here.
I like the agility from Gran.
Surprising ending! Fine while it lasted.
ROH will give 500 fans the new Young Bucks DVD at their next TV taping. That would seem to suggest ticket sales are slow a week away.
On next week's Impact Wrestling:
- Alberto El Patron & James Storm vs. Lashley & Ethan Carter III
- Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Suicide vs. Trevor Lee vs. Braxton Sutter
- KM vs. Mahabali Shera
- Rosemary & Allie vs. Sienna & Laurel Van Ness
WWE has officially announced Mexico's Princesa Sugehit, New Zealand's Toni Storm, Sarah Logan, and Lacey Evans for the Mae Young Classic. Interestingly, Sugehit is currently working CMLL.
Impact Wrestling and NOAH are doing a tryout in Canada on July 7 and 8, with one attendee getting a developmental contract at Impact and another working NOAH. We could see more of this kind of thing given Jeff Jarrett's connection to Scott D'Amore and his wrestling school.
Impact Wrestling is posting some of their earliest episodes on YouTube to promote Fight Network's app. A big part of Anthem buying the company was getting access to 15 years worth of content.
Hype Bros vs. the Colons has been added to the Kickoff show for Money in the Bank. So, it looks like Zack and Mojo will remain a team for the time being.
A UK business owner has challenged WWE to settle a trademark dispute in the ring. That's amazing! WWE would only get him more business and encourage imitators if they responded in a "sports entertainment" manner but I'd love to see Vince cut a promo on him and send some wrestlers to beat him up. "YOU WANNA PLAY, PAL!?"
Brock Lesnar is set for the August 28 Raw in Tennessee. As much as I generally like seeing Brock, I don't think I'd be upset if he called it a career at WM34.
New Southpaw Regional Wrestling episodes are on the way, as WWE was filming material for them recently. Those were pretty amazing. I hope they have more fun coming with this batch of footage.
Impact drew 327,000 viewers Thursday. The Indian tapings are doing well, audience-wise.
Daniel Bryan will appear on Smackdown Tuesday. I hope they do something important with Jinder or someone to make the non-wrestler's presence meaningful.
WWE is teasing Seth Rollins will make a major announcement on SportsCenter before Raw. I have a feeling it will be something to do with WWE 2K18 debuting a trailer during Raw, but it could be totally unrelated.
At a Raw live event in Ontario:
- R-Truth teamed with Kalisto to beat Goldust and Titus O'Neil, which is kind of an odd combination on both sides. I wouldn't assume either pair will be together on TV.
- Apollo Crews worked as a face to beat Elias Samson. The Titus Brand was not together on this show.
- Neville beat Akira Tozawa, so Akira's next in line for the title.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. An announcement should be coming soon, perhaps at the next big conference call. I'm under the impression WWE's still figuring out all it's all going to work.
2. It doesn't look like he's doing much wrestling at all these days.
3. Given how that film was received and how small his role was, I can't say I fault them in hindsight.
4. Absolutely insane stuff.
Nothing to add to 5, other than I also wondered if the name came from the cartoon.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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