Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Dream vs. Lun:
I like what Velveteen brings to the table. Everyone else is trying to hit the hardest or be the fastest; it's smart to go in a different direction.
Fine basic work here.
Not bad for where these two are in development.
- Asuka/Cross:
Wow. Nikki's really got it out for the champ!
This main event should be INSANE.
- Regal/Machinery/Authors/Ellering:
Good luck keeping that wall of humanity from destroying your office, Regal!
That tag match should be pretty fun. I'm loving the Authors. I'm hoping they face reDRagon or someone else big in Brooklyn. That could tear the house down.
- Itami vs. Lorcan:
Oney's pretty upset about that whole "three GTSes" thing.
Well that was intense while it lasted.
- Roode/Strong video:
I'm liking this side of Roddy. I'm VERY glad they didn't just do "hey you know this guy from ROH. He's wrestling here now." If only they'd do that on the main roster when people come up from NXT.
I love Bobby as a heel. So much fun.
Wow. More important than anything in ROH? That's saying something, Roddy.
I like this a lot. Classic babyface/heel stuff without either side trying too hard or coming across as fake.
- Itami vs. Lorcan again:
I'm surprised they didn't just edit it into one match or drop the first one, but hey, whatever.
I love the intensity. Good to see Hideo step it up in that department.
This is fine so far.
Both men are really good at what they do.
Man, what if Oney won by referee stoppage twice in one night!??!?
I like Hideo avoiding the GTS at all cost.
Oh, wait, maybe he'll lose by referee stoppage to go one-to-one for the night.
BRUTAL GTS. I like this side of Hideo.
- Itami/Kassius/SAnitY:
Umm, Nikki, don't you have something else to get ready for tonight?
Glad to see SAnitY doing their thing again.
Does EY need a plan other than "chaos?"
This is pretty fun.
- Cross vs. Asuka:
This is already fun.
Both of them just colliding like wild animals.
I like the feel of this one. It's not about being the better wrestler. They're out for blood.
This one's going to be memorable.
I really miss the hardcore division. Just good ol' crazy fights with weapons.
Good God those kicks to the trash can.
Asuka is absolutely lethal. She doesn't even need weapons here.
That knee to Nikki off the apron was insane.
How many chairs are out here????
I'm waiting for an insane bump on 59483 chairs.
I'm loving this action with the chairs.
They're giving us a fitting finale to this feud.
These two are insane.
This is some Godzilla/King Kong kind of warfare.
The war just keeps on going!
That German suplex off the ramp would have been scary as hell.
Asuka kicking out a light was good.
Both women putting on a hardcore clinic here.
They're setting up something crazy with this table.
That was one hell of a crazy fight.
- Post-match:
This is some horror movie kind of shit.
-- ROH:
- Cody/Daniels:
Cody's absolutely the right guy to lead ROH in 2017. The company needs to show it's not just a stepping-stone to NXT. Cody is a hot act, and I'm glad they didn't sacrifice him to continue Daniels' "thank you" reign. As deserving as Daniels was for that, this was the right opportunity for a change.
I like Daniels' tenacity here. He's not just going to fade back into being another "good hand" veteran.
Oh, I'm liking this. ROH can be really good when it's disciplined.
Even the refs aren't safe!
This is good chaos. Most ROH TV seems like filler, but this was big.
I'm excited for the rematch.
- J. Briscoe promo:
Jay's intense.
- J. Briscoe vs. J. Woods:
Glad to see Josh doing well against the decorated ROH veteran.
Nice to see someone fresh step up and deliver.
I like the combination of the two styles here.
Hey, Josh works hard, but Briscoe's been around the block for a reason.
Briscoe tearing him up! MMA didn't prepare him for a brawl outside the ring.
I'm liking the work between these two. Josh is game.
This is going pretty well. I like seeing Woods getting this chance to shine.
Fine match. I can see why the former ROH Champion beat the rookie. Josh looked more than fine in defeat.
- Cheeseburger/Ferrara video:
They've got their work cut out for them making me care about Will Ferrara and this feud.
- Bucks promo:
Time for some spots!
- Bucks vs. C2C vs. T. Boyz:
I wish we would have gotten Hardy Boyz vs. Tempura Boyz, but alas.
You know how it goes. Moves and stuff all over the place.
Really impressive German spot. The Bucks do some amazing things.
Fun stunts. 7 2/9* so far.
As a silly video game match, it's doing its job.
Entertaining double Tombstone counter.
That was a pretty wild ending.
- Kenny vs. M. Briscoe vs. Bruiser vs. Sabin:
I like a random multi-man match here and there.
Enjoyable chaos so far.
I like the bizarre combination of how these guys work.
Some pretty good work here.
Oh look more flashy moves.
Bruiser's style is pretty fun here.
Arbitrary tower of doom spot to add another ***.
And everyone's doing dives now. And this show started off so well!
Flipping and flying....
Kenny going for the title works for me.
More wrestling coming up.
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