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Friday, June 9, 2017

Impact Wrestling Reax - 6/8/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

- Prichard/Borash/Matthews:
I'm fine with them not fighting until Slammiversary. Let Steiner and Park do some of the work.

- Alberto/Lashley/Prichard:
Alberto definitely has a great resume.

I'm good with them combining the GFW titles with the Impact titles. It's exactly what they should do.

I do wonder where these two go after Slammiversary. I assume EC3 or Storm will be next in line for the combined title.

Good idea to have them have some warmup matches.

- Prichard backstage:
I guess some local guys are trying to make their mark. I mean, if you're a world champion, sometimes you have to face talents all over the world, right??
- Ki vs. Konley:
Fine match early. I'm really glad they've moved from multi-man spotfests.

Low Ki's been around the block a lot more than Caleb has. Maybe Suicide would have  abetter chance?

Oh shit. I don't think that dive to the outside by Caleb hit the way he wanted it to.

Not bad overall to continue to build the TNA Original's reign.

- Ki/Sonjay:
Oh yeah, Sonjay's got to be a big deal here.

Talk about a stroll down memory lane. As I said, Low Ki's been around the block.

Sonjay's got a big home field advantage!

 - Swoggle promo:
 This feud's spilling across the globe.

- Davey vs. Verma:
Poor Indian guy's going to get his ass kicked.

HOLY SHIT what a counter to the sunset flip. Davey just out to hurt people now.

Got to be careful with those flippy moves Vinaash!

Jesus. There's a big skill gap here.

Dominant win. I assume he's still retiring in 2017, so he's going out with a hell of a run.

- Post-match:
EC3 working with Davey could be pretty good.

A belt can be a hell of a weapon in the right hands!!

Not sure how many longnecks and rednecks there are in India.

- Drake/Prichard/Adonis:
Eli continuing the "shoot" angle with Impact management.

I'd be all for Drake and Adonis going for the titles. It would give both men the chance to show what they're made of.

- Impact HoF video:
It's obviously not the WWE Hall, but they've got some impressive names inducted.

- Borash/Matthews:
And so it continues. I mean, Josh is one of the hottest heels out there right now. Next week should be fun in a silly way.

- Swoggle/Spud:
Well this is pretty weird. I assume we're in for some kind of slapstick match back in Orlando. That's fine. It will balance out other things on the card.

- Shera video:
I expect something big from him on these shows, maybe even winning a title or something.

- Park/Borash:
This is funny.

I'm OK with a few more weeks of this as long as it ends for good at Slammiversary. It will be interesting to see where Park/Abyss goes after that.

- Lashley vs. Moose:
When everyone has a title, it doesn't mean as much.

Moose is good. Impact's lucky to have both these guys.

I'm really enjoying this.

I like this more when it's a brawl. Moose doing a dive I'm not as crazy for.

Moose moving like he does is pretty impressive. I still don't think everyone needs to be able to do moonsaults and dives.

I'm liking this a lot.

Fine match!

- LAX video:
I kind of want to see LAX continue to win tag titles until they've got enough for all 50 members.

- Rosemary vs. LVN:
Laurel needs all the help she can get!!

I'm OK with Rosemary's push so far.

Fine for the time it had.

- Post-match:
Crazy to see Allie using a kendo stick.

This is fine enough to build a tag match.

Rosemary/Allie is pretty entertaining in its weirdness.

- Prichard/KM:
Goofy but fun.

KM's act is starting to run a little long. I'd like to see someone challenge him already.

- More Park/Borash:
Fine enough to pad time until Slammiversary. I kind of wish it was a week or two earlier at this point.

- Alberto vs. Adonis:
I like the fight aspect of this.

Good so far between the WWE alums.

Pretty good work here.

NICE counter to the Sky High.

The Adonis Lock used to be a pretty big deal.

Another good showing from the former Del Rio.

- Post-match:
Ha. Lashley's got the decided advantage here.

Oooh. A three on two match would be interesting.

More wrestling coming up.

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