Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Ciampa promo:
Haha. Ciampa's a natural heel. I'm surprised he was able to be such a good face for so long.
Oh I'm liking this already. I love when angles come from a real (or at least believable) place.
He's got a point! We were all asking what strings HHH would pull to get a different partner for Gargano.
Tommaso having a pretty big moment here.
I love the Ciampa's wounded pride is the cause here. He fought like hell.
I always love the "it's the fans' fault" line from a heel. At the end of the day, it's about them.
Glad they're theoretically putting them both on the shelf for a while. It will be hot when they do come to blows.
This is really, really good.
I'm sold on this one.
- Burch video:
I like Danny getting some love. I assume he'll be the go-to UK jobber, but that will be fine.
- Roode promo:
Haha he's having his OWN celebration!!
I wonder who will challenge Bobby next. Drew? O'Reilly? I assume they'll save Adam Cole for after Summerslam.
- Dunne vs. Burch:
The champ is a mean competitor. I like it.
I like the back-and-forth early.
This is solid.
I'm liking this being a battle instead of just a contest of the better wrestler.
Dunne's methodical in tearing Burch up here, and Danny's no slouch at what he does.
Good work here.
I'm glad this isn't just Dunne killing Burch.
I'm liking this; both men are good.
God that German to the turnbuckles is always scary.
Fine match.
- Dunne promo:
Oh MAN. Going in on Tyler.
Dunne can definitely be a big deal for the UK brand.
- V. Dream interview:
I like this guy. He's got something different from the standard aspiring wrestler.
- Ellering promo:
I like this pairing a lot.
These guys could be champs for a LONG time. Honestly I wouldn't mind them just holding the belts until they decide to bail on NXT for more competition.
- Almas vs. Bononi:
Oh I'm liking Cien's aggression here.
Almas is a very natural heel. I understand wanting him to get experience as a face, but he could take the Eddie Guerrero route of a heel who's eventually cheered.
Yeah, Cezar's got his hands full with this guy.
This is solid so far.
Hahahaha nice slap spot.
- Post-match:
Oh yeah, that loss stings.
I assume we're in for a rematch. This could be a good little story.
- Billie/Peyton/Ember:
I like these two, but it's inevitable one will be the Jannetty.
Ember's really stalling. This is a shame.
- Women's title match announcement:
Asuka's pretty much out of opponents at this point, so just enjoy her killing people left and right for a few months. I assume she'll be on Raw or Smackdown after Takeover:Brooklun.
- Itami/Ohno:
Poor Hideo. He's been lapped by a lot of NXT guys at this point. He's got a lot of work to do to become what people were hoping he could be.
A GOOD MATCH???? He's there to win!!!!
Oh, well. So much for them feuding. I guess?
- EY/Wolfe vs. Strong/Ohno:
Kind of wild seeing Chris Hero, Eric Young, and Roderick Strong in a WWE ring.
Nice work early.
Pretty good stuff here. I'm liking it being more of a fight.
This is all solid.
I love the game of keepaway.
SAnitY has been good so far. I wish The Ascension had been like this on the main roster.
I'm liking the work here.
Young's a good teacher to have around.
I like the pairing of Strong and Ohno.
Strong is a wrestling machine. That's for sure.
I was wondering when someone would even up the odds!!
That was a pretty cool ending.
-- ROH:
- WotW video:
I'm glad they're not doing any more shows from February. They've wasted enough time capitalizing on the big show-closing angle. I guess I'm spoiled with WWE's quick turnaround following a PPV.
- B. Club/Cole:
Blah blah blah. I'd like to hear from Marty, not these goofs. It's crazy how much the Bucks are featured at the expense of other acts.
Oh there we go.
I hope Marty gets a rub out of all this.
Cole vs. Scurll would be a good last match for Adam in ROH.
I hope Cole can add an NXT title and more to that list.
WHOA! Running Cole out of ROH??? You've got to be kidding!!
- J. Woods vs. Starr:
I'm glad Woods is taking any shit after that attack. Starr was smart to get into ROH without being part of a tournament, though.
Good so far.
This is a nice fight.
OH MY GOD A SUPERKICK THIS EARLY IN THE NIGHT????? They're just "kicks" now I guess.
This is a nice change of pace. Both men have potential.
That was nice!
- Silas/Lethal:
I like Silas taking it to these young upstart punks.
I'm ready for this one to get another round.
Good piece of business.
- Lethal vs. Bruiser:
I'm liking the story here. It's like someone switched tonight's ROH with another promotion!
Good fight so far.
Jay's growing on me now that he's not getting the Roman push.
Lethal works so much more naturally as a face.
Damn, Lethal! Stick to one guy at at time.
- Post-match:
Not bad! I'm excited for the tag match this sets up.
- Cody promo:
This guy's going places. He's really recharged since leaving WWE.
I'm excited for Cody vs. Daniels.
That was really good! A very different ROH tonight.
- Cody vs. Kazarian:
Kazarian has some pretty good fire and works hard.
I like this one being more personal.
Good work here.
Ha. Cody's having a lot of fun here.
I'm really liking what Cody brings to the table in ROH.
Wow. This has some really good heat.
I'm really impressed! Both men doing good work.
That was a really solid ending sequence. One of the best episodes of ROH TV top to bottom that I can remember.
- Post-match:
And more story advancement after the break! Did Gedo take the book from Delirious or something?
More wrestling coming up.
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