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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Jarrett update, Heenan press, NXT loop set, Dana honored, Paige-WWE update, Cena commercial, Interviews with Cass/Bucks, Riley responds to Raw namedrop, WWE Night in the NFL, GLOW trademark trouble brewing?, ROH team invited to Starrcade, Flair book reviewed, Stephanie book update, more on Y2J cruise, Raw audience, Taker signings set, and Questions on Impact merch, Impact press conferences, the MYC final, Raw on Christmas, and edgier promo

Jeff Jarrett worked an independent event in Kentucky recently, so his "leave of absence" only applies to Impact. I'm not really surprised. He'll likely pave his own path from here on out.

Bobby Heenan's death was picked up by a lot of major media outlets. He's absolutely iconic.

- WWE Network is working on a collection to honor Heenan. That should be classic.

NXT will have live events on:
- November 9 in Arizona
- November 10 in Nevada
- November 11 in California
-- The show on the 10th is in the same venue where the original GFW taped its proposed TV show. It will be interesting to see if NXT can draw better attendance than those shows did.

Dana Brooke won a Female Image Award at Mr. Olympia. I wish she was being used more, even if it's just on Main Event.

WWE is officially teasing Paige's return. I hope in a few years we're talking about her as a wrestler instead of things happening outside the ring.

John Cena was part of a Cricket Wireless ad dealing with the fact no one can see him. Pretty funny, and good use of effects.

Big Cass was interviewed before his injury. I was loving his push, although he could only really go so far with Strowman doing a similar role.

The former Alex Riley referred to being mentioned in Roman Reigns' promo on Raw. I think he's moved on from his wrestling life and doesn't seem to want to bring up old issues. I can respect him focusing on his acting career instead of shoot interviews.

NHL's New Jersey Devils will have a WWE Night on November 9, with WWE names in attendance and a special WWE-Devils T-shirt. That's a great idea! WWE should do more like that!

A trademark for GLOW has been filed by a competitor from the original promotion. Babe the Farmer's Daughter owns the rights to the original video library, and filed the trademark on September 1. If Netflix hasn't worked something out with her to use something she owns, there could be a lawsuit coming. It's the same reason not everyone can make a Batman movie; that name and its assets are owned by WB Entertainment. I hope for the fans' sake all this is worked out in a way that lets the series continue.

Matt Hardy is soliciting the Young Bucks to appear at Starrcade, along with Matt's family. I don't see that happening, and it shouldn't. That night needs to be about the Rhodes Family, and maybe N.C.'s own Hardy family can be involved. Way to take the focus off the actual WWE stars, Matt.

NPR reviewed the Ric & Charlotte Flair autobiography. I'm glad it's getting positive press.

Stephanie McMahon's autobiography is on indefinite hold. That would have been a pretty interesting read.

Chris Jericho's cruise will feature Jim Ross, DDP, Mick Foley, Ricky Steamboat, Rey Mysterio, and Raven. Leave it to Y2J to come up with something like that.

Raw drew 2.83 million viewers Monday night. The NFL is taking an effect on them. WWE's got Brock and Cena on there pretty often; imagine what things would be like if they didn't!

The Young Bucks talked about the Hardys and more:
- The Bullet Club is definitely over with a lot of fans, although I think some of it is how The Ramones are over: branding and targeting that rebellious youth demographic.

- ROH is definitely improving its spot because of the association with NJPW and the Bullet Club. WWE is wise to go after that same audience with NXT, although I think Raw and Smackdown need to stay with what the traditional WWE audience wants.

- I applaud wrestlers being able to do well for themselves outside of WWE. That's great.

- It's a shame we never got "Delete or Too Sweet." That could have been fun.

- They're smart to have their own trademarks like that!

- Oh, yeah. NJPW owns Bullet Club. No way would they be able to use that name elsewhere.

- It makes sense to want to work for the place with the biggest crowds and potentially the biggest pay, but I see how it stifles other options.

- Scurll in the Club has been pretty cool.

- It was smart to save Marty joining Bullet Club for a show. It happening on Twitter would have been underwhelming.

- The Bucks have some serious pull. That's great for them.

- GENIUS to have great material on-hand for the angle. I'm sure that made the choice a lot easier.

- Also genius to have something to take the focus on Cole leaving. The Bucks are smart. They know what they're doing.

- It's really, really good that the Bucks can help fans going through down times. My opinion of them just shot up a lot.

- A lot of fans use wrestling as an escape from depression, etc.

The Undertaker will be doing signings at Ace Universe from December 8 though December 10. It's a new pop culture convention coming to Long Island. That's really cool. I hope Taker's more willing to do that kind of thing as time goes on and he doesn't have to worry as much about "protecting his character."

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I suppose they hope there are some Impact superfans there willing to keep the company afloat one piece of merch at a time!

2. I guess they were giving the press ideas for softball questions so it wouldn't turn into a conversation about the company being for sale, Jarrett leaving, etc.

3. The ending definitely established Kairi as someone to keep an eye on in the future, which was the goal. Shayna might not be a long-term project for them like Sane is, so I don't think they're too worried. The event got press for a potential Horsewomen-Horsewomen match, which was their other major goal for the night.

4. USA Network wants as big of an audience as they can get that night.

5. They're definitely getting more loose with bringing up real issues and using profanity. I've generally enjoyed the worked shoot direction, but I wonder how much of the content is going over fans' heads. I'm worried this is another attempt to try to appeal to the most vocal fans at the expense of families with kids. The problem with that is the hardcore fans are already talking about every little thing WWE does. Marketing to that segment of the audience instead of expanding to reach out to other potential fans seems backward.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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