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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Raw Reax - 9/18/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Angle/Miztourage/Jordan:
Those top two matches are definitely Mania-worthy.

I like Miz wanting a big role for himself. The real-world version of this is grabbing the brass ring: telling your bosses why you deserve a better push and how you're going to make the most of it to make the company money.

Miz talking himself into defending his title is interesting.

Wow, really? Jordan did pretty well against Reigns and Cena. I'd say he deserves that shot more than Elias does.

HAHAHA I love Miz heeling the absentee father.

Miz is great here.

That's one way for Jason to prove himself!

Pretty fun.

- Angle/Jordan:
This is going well for Jason so far.

That was a good lesson from Papa Kurt.

- Alexa vs. Nia:
I don't blame Alexa for trying to get involved with this!

I'm surprised Alexa isn't trying to get DQ'd or counted out! Heck, fake an injury or something!

This is fun so far.

More of an angle than a match, but I like it.

Alexa's in a tough spot here.

That was nice. The size difference made that one really fun.

- Post-match:
I love Nia's strength.

OH WOW! Didn't expect Bayley back yet.

Nice tackle spot. Where's Emma in all this?

HAHAHAHAAH Alexa trying to make nice with Sasha and Bayley. I love it.

That was fun, but I think they should have saved Bayley's return for next week since she's not part of No Mercy.

- Braun/Brock recap:
There are definitely similarities between the two career paths as far as being indestructible forces of nature. I hope Braun gets the win.

- Bar/Seth/Dean/Club:
The Bar vs. nostalgia is good so far.

Sheamus and Cesaro have been SSSOOOOO much fresher in this role.

This has been a really good story.

Wow. Impressive movie reference.

Haha nice diss by Ambrose.

Ugggghhhhh... The "nerds" thing is so forced. A lot of their humor is, really.

That was pretty fun overall!

- Bar vs. Club vs. Seth/Dean:

So, what happens if Karl and Luke win?

These sides work together pretty well.

I'm loving The Bar as a duo.

This is good because there's contrast among the teams here.

The former Shield doing good teamwork here.

NICE swing into the barricade.

I'm liking this match overall.

I love how much fire Rollins has.

That super gutwrench would have been INSANE.

Looks like the Buckle Bomb is officially back. I have mixed feelings on that given how it went for Balor and Sting.

I'm loving how much each team is giving to this. No one wants to stay down!

Interesting use of the 3D given the slam of nostalgia acts. I'm trying to think of what Sheamus and Cesaro should call that move - The 3B? Bruising Bar Buster? It's not a great name, but fits the theme.

Dean has good fire, too.

Fun suicide dive spot, but I wish one was enough.

This one just keeps on going, huh!?

Hahaha nice steal from Sheamus.

- Miztourage:
I'm glad Bo and Curtis aren't just going to lie down for Miz.

- Cena/Roman video:
Wow. Talk about your parallels.

- Angle/Dustin:
If this is a setup for Dustin having one last big moment to honor his dad at Starrcade, I am ALL FOR IT.

That was SO good. Dustin can really pull deep for this kind of thing.

- Hawkins promo:
For anyone wondering, the majority of those 114 matches were on live events.

Hey, between Curt having no character and having a tongue-in-cheek jobber gimmick, I know what I'm choosing.

- Hawkins vs. Apollo:
Curt's a solid worker. It's just hard to see him as someone who should be higher on the card with so many other talented people.

This is pretty solid.

Crews is SO GOOD, but we never get to see it.

0-115. Who's next (to beat Curt?).

- Brock/Braun interview:
Oh, this will be intense.

I'm really excited for this one.

I love Paul and Brock putting Braun over instead of treating him as some chump. Cena would bring up him being a Rosebud and make reference to the Karen Jarrett story.

I hope Brock and Braun obliterate each other. They're going to need some kind of crazy gimmick match to settle this one.

Heyman is such a great hupe man.

This has been set up REALLY well.

I liked Suplex City more when it wasn't as forced. I don't remember Stone Cold dropping 3:16 references into every other promo.

- Bayley announcement:
Well that was a surprise! I assume there was a last-minute idea to do something important with her at the show. I hope she didn't come back just to be back in the mix of things. No Mercy needs to be a big moment for her.

- Roman promo:
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that Alex Riley reference was SO brutal. No way most of the audience got it, but OH. MY. GOD. The story has been that Riley was buried mercilessly after having some kind of confrontation with Cena backstage that went sour. He was used as the reference of the guy you don't want to end up as. Like, watch out what you do backstage or you'll end up like Riley did.

Oh my God Reigns finally going fire. Profanity is cheap, but I'm loving this not being "I'm going to beat you to show I'm THE BEST WRESTLER!!!"

John isn't at Raw because he was in China for WWE. It's not like he was off making a movie or something.

That was pretty cool, although of course Cena eventually beat Rock.

- Renee/Hardys:
I hope they're not already splitting Matt and NERO unless they're going to do the Broken thing.

- Bray vs. Dustin:
I love the story of Dustin trying to show he's not just a guy in a face paint.

Fun so far.

I like both these guys as wrestlers.

Oh, wow. We haven't seen Shattered Dreams in a long time.

Ahhh.... so much for that. I doubt this is the last we see of Dustin without face paint, though.

- Finn promo:
I liked that story.

No Mercy should be interesting.

- Remembering Heenan:
The Brain getting this much press on a go-home show for a PPV should tell you all you need to know about how important he was to the business.

- Enzo/Braun/Neville:
Haha wow. THIS is what a burial looks like. When the booking is built around making you look bad because you ticked someone off. I doubt Braun would destroy any other cruiserweight.

Strowman is such a great beast. I love it.

Hahahaha Neville the opportunist.

Pretty fun.

- Enzo interview: 
I'm split on wanting Enzo to win. It would definitely be fresh and interesting.

- Neville vs. Metalik:
I love Gran's agility.

Neville's a pretty smart competitor.

I always appreciate Neville's mean streak.

This is going pretty well.

WOW. Gran impressive as always.

NICE ending. Neville can be pretty brutal.

- Elias promo:
Cheap heat, but SO based.

I'm surprised they made a deportation joke. Zeb Colter would be over HUGE right now. He could probably start riots in certain cities.

- J. Hardy vs. M. Hardy vs. Elias vs. Jordan vs. Bo vs. Axel:
Oh this will be chaotic if they don't have to tag in and out.


It's definitely every man for himself here!

Obligatory Tower of Doom spot. Ughhh.

I loved Elias trying to steal the win afterward.

Haha the Hardys looking for that IC Title shot at any cost!

I love Jordan's technical ability. Wrestling could probably use a few more workers with amateur backgrounds.

Man. Everything's going on here.

Jeff being the former WWE Champion here, I see how he almost won.

That was cool! I wonder what the Hardys are doing at the show.

- Post-match:
Miz is such a natural heel. Aaggh.

Jason's doing pretty well as a wrestling machine.

Nice beatdown.

They're softer on that kid-friendly language thing lately, huh?

More wrestling coming up.

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