Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Women's Title announcement:
I'm really interested to see who becomes the next champion. It's telling they didn't just give Kairi the title for winning the MYC.
- SAnitY promo:
Eric's got a few screws loose, and I love it. I wonder if Crazzy Steve could fit in here?
- Oney interview:
Lorcan is tough enough to stand a chance against Lars.
- Lars vs. Oney:
Oney's taking it to him. I'm impressed.
Oh, I'm already liking this. Oney's impressive.
Oney gave him a fight! That was pretty fun.
- Post-match:
Well, Burch must want to get bodied, too.
- Ruby interview:
I like how they're handling Nikki's role in all of this.
Good work.
- Machinery vs. Demetrius/Scott:
Another hoss match?? NXT is too good to me.
I'm obviously a mark for big guys, so I think it's obvious I'm liking this.
That double diving headbutt should be a finisher, given the impact involved.
At least Demetrius is getting some offense in.
I love the strength.
Hosses gonna hoss.
Nice ending.
- Strong interview:
Roderick's character is pretty straightforward, but he's genuinely likeable in the role.
That was pretty good!
- Liv/Borne:
I REALLY hope we don't go from Asuka to Liv.
Yeah, I don't see Borne winning the title either.
- Liv vs. Borne:
I expected Liv to be the one to do spankings.
Wow, this is starting well.
Huh. Liv's improved!
Heck, Borne's getting better, too.
I'm mostly liking this.
WOW. Liv impressed me there. Congrats!
- Black interview:
Aleister is WOKE.
That was cool. He stands out.
- Aichner video:
I'm glad to see him again. He was good in the CWC.
- Kassius vs. Aichner:
Nice holds to start.
Wow. Aichner's holding his own against Kassius.
Fabian's already skilled. Good work.
This is going well! There's some real strategy at work here.
Aichner's impressive.
That was a solid match! Good work from both men.
- McIntyre interview:
That was good to sell next week.
- Undisputed promo:
I like Cole's arrogance.
Oh yeah, Adam's got a future ahead of him.
I hope they are just going by Undisputed.
- EY vs. Cole:
Nice start.
Cole already pulling out the heel tactics!
I'm excited for the eventual tag match.
Both men are already great workers.
I'm liking this!
Pier six brawl, slobberknocker, you get the idea.
That was fun!
-- ROH:
- J. Woods vs. QT:
Woods isn't playing around.
Oh, Woods is all on him.
HAHA poor security guard.
I like Woods' work here.
From an apron move to a suicide dive. He's one superkick away from...
Well, there you go. He hit indie tic-tac-toe.
Woods is becoming more well-rounded. I like it.
HOLY SHIT what a German!
NIIIICEE counter the powerbomb.
I liked this to show what Woods can do.
- Caprice/M. Briscoe:
Mark wearing a tie got me.
Jay vs. Bully is going to be something.
That was pretty good to move things forward.
- Honor Rumble:
Hahah funny start.
Nice start.
I liked Martinez going right after White.
If Martinez didn't have such a long road ahead of him, he might stand a chance here.
I like everyone working together against Punishment.
Rhett's just not someone I care much about.
Hey, maybe Rhett's got a chance!
Kazarian can't disrupt a match he's already in!
I like these once the ring fills up.
Martinez is doing well!!
This is fun so far.
Nice to see Taylor pick up the big guy spot with Punishment out.
Hahaha Cody knows what's up, helping Taylor out.
Lethal would be a pretty ideal opponent.
I'm enjoying all of this.
Oh, no. I hope we're not in for Cody vs. Bully.
OH YEAH War Machine here to save us from Bully. A decent number of hosses here.
This is a fun change of pace from what ROH usually does.
HOLY SHIT GLACIER!!! He's actually relevant with Sub Zero still being a thing in 2017.
I would pop for Glacier vs. Cody. Nice surprise.
Oh.... so much for that heppening.
We've already seen Cody vs. Lethal, and Cody vs. Bully isn't ideal, so I guess I'm pulling for Kazarian.
HAHAHHA that's why you don't go to the top rope in a Rumble match you idiot!!
Lethal as D-Von is interesting.
So, no Bully vs. Cody yet.
I was wondering where Daniels was. He and Jay Briscoe not being in this one is surprising as former champions.
Haha Addiction going to steal it. I love it.
Fun stuff! I'm glad Addiction haven't been left out of the title picture.
More wrestling coming up.
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