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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Smackdown and 205 Live Reax - 9/12/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.

-- Smackdown:
- Owens/Dolph/Bryan:
Kevin blatantly lying is so great.

I love Owens' plans for the show.

Kevin is so much fun on the mic.

OH MY GOD another Dolph Ziggler segment. I get a kick out of some of these, but he's going to do the same old thing once he gets in the ring.

I'd hope Vince would arrive at the arena before 8 p.m. Imagine all the parking problems!!

I like Daniel sticking up for the working man.

I'm very glad Owens isn't intimidated by Vince.

- AJ vs. Dillinger:
I'm glad Tye's getting this shot.

Tye's solid, but I don't see him as U.S. Title level. WWE has a LOT of talented people right now.

Good powerbomb spot.

I liked Styles hitting the forearm on Corbin. He's good.

Nice spot with the Calf Crusher.

Good work overall.

- Post-match:

There we go. Corbin's not in the mood for that goody-goody stuff.

If/when AJ beats Corbin, he's really going to have fallen down the card. He might need to move to 205 Live with Enzo at this rate!

- Rusev interview:
I feel bad for Rusev.

Oooohhhh... I wonder which legend will be in Rusev's targets. Jericho? I don't expect Kane to come back to work with him, although it would be HILARIOUS for Rusev to beat him up at a campaign event. I want to see Team Hell No political ads, now that I think about it.

- Jinder/Singhs:
Oh no.... I have a bad feeling Vince wrote this segment.

A Godzilla reference in 2017? Yeah, this has Vince all over it.

I popped for the really easy USA chant. Works prety much every time.

There's a good idea there about fans not accepting the Japanese superstar, but this was really bad.

- Owens/Zayn:
Part of me really wants to see a Kevin Owens episode.

I think Kevin would prefer Sami as his personal butler or something to firing him. Be imaginative, Kevin!!

- Kofi/Big E vs. Usos:
I like what's going on so far.

I liked the superkick to the caught chair spot.

WWE is single-handedly keeping kendo stick manufacturers in business.

I miss the hardcore division... that said, these matches are probably better when they're not every week.

Throwing chairs at people's heads is always so scary looking.

I'm glad Big E is in a regular tag team spot than struggling as a singles star, but I do really enjoy him and think he can be a big star.

WOW. The Big Ending not finishing things was a surprise.

Wow. Both teams really bringing it here.

Fun match! I don't know how much more they can get out of New Day as champions, but the action here was good. I guess they can face the Colons next?

- Naomi vs. Natalya:
Both ladies are quite good. I'm glad Naomi has gotten to break out.

Natalya's aggression is good.

Natalya has action down to a science. She's an accomplished veteran now.

I like Naomi's athleticism here.

I liked Natalya capitalizing on the missed moonsault like that.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAAH great spot with Carmellsworth. I'm dying.

That was pretty fun. Everyone did their role well.

- Aiden/Owens:
Haha. Owens is such a fun character. He doesn't feel as scripted and produced as so many workers these days.

This guy is SO bad. I can't believe him as a top superstar given how many times he's failed in big matches. If he was the greatest in-ring performer, surely he'd be able to be world champion for more than he has?

I'd literally rather watch Mike Kanellis than this guy right now.

I mean, these entrances are funny, but this is just showing how he has absolutely no character or entertaining properties. He's been doing the same act for way too long now.

Are we really at a point where he has to bury Warrior to get heat? I'm more than ready for someone to stop him. I'd even deal with a Cena-style burial of him at this point (and we already saw that years ago).

Can we trade Ziggler to the indies for Kenny & Mikey?

- Gable/Benjamin vs. H. Bros:
Mojo is something else.

Good start.

Not bad here!

That was a pretty cool finisher.

- Post-match:
Ryder turning heel is fine by me. There's an easy route to go with him being fed up with having to be the "Woo Woo Woo" guy.

- Vince/Bryan:
I'm glad he finally got here! Geez! I guess he's been "working in Connecticut all day" and had to fly in.

- Owens/Vince:
I'm VERY glad Kevin's not afraid of someone who's not as powerful or intimidating as he was 15 years ago. He's a great grandfather at this point!

I have missed Vince as a character.

Vince always has those grapefruits. He doesn't stand down to anyone.

Was that mirror line a shot at Kevin's weight? Damn.

Imagine this playing out in a real courtroom. The whole fighting your boss' son aspect wouldn't fly outside of wrestling.

Vince really enjoys having this kind of power.

HAHAHA of course Vince favors bosses taking a hands-on approach with talent fights.

Ahhhhhhh I've missed Vince's promos.

I'm excited to see Owens vs. Shane in the cell. That should be wild.


I like Owens' blatant disregard for authority, even when that authority is a 72-year-old man.

Vince has some serious guts taking bumps at his age.

I guess Stephanie's the next McMahon to get involved. Linda's understandably a little busy.

-- 205 Live: 
- Swann/TJP interview:
I like the recaps here.

I like this rivalry overall.

- Swann vs. TJP:
Good start.

These two do know each other well. I like it.

Both men are impressive!

This is going pretty well so far.

I'm liking how these two work together. It's not just flashy moves going on.

Nice double round kick spot.

This is picking up!

This is heating up pretty well. Good work here.

Both men really delivered there to finish (?) the feud.

- Post-match:
This is going pretty well. TJP plays his character really well.

- Mustafa/Cedric/Kendrick:
Cedric had a good showing despite that loss.

I love Kendrick's machinations.

Kendrick vs. Enzo will be a pretty fun feud when we get to it.

Cedric vs. Kendrick works for me.

- Gulak/Breezango:
Ahhh, I love Drew Gulak. I hope Microsoft Office is paying attention.

This is really fun. I love goofy stuff like this here and there.

These puns are killing me. This is amazing.

I love the anti-205 Live gimmick. It's a classic route to take.


This is ridiculous in all the best ways.

They might as well do interesting things on this show; cruiserweight action by itself is only so interesting.

That was all pretty fun in its oddity. I hope we see more underutilized workers on this show; we see plenty of the regular crew.

- Cedric vs. Kendrick:
Cedric is pretty smooth, and Kendrick makes a solid veteran presence.

I'm liking this so far. It's a good showcase of Alexander's talent.

Jack not going to take that whole "getting stitches" thing lightly.

That was weird as hell. How hard did Jack get hit last week?

- Post-match:
I wonder how many umbrellas Jack and Marty Scurll go through in a year.

I'm split on this new direction for Jack. They definitely got as far as they could with the feud, so I'm ready for something new. It just seems a little out of nowhere.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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