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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Smackdown and 205 Live Reax - 9/5/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- No JBL:
This is a big upgrade. I'm surprised WWE didn't try to slot in Lawler or Booker to have a veteran with the same tenure JBL had, but I'd much rather listen to Graves at the desk.

- Orton promo:
Orton has definitely been around for quite some time, and wrestled a lot of people who aren't in WWE anymore.

I love the RKO being treated as so deadly, and the fact he can hit it so easily.

Good stuff.

- Nakamura promo:
It's wild we're going to see such a clash of histories here.

- Carmellsworth/Owens/Shane/Bryan:
Owens is so charitable! Taking on additional roles on Smackdown! What a volunteer!

Shane is so heartless after his abuse of power.

Man. Shane has a very one-sided view of things.

So... what? Did Bryan sign Kevin to Smackdown as part of the deal? Or did Angle not want to work with him?

I'm sure Raw would love to have someone as good as Owens. He hasn't been gone long, though.

Nice shot at HHH.

I'm liking the build to Shane vs. Owens.

Ooh. Kevin went there.

OH MAN. That helicopter reference was BRUTAL.

I don't blame Shane for snapping.

Shane's punches are amazing.

- Bryan/Shane:
Kevin Owens running Smackdown NEEDS to happen. That would be amazing.

I don't know if taking WWE down is the right move. Surely he'd rather work there than go back to ROH or work GFW?

David Otunga's phone is about to be ringing!

- Carmella vs. Natalya:
Natalya has been so solid for so long.

Carmella's improving. She's in there with a ring general.

Natalya's definitely leading this.

I love Carmella getting by without being a great wrestler. That plays into her as a heel.

Fun enough.

Nice way to get out of the guillotine.

Solid work so far.

You blew it, James!!

- Post-match:
NNNOOOOO don't dump James!!

Man, she's pretty rough on Ellsworth.

That was pretty stiff.

- Ziggler promo:
People used to love what Dolph did in the ring. He just got SSSOOOOOOO stale.

Uggghhhh Dolph's promos often have this air of "look at me. I'm SHOOTING."

I don't think it's a good idea to draw so much attention to how uninteresting Dolph is as a personality.

OK, that Naomi impression was HILARIOUS. One of the most entertaining things Dolph has ever done.

I'd love to see Dolph "pull a Cody" and go reinvent himself. I don't know if they're getting the fact people aren't connecting with him because he has no gimmick and has been doing the same thing in the ring for years. I'd rather see him go back to being Nicky than keep trying the same thing over and over.

- Aiden/Sami:
Aiden and Elias need to have a segment together. They'd be a fun tag team.

- Sami vs. Aiden:
It's always fun to watch Zayn fly around.

HOLY SHIT. Sami, you're blowing it dude.

- Post-match:
Ha. Fun enough to keep the feud going. Where are the Kanellises?

- Bryan/New Day/Usos:
That should be fun. I hope they don't do a quick title change just to do it. I'd like to see Breeze and 'Dango as champs.

- Bryan/Shane:
It's a shame we'll never see Bryan vs. Miz again. That was a great feud.

I love the parallels between these situations.

I also really love the acknowledgement of each man having a family to think about. They can't just go off and get fired.

Oh shit. Shane showing why he's Vince's third favorite child.

This is also ironic given the GFW-Jarrett situation.

- Jinder/Singhs interview:
I like Jinder's confidence. He's got several title defenses under his belt now; he's earned the right to brag.

As far as I know, Jinder vs. Nakamura was the first all-Asian WWE Championship match.That's really big.

That was cool.

- Corbin vs. Tye:
Wow, Corbin. Maybe you should have taken care of that before the match started?

And that's why!

Glad to see Tye in action. I wouldn't mind him on 205 Live if it meant seeing him in action more.

Corbin does his thing well enough.

I'm liking how this is going. Tye's a solid underdog.

Ha. So much for putting Corbin away with the Tye Breaker.

Watch Corbin lose to 10 Man by getting distracted.

I like Corbin's rough style.

Not bad!!

- Tye/AJ:
I hope they can have a match without Corbin getting involved. Tye could really shine.

- Carmellsworth:
I love James' self-deprecation.

Poor James getting thrown around by Carmella here.

I love this silly kind of soap opera stuff sometimes. Not the "Total Divas" angles, though. They're often really forced.

- Shinsuke vs. Orton:
Nice start.

Haha I liked Orton turning Shinsuke's taunt around on him.

Orton has a real strategy going on here.

An Elevated DDT on the floor would have been big.

I like this spilling out of the ring.

I love all of Shinsuke's strikes and kicks.

This is going well!

Nice superplex spo.

NICE powerslam spot.

REALLY good RKO counter. That was a thing of beauty.

This is really good!

Wow. That was really, really solid. Two veterans showing what they do best.
- Bryan/Owens:
Somehow I don't think it is over. That would be very anticlimactic.

Kevin as Guest Commissioner for a week or so would be AMAZING. The Kevin Owens Show indeed.

OOOOHHHHH Daniel pulled the Vince card. I have missed his confident swagger.

-- 205 Live: 
- Ariya/Swann:
Ariya's really growing on me. I still want an Iron Sheik gimmick!

- TJP vs. Ariya:
Nice start. I'm glad Ariya is upset.

Hahahah TJP sticking it to Swann just to do it.

TJP has a LOT of awesome tools in the ring. Strikes, submissions, and flips.

I would have liked to have seen Ariya get a win. Poor guy always jobs.

Nice match for the time it had.

- Post-match:
This is one of the better feuds going on right now. It hasn't been beaten into the ground yet.

- Gulak backstage:
He always cracks me up.

- Gulak promo:
There's just something funny about this gimmick, since it flies in the face of what 205 Live is about.

I do wonder where Drew is in the title picture.

This is fun in a goofy way.

I do feel bad for Tozawa getting a six-day title reign.

- Gulak vs. Tozawa:
Fun so far. Grabbing someone by the ear is bizarrely effective.

I like how these two play off each other.

I like what Gulak brings to the ring.

Very enjoyable work. Their styles work together well.

Pretty good work!

- Enzo/Neville:
I'm glad someone this fun on the mic is on 205 Live.

Pretty fun.

There's a natural story between the really serious King of Cruisers and the Certified G. How Ya Doin'.

- Enzo vs. Nese vs. Kendrick vs. Cedric vs. Metalik:
HAHAH Playing up the "no one likes Enzo" thing.

Fun madcap action here.

I like how having Enzo changes things up.

NICE gutbuster by Nese.

This is all pretty fun. I'm liking Nese/Enzo.

Kendrick/Nese is a pretty fun duo.

Enzo is pulling out some cruiser-style offense, too.

WOW. That was one heck of a Tower of Doom. I'm OK with those in matches like this with no partners.

Cool suicide dive counter.

HAHAHA no honor among heels.

I like Gran. He's so small he has to make the most of all his flying around.

Really good first fall.

- Enzo vs. Kendrick vs. Cedric vs. Metalik:
Alexander is really good. I'm glad he's doing better here than in ROH.

- Enzo vs. Kendrick vs. Cedric:
Really? I was hoping Sliced Bread would get a pinfall.

Man, so much for Brian being effective here.

DAMN Kendrick is keeping that on tight.

Really good stuff going on here.

- Enzo vs. Cedric:
Wow. After that ending, Enzo might have as much heat on-screen as he does backstage!

More wrestling coming up.

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