Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.
-- Kickoff:
- Owens interview:
I'm glad he's on the show, although things are getting a little crowded.
- Baron/Lacey:
OK I loved Lacey protecting her teapot. This duo has been mostly enjoyable.
- Finn vs. Shinsuke:
Good work so far.
I like this. Both men have a lot of skill.
This is pretty solid!
Wow. Good work. Nice to see Shinsuke matter again, and maybe Finn's in for better things.
- New Day interview:
Classic silliness.
- Gulak vs. Nese:
Smooth work here.
Wow. Impressive moves.
This is pretty. Both men going hard.
Both men have a lot of talent.
Two for two with great matches.
-- Extreme Rules:
- Roman/Taker vs. Shane/Drew:
Very surprised they're starting with this.
So here's when Shane finally gets his, I guess.
The other Best Pure Striker In WWE, Shane McMahon.
I liked Drew standing up to Taker.
Good work so far.
This is pretty fun.
Vintage elbow from Shane.
That was all good. Glad Drew wasn't sacrificed here. We'll see what the followup is.
- Seth/Becky interview:
I'm rarely crazy about the local references promos, but this was good overall.
- Raw reunion announcement:
Oh wow yeah they're really trying to pop a rating. I doubt many of those people will do much of anything.
- Revival vs. Usos:
Good tag work here.
These teams work together well.
Solid action here.
Good to see these two teams get some real time.
Oh, wow. I guess the popup powerbomb is fair game with Owens changing finishers.
I'm enjoying this.
Good work all around.
- Black vs. Cesaro:
I loved that start!
Ahhhh it's good to see Aleister wrestle again.
Cesaro's skill level is off the chart.
This is pretty impressive.
Oh I love the counters and submissions.
All badass.
- 24/7 shenanigans:
Oh wow Truth willing to go into a women's bathroom.
This women's title situation is pretty intriguing.
- Bayley vs. Alexa/Cross:
I like the story here.
Poor Bayley could really use a friend right about now....
Bayley's definitely working hard against the odds.
Damn. Bayley's holding her own.
Ow, Alexa.
This has been put together well.
Damn. Bayley had no trouble at all retaining.
- Lashley vs. Braun:
Good start here. I like the intensity.
I love a wild brawl spilling out.
Cool to make use of the whole arena.
Hahaha I liked the spot with the wall being renovated.
This is really fun!
They both look like beasts here. I like it.
OH MY GOD that Lashley bump.
I love this! Holy shit!
That was so badass!!!!!!
- Club interview:
That was good. I like that AJ isn't a completely different person than he was a few weeks ago.
- Bryan/Rowan vs. Big E/Xavier vs. HM:
I like how these teams are working together.
Pretty wild combination of teams.
HM is working hard to belong here.
I loved Otis' dive fakeout.
This is pretty cool. Everyone's being incorporated.
Nice LeBell Lock spot. It's a pleasant surprise to see no rope breaks in a no-DQ match.
Ahhhhh I love this Big E/Bryan sequence.
NICE. I hope Bryan moves on to something bigger.
- Heyman promo:
Sigh. This is getting very stale.
- Ricochet vs. AJ:
I loved that opening beatdown.
They're setting Ricochet up well here.
WOW that shoulderblock.
Yeah Ricochet needs to get some friends.
This is pretty cool. Both men are very smooth.
Hahahaha good to see Karl and Luke being useful.
A little disappointed Ricochet lost the title so soon, BUT they protected him and gave him personal motivation to get it back.
- Owens vs. Ziggler:
OH MY GOD YES!!!!!! Best possible use of Dolph.
- Post-match:
Yeah it looks like we're in for KO vs. Shane at Summerslam.
- Kofi vs. Joe:
It's fun to see Joe maul people.
Good story so far.
I like this! Joe's motivated.
This is pretty cool.
NICE counter to TIP.
Fun while it lasted. I wished it would have had a little longer to develop.
- Seth/Becky vs. Baron/Lacey:
Oooooh this is fun right out of the gate.
I'm enjoying the Becky/Seth pairing.
OUCH Becky's going to hurt after that one.
Ooooh. Lacey's taking some unladylike abuse here.
Good teamwork here.
This is pretty nice.
Looks like someone's going through at least one table.
I love how each duo is working together.
There's good physicality here.
I'm liking a lot of this. Everyone's working hard.
Oh I love how fired up Seth is. That was amazing.
Hahahaa I don't blame Lacey for getting the hell out of there.
Really good work, and a satisfying end to the feud.
- Brock vs. Seth:
Oh well. All good things must come to an end, I guess.
Well, maybe, MAYBE Seth will take it back at Summerslam. Action was fine. We're just back to the same old, same old.
More wrestling coming up.
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