Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown Live and 205 Live.
-- SDL:
- Another update on Braun/Lashley:
I like the selling of how serious this is.
- KO Show:
Oh. We're back to big talking segments starting things.
Shane and Undertaker are two of the most protected stars in WWE right now.
I look forward to that tag match IF Drew gets to shine. Otherwise it could be fun in its own way.
Uh-oh. KO's about to end up facing Shane and Drew.
I did like the shot at Shane losing to Taker.
Oh no God damnit it's Dolph again.
Dolph is definitely someone who needs some creative attention.
Ooh. Intriguing main event setup. Presumably Owens and Dolph need to be at Extreme Rules in some fashion.
- Bryan/Rowan interview:
Well at least in theory there's a Smackdown Live tag team division now.
- Xavier/Big E interview:
It does feel like New Day needs something new to do. They can only be tag champions so many times.
- Bryan vs. Big E:
Silly so far. I'm split on whether to think this is beneath Bryan or being excited Big E can handle him.
I like how these two work together.
Nice submission strategy.
This is nice!
Good work overall.
- Truth promo:
I'm looking forward to more of this.
- Moment of Bliss:
A Moment of Cross???
I like the character development here.
This has been built well.
Wow. Bayley's rude to the special guest host!
- Cross vs. Bayley:
Good for the time it had. I'm sure they could have an even better match if given the opportunity.
- Ali promo:
This has been good.
Pretty inspirational, but of course people will see it "being political" and "pandering."
- Kofi/Joe:
I like Joe insinuating things will be too dangerous for Kayla.
Good back and forth here.
Hmmm will Joe ever have a big Mania moment?
Good manipulation from Joe.
That was cool!
- Lashley promo:
I like it!!!!
DAMN. Lashley going in on Braun.
- Andrade vs. Apollo:
Glad to see Apollo being featured.
Good work so far.
Crews has a lot of tools to succeed.
That was pretty good! Zelina was indispensable as always.
- Owens/Dolph:
Ha. I'm glad they decided to work together.
- Black promo:
Ooooh. Interesting.
Oh come on Aleister everyone knows there are nine circles in Hell.
I like the intrigue here. Obviously it was one of the 24/7 Title competitors knocking on the door and they realized they had the wrong room.
- Ember vs. Mandy:
This isn't bad.
Ha. Fine to establish Ember.
- Shelton interview:
Just reminding us he exists.
- Owens/Dolph vs. HM:
I like this so far.
They could make this an eight-man if they want. This is a nice break from the usual implementation of the "no wrestling during commercials" rule.
I like how this is coming together.
Heavy Machinery is better than they get credit for.
Pretty solid, and a big win for HM.
- Post-match:
I guess these two are facing off at Extreme Rules. Works for me.
-- 205 Live:
- Opening promos:
Fine to establish who everyone is and what's going on. 205 Live does a good job with that.
- Lince/Gran vs. Singhs:
Good start. I like this style of match.
This does change the formula up a bit.
Ha. A lot of dancing in this one.
LHP is a lot of fun.
NICE springboard counters.
That was pretty cool! I don't see where they can go from here, though.
- Humberto hype:
I like it.
- Kanellis interview:
Wow times are tough for Mike.
Maria did bury Mike hard damn.
I actually want to see Mike vs. Drake now.
- Nese/Gallagher/Oney vs. Gulak/Ariya/Kanellis:
Fine start.
Pretty smooth work here early.
I liked the missed springboard moonsault.
This is going pretty well.
I like what everyone's doing in this one.
This is getting some pretty impressive time.
Ahhhh I've missed the Mary Poppins drop.
That was all good! I wouldn't mind seeing more like this.
- Post-match:
Fine to continue the energy of the show.
More wrestling coming up.
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