Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Profits backstage:
I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but I'd be fine with seeing the Profits. The problem, of course, is using talents once they "graduate" from NXT.
- Braun vs. Lashley:
Oh I like this.
Now this is how you use monsters. It's also nice to have the show start with action.
Damn. This feels big.
That was badass! Last Man Standing match incoming?
- Post-match:
Oh, or maybe an Ambulance match? Cool stuff either way.
- Big E/Xavier vs. Raiders:
TWO matches without a long promo to start the show? Whoa. Maybe things will be different.
Nice work so far.
Well I liked the taste we got. Obviously Kofi vs. Joe is more important.
- Post-match:
Glad he's helping out.
- New Day vs. Raiders/Joe:
OK this is definitely a Paul Heyman staple, where action coming off one match leads to the next match. It goes a long way toward making the show feel like a cohesive whole instead of just a bunch of segments.
I like the teamwork.
Nice so far.
Both sides look good here.
NICE set up for Kofi vs. Joe.
- 24/7 shenanigans:
I mean a lot of fans would love to go to WWE for their honeymoon.
Whoa she's already making ultimatums!
- Club promo:
I liked that other than the married AJ being interested in Karl's wife. That was a little weird and out of character.
- More 24/7 shenanigans:
Truth is the right choice to be the center of a silly division.
- Cesaro/Jose:
That was badass! Cesaro putting himself on the map.
- Profits interview:
I like these two. I'm curious what they'll do. Maybe The Ascension are still around to lose to them?
- Miz interview:
This was good. I like Miz's fire.
- Shane/Drew/Taker:
Haha Shane caring more about himself than two employees in the hospital.
I'm glad Shane and Drew aren't shaking in fear at the 54-year-old Undertaker. Drew should believably be able to put him out to pasture.
I like Drew's confidence! Glad he's standing up to Taker.
Ehhh same Taker promo we always here. He feels out of place in 2019.
- Lacey/Baron:
I like this combination.
Pretty solid.
- Natalya vs. Lacey:
I don't think I've ever seen someone win with a Bronco Buster.
Not bad.
- Ricochet/Club/AJ:
I like Karl and Luke hyping AJ up.
This is the first I've cared about The Club in a LONG time.
Nice fire between Ricochet and AJ. Much better than the usual "I'm a better wrestler than you" stuff.
- Miz vs. Elias:
-- Fall One:
I'm ready for the falls thing to die. It leads to too many unrealistically quick falls.
-- Fall Two:
Solid for the time it had.
-- Fall Three:
Good work here.
Not bad. Like I said, I'd prefer one fall.
- Seth/Becky/Kanellises:
I like this relationship.
Kind of funny.
Oh sweet a new 24/7 Title challenger.
Yeah I'm not a big fan of either Kanellis, but I want to say Heyman's a big fan of Maria's, so they'll probably be featured more.
- Braun/Bobby update:
They've done a good job selling this as a major deal.
- Seth/Becky vs. Kanellises:
Damn. Mike getting buried.
Oh Jesus this is bad.
Well I'm all for killing Mike Kanellis. Maybe Maria will get with a star now.
- Heyman/Profits:
Mandatory Paul Heyman appearance to remind us Brock has the briefcase.
Oh no Brock's going to kill the Street Profits.
- Moment of Bliss:
Cross has moved up to officially being a guest!
Wow Carmella. Rude.
I'm glad they acknowledged Nikki winning instead of Alexa.
Not bad to set up the next match.
- Carmella vs. Alexa:
- Nikki vs. Carmella:
Good back and forth here.
Not bad at all!
- Post-match:
I liked that. Everything feels cohesive on this episode, so I hope that becomes the norm.
- 24/7 shenanigans:
I'm curious what his honeymoon means for his 205 Live duties!
- AJ vs. Ricochet:
Smooth start, as expected.
Funny to see Ricochet do a move AJ used to do in Impact.
Uggggggghhhhhh that ending. Solid work otherwise.
- Post-match:
Man this commercial breaks rule is killing the flow.
- AJ vs. Ricochet, continued:
This is impressive.
Both men showing what brought them to the dance.
This needs a rematch at Extreme Rules.
- Post-match:
I'm split on Heel AJ, but the match should be good.
Fine work to give Ricochet something to overcome.
More wrestling coming up.
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