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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Raw Reax - 7/15/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Brock/Heyman/Ricochet:
Man. I feel like I'm watching a rerun.

Looks like Heyman is an authority figure after all.

I mean that's a pretty fitting way to announce a challenger for someone like Brock.

That's pretty cool.

Honestly, Brock vs. Ricochet would be fun in a crazy away.

- Usos promo:
I was hoping we'd get more timely references with Heyman in charge.

- Ricochet/Usos vs. Roode/Revival:
-- Fall One:
Well that was quick.

-- Fall Two:
Good for the time it had.

-- Fall Three:
Pretty fun so far.

Nice action all around.

- Post-match:
I love Ricochet taking the fight to them.

I like the integration of different feuds here.

That was all cool.

- Raiders promo:
Solid enough. I wouldn't mind Sarah Logan managing them.

- Raiders squash:
Ahh good times.


- Drew/Cedric:
Drew is appropriately upset after the past week.

Good to set up a later match.

- Drew vs. Cedric:
This is good.

Ahhh I love Drew's power.

NICE. Drew probably needed a rebound win (especially if he's facing Taker in Toronto), but the action here was solid.

- Finn/Joe:
That was good. Both men are ready for bigger opportunities (to lose to Brock again).

- Roman interview:
Oh God this could happen.

- Joe vs. Balor:
That was OK, but the time limits are killing the TV matches.

- Post-match:
That was cool.

Oh man WWE budget cuts are getting real.

Fun spectacle.

- 24/7 shenanigans:
OK that registration got me.

I love it.

- Profits promo:
I mean this is weird but I guess it hypes what's going on later in the show better than hearing from the announcers.

- Kanellises backstage:
Yeah I'm not crazy about this.

- Kanellis vs. Ryder:
Draft Kanellis to dark matches or something.

- Post-match:
I mean I'm enjoying them piling on Mike, but there are people I'd rather see wrestle.

- Club vs. LHP:
Oh. Interesting way around the commercial rule.

Good action.

Nice work.

- Post-match:
I liked that!

- Seth interview:
Hopefully Seth's motivated to have the fire he had before the relationship angle.

- Women's elimination match:
-- Alexa vs. Natalya vs. Naomi vs. Carmella:
I like the action here.

I was a little surprised to see Carmella here, but I guess she makes more sense than, say, Dana Brooke.

-- Alexa vs. Natalya vs. Naomi:
I liked that blockbuster spot.

This is nice! Good to see Naomi getting to shine.

Everyone's delivering in this one.

Oh, wow. Didn't see that one coming. Although Summerslam is in Toronto...

-- Alexa vs. Natalya:
Hilarious work from Nikki. I love her.

Yeah that's a shame. Solid match and Natalya's a good wrestler, but Naomi would have been a more exciting option.

- Post-match:
I like the interviews before and after matches.

NICE. Becky not going for this homecoming garbage.

LOL profanity almost always sounds like trying too hard to be edgy.

- Orton promo:
More good stuff.

- MizTV:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dolph still exists.

Dolph is so cringe.

Well at least maybe Miz will springboard off Dolph.

- More 24/7 shenanigans:
This is honestly weird to watch.

HAHAHAHAHAH this is crazy.

FUCK that was good.

- Battle royal:
Ahhhh I loved Seth and Corbin pairing off.

Good stuff with Braun's shared rivals going after him.

I like there being new names in the mix for the title shot.

NICE Big Ending. Glad to see Big E as a threat.

Haha this is a pretty fun mix.

Hahahahahahaha Seth eliminating Roman.

That was cool! Good match.

- Post-match:
Fun Heyman promo.

This could really be a great match.

Good work here.

More wrestling coming up.

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