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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another FCW release?, more on Nash's arrest, TNA announces "Bound for Glory series", Questions on WWE's September PPV, the Raw GM, wrestling terms, and the Hardy stun gun video, Hogan/Bischoff talk up Impact Wrestling taping, DiBiase interview, R-Truth talks Jimmys, Booker T hits Twitter, 2 TNA Gut Checks announced, Jericho and Ziggler react to no Ryder on Raw, Top 25 WWE managers, WWE names September PPV, final list of TNA names in AAA, Indian TV site interviews WWE exec, more WWE films confirmed, Hogan interview, JR has surgery, ex-WWE wrestler gets TNA tryout, and a former ECW name is backstage, Dreamer update, WWE and the Lantern Corps, more WWE on iTunes, Cena interview, and the Raw rating

It seems as though FCW wrestler Wes Brisco has been released, as his profile is no longer on their website. I've never seen him personally, but I had heard some good things on him. I wouldn't go solely on what I've read/heard of someone's ability, though.

TMZ has a followup story on Kevin Nash being arrested featuring his mugshot and Nash's side of the story. Kudos for not ignoring Nash's comment, as that's an important detail.

TNA has announced something called the "Bound for Glory series" that will be explained in further detail on Impact Wrestling. It will have 12 Superstars and will conclude (as you might imagine) at their October PPV. RVD, AJ Styles, and Gunner are the first 3 participants announced. I'm moderately interested in the idea, mostly because that only gives a vague idea as to what it is. I'm sure it's explained in the Impact Wrestling spoilers, but I like to wait until the shows air to comment on them.

Update: James Storm, Crimson, and Bully Ray have also been added. has more questions up. Here's my take on them:
1. With those additional details, it looks like they've kind of booked themselves in a corner. They either have 2 PPVs within 2 weeks of each other, or go 6 weeks without one. A somewhat ideal solution would be to move the PPV up a week (replacing that taping with whatever they had planned the previous Sunday), so it's 3 weeks between each, but that would mess up their taping schedule and possibly tick off a good number of people who would be able to make the original date but not one a week earlier. Not very good planning here. Hopefully they think things out better in the future. Not having PPVs 2 weeks apart should pretty much be a rule anyway.

More answers and the rest of the day's news after the break, starting with the Raw GM's decisions on Austin
(My answer for #2 is no, by the way; I'm pretty low on the totem pole so I doubt any wrestlers would care about my opinion outside of that as a fan).

3. I pretty much agree with them, here. They need to have answers for some of the more obvious questions like that. Some things just come with the territory of "suspending disbelief" (why don't WWE superstars see the cameraman, why are these two guys teaming after they feuded however many months ago, why don't they comment on feuds they had in the past), but that one's pretty hard to handwave away.

4. I use this term a fair amount. I forget that some people aren't familiar with it. Basically it means to pretend that what happens on the show is "real" in the sense that the wrestlers really dislike each other, really have those gimmicks, and so on. A good example of ignoring it was last night when they had the heel Bella Twins and face Kelly Kelly interacting with no problems on the Price is Right, then being in a match on opposite teams. All they needed was a little promo saying they agreed to (or had to) work together for that show or something, but they just kind of... didn't. It'd be a little like if a movie had Superman and Lex Luthor chatting it up in the bar before a fight scene (but on a much smaller scale). Oh, since I use these terms a lot too: heel means a "bad person" character, and (baby)face means a "good person" character. Wrestling used to be in carnivals a lot, and a good number of "carny" terms are still around the business from those days.

5. First off, thanks for reminding me that "Taser" is technically a brand name, so for all intents and purposes we should refer to them as stun guns. Their argument was that they did it for fun and it's similar to the "Jackass" stunts. Not something I'd want to do for fun, but to each his or her own I suppose. As for them posting it, also not something I'd want to do in their situation. They also argued that even though it was part of a drinking game, Jeff isn't "off the wagon" or anything. There should have been a number of red flags there that people would react negatively to the video, but given how many videos Matt's posted over the years, it could very well have been second nature to post it.

Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan were pleased with the most recent Impact Wrestling taping. Note that there's a minor spoiler in that link. We'll see how many people agree with their assessments later in the week.

Ted  DiBiase, Jr. was selected by WWE to attend a special charity event in Miami. He had plenty to say about the trip. The article also goes into his background. He comes across as a pretty smart guy, and him making the decision to break in the business the way that he did is worthy of a good amount of respect. has a feature of R-Truth talking about his least favorite "Jimmys". It's not quite as funny as I was hoping; it felt somewhat forced.

Booker T. has joined Twitter under the name "bookert5x". He, like pretty much anyone with a level of fame, has had his share of impersonators online. Some people, I tell you...

TNA will have 2 Gut Checks (tryouts) in the month of July. One in Asbury Park, NJ and one in Houston, TX. If you're an independent wrestler who wants a shot at the big time, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. Details here. Also good for TNA for searching for those "next big things" out there.

Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler were among those who bemoaned the lack of a Zack Ryder appearance on Monday's Raw in front of his hometown crowd. He will be on this week's Superstars, which was also taped in Long Island. All they needed was him drinking a Bud Light Lime with Stone Cold backstage or something. Heck, they could have had him turn face and wrestle R-Truth instead of the "non-return" of Morrison. I'm not saying he needs to be pushed as a big deal or anything, but with the work this guy puts in to get his persona over (and sell merchandise), I think he earned a spot on this week's show.

WWE has their list of top 25 managers here. #1 shouldn't be a surprise.

WWE has decided to go with Night of Champions for the name of its September PPV. All of WWE's championships will be on the line, and there will almost certainly be at least one other match on the card as well (since there are only 6 titles there).

The TNA talents set for AAA TripleMania this weekend are Angelina Love, Mickie James, Velvet Sky, Abyss, Mr. Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Jarrett.

WWE's International Executive Vice President (what a title!) was interviewed by, in which he revealed that there will be 2 more WWE films released this year, and 3 next year. I hope they're worth the money they're spending on them. Every ad they have for a movie is an ad that isn't being being used to promote a PPV or superstar. The whole thing's really interesting from a business perspective.

Hulk Hogan had a noteworthy interview to promote his new game on Xbox 360. I feel sorry for the poor sap who tries to break into wrestling solely on what's done in that game. I agree about his comments about being able to put it all together. It's very frustrating when some people can't do it. I'm not really a Hogan fan, but his match with The Rock was storytelling personified. Absolutely amazing from that standpoint. I wouldn't count on a match with Austin, though. I agree with him on Matt Morgan being someone TNA can do something with as well (that name's still on their PPVs and the like so I'm going to keep using it until an official name change occurs).

Jim Ross underwent surgery as scheduled today. No word on how it went yet.

The wrestler formerly known as Luke Gallows (and before that Festus) worked a tryout match with TNA recently. I think he's definitely someone to look into. He was fantastic in the Festus role, and did well as Luke Gallows also. Heck, I'd look into bringing Serena along with him. He's apparently only 27, so he could very well be someone to watch for the future.

Jerry Lynn was at the most recent Impact Wrestling taping. It's possible that TNA brings him in to wrestle RVD at Destination X. If they could pull it off one more time, that could be a sight to see.

Now that Tommy Dreamer is officially done with TNA, he's working on producing non-wrestling TV products and a movie. Good for him for keeping busy. He's been at WWE headquarters recently, but as of now there aren't any plans to bring him back. I think he'd make a good trainer or agent, but he would likely want to keep wrestling. Between having him on TV and someone newer who has potential to really break out and do something, I'm going with the latter. He's had enough times in the spotlight, and WWE's mostly moved on from the style he works best with.

WWE has another interesting feature getting press today: comparing superstars and Divas to different members of the Lantern Corps (yes, there are more than just Green). Really cool idea. Hopefully they do it for the Avengers, too.

Here's what's new on iTunes from WWE. I know a good number of people have wanted some of those themes. It's good in general that they're making all that stuff available for purchase. The more ways and locations for people to spend money on your product, the more likely they are to do so. Interesting that they put up the Hardy Boys DVD given where those two are relative to WWE right now (but I'm sure plenty of people will be interested in it).

In a video interview with the Baltimore Sun, John Cena discussed Capitol Punishment, WrestleMania XXVIII and his opponents at both of those events.

Monday's 3-hour Raw pulled in a 3.1 rating, though it did a 3.3 in its regular timeslot. If more people knew Stone Cold and Roddy Piper would be there in advance, they could have gotten a nice boost there. Given how many stops (and stars) they pulled out for that show, that number's a letdown.

That's all for Monday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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