Tonight in the nation's capital, we get 4 title matches and 3 grudge matches on WWE's June PPV extravaganza. Who will leave Washington, D.C. with their heads held high, and who will need to go back to campaigning after a crushing defeat? Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Oh boy, Cole, Lawler, and Booker all together.
The opener was fine by me. Damn solid wrestling match. Hopefully these guys get something to do from here.
Great R-Truth intro. Please tell me his character continues to be a big part of Raw after tonight.
I loved Miz's promo as well.
A bit surprised that this is the second match on the card, but we'll see what that means.
Miz vs. Riley was fine. I was hoping for something longer, but this was a good one, too.
Oh no. If I wanted to see campy stuff with Obama impersonators, there are plenty of other places for me to tune in.
Hell, that works, too. I was a bit worried there for a while, but they mostly did the right thing with Del Rio going over. Show might have been too strong for my liking, but at least he didn't win.
Another good R-Truth segment. 2011's most interesting character I think.
Solid Barrett promo. I wish he got more mic time.
Another perfectly fine match, though I was hoping for something longer. I wanted a little more of a brawl, though I suppose they could save that for a rematch. Preferably something in the street fight variety.
Instead of an 8th match or something backstage to help get a story over, we're getting this silliness. TNA, if you want to be different, ban segments like this.
You know what, WWE, if you keep putting on matches like this, I'll give you more of a pass on the campiness.
Ooh, this one wasn't really what I was looking for. Could have been worse, but could have been better as well.
Ok, we're close to the limit of campy segments here.
Hey, Raw needed a 6th match, right? It's like most of the Smackdown crew was needed elsewhere tonight.
More solid wrestling. We haven't had a bad match all night.
I get the feeling the WWE writers want to get this show over with and get to work on a sitcom. Again, TNA, the floor is yours to talk about who dumb "sports entertainment" can be. This show is Jekyll and Hyde tonight.
Wow, really? Another match that felt cut short. A good number of PPV buyers should fill somewhat ripped off after this mix of wrestling and goofiness. I doubt people paid wanting to see that many Obama segments (if any). Ditto with Keith Stone. I'm kind of disappointed here. At least when I (fantasy) book BS finishes, they're usually after a nice amount of action.
Anyway, that's all for the show. If you could cut out the non-wrestling stuff, you'd have a mostly solid show, but unfortunately you can't.
I'll be back before long with Sunday's news post. Thanks for reading!
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