Ric Flair has finally paid Highspots.com the $35,000 he owed them. He won't be going to jail. Thank goodness that's finally settled.
PWInsider.com has some Sunday questions to digest. Here are my thoughts on them:
1. This is what happens when you set your expectations high. I don't think we were ever going to see ROH's Bryan Danielson in WWE. They're not looking for someone who can do 60-minute matches with tons of impressive maneuvers. They're looking for someone who can work the "WWE style" that's more about selling and babyface comebacks and the like. They're not trying to sell to the ROH audience, just as ROH isn't trying to sell to the WWE audience. That being said, he's only 30 and been in WWE for fewer than 2 years. They're presumably keeping him in the midcard so he can gain a following there, then when the time is right and he's gotten over with the Little Jimmys/WWE Universe, they will possibly push him higher. But right now they're more focused on more "established" guys like Orton, Henry, Kane, and Christian being at the top of the card.
As for Sin Cara, it's a similar situation, just with "Mexico" instead of "ROH". I don't 100% blame Cara for not blowing us out of the water yet. Other than a few dark matches, he was pretty much just pushed into the WWE way of doing things instead of working in FCW and getting used to the American/WWE way of doing things. It's pretty different from lucha. The rings are bigger and the fans react to different things. As for keeping him in the midcard as well, it's similar to Bryan's case. He's not even 30; they figure that it'd be better to have him learn the ropes and such there before trying to push him as a top guy. Not to mention that without being able to cut a good promo/emote with the fans, I don't see him going very high anytime soon.
This has been done countless times over the years. It's rare that you'll see someone (who isn't a giant) pushed right into the main event before WWE tests the waters with them. Cena, despite debuting against Kurt Angle, stayed in the midcard for some time before moving up. Orton debuted against Hardcore Holly of all people, and Batista was D-Von Dudley (Brother Devon)'s bodyguard. Rey Mysterio started in the Cruiserweight division. So on and so forth.
After the break, I look at the rest of the day's answers and news, starting with Ezekiel Jackson changing his finisher.
2. What they said makes a lot of sense. I would have guessed it's because perhaps it looks more impressive to lift someone over your shoulders and shake them until they give up. Remember that WWE's target audience is the Little Jimmys and Jennys with their families. His side slam (whatever the technical name for it is) is pretty awesome though.
3. Generally when you have a question about a specific wrestler, this is the place to go. They have bios on just about anyone you could want to look it up. DeBeers' page doesn't have too much in the way of specific angles, but does go into a LONG title history. I can't put over that website enough.
4. Husky's back down in FCW, presumably continuing training and improving. I haven't seen anything on Smith in a long time. Last I saw him his character was more of a cowboy than what he was in the Hart Dynasty, so that one's a big question mark. Both are several years away from being 30, so they potentially have long careers ahead of them that WWE might not want to rush. And of course, no one's gotten the whim to say "hey, you know who we should be using? These guys."
5. Nope. At least not anytime soon. I think part of the reason the current stages look the way they do and are all the same has something to do with the new HD equipment. I'm not really sure what, but presumably the set's made to better accommodate that. I'm fine with them. As much as I like some of the older sets, there are more important things to focus on!
Bloomberg News will soon be having a show focusing on WWE. They've released two videos to preview the show. They talk about Triple H's awesome WM27 mask and why wrestling resonates across cultures.
WWE.com has a look at Shawn Michaels' upcoming outdoors show. Sounds more interesting than I first imagined. I wonder what special guests will show up?
Finally, Dave Batista, like seemingly everyone else, has joined Twitter. He's commented on a number of WWE subjects: saying that he wants to go back, just not anytime soon and not with the PG rating. I don't see that last part changing in the near future. He also commented on the Batista chants to Mason Ryan, Vince McMahon, Hollywood, MMA, and a number of other things. I picture his Tweets coming from his big, intense promo voice. Also, kudos for he and Shelly Martinez (WWE ECW's Ariel, TNA's Salinas) having a truce now. That's really good to hear (read). They didn't get along in WWE to say the least.
That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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