On this week's edition of WWE Superstars, Tyson Kidd faces his biggest, reddest, machiniest challenge yet as he faces the former World Heavyweight Champion Kane. Will we see a massive upset or will the man of many managers be destroyed like so many past Kane opponents? Then, on Impact Wrestling, we see the new TNA Champion begin his second reign at the top. What direction will the company go in with an asshole on top? And what will be Sting's reaction to Bischoff's interference in Sunday's main event? Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
WWE was over half an hour late posting this episode on the website today. If I'd have known that in advance, I would have already watched Z! True Long Island Story.
Well, at least we got to see him play to the hometown crowd.
I wonder how long this "facing heels" thing will last.
Apparently being the first Unified Tag Team Champions is obscure to Josh Mathews. It did get dropped from the WrestleMania it was on, but that should be a fairly big deal.
Not a bad match, though I imagine that his dad would rather have seen John Morrison.
I would have thought you needed to wear a shirt to get in a press conference.
None of this makes me want to see people compete in wrestling matches on Sunday.
Drew McIntyre used to be looked at as a future WWE/World Champion. Now he's stuck in midcard hell.
Speaking of dropped priorities, NXT rookies used to accompany their pros in matches. I think they stopped that when they realized that they could be taping a match on Monday to air Thursday featuring a rookie who could be eliminated on Tuesday!
I couldn't have cared much less about this match. It was just kind of there.
I had actually forgotten which brand Yoshi Tatsu was on.
A feud going from NXT to Superstars? Preposterous.
Fine match, but it didn't really mean anything.
I really hope they go with a different PPV theme next year. This one's pretty lame.
Hey, at least they're doing something with JTG now. He's a Raw guy managing a Smackdown guy, though.
I'm actually starting to like JTG's heel character some. Maybe, just maybe, I'd be ok with him sticking around longer.
How crazy is it that they put Kane on a web/international only show? He's co-headlined WrestleMania.
Heck, this might be more believable as a handicap match.
Meh. Nothing bad here, just nothing must-see. The beat goes on for Tyson.
On to Impact Wrestling!
I don't think there's anywhere else to go with Angle/Jarrett unless someone puts their career on the line. Hopefully it was wrapped up on Sunday.
I really wish they'd go back to the TNA Title that Eric Young carries around. Do a unification match or something.
Interesting that it doesn't say the TNA World Title, just Heavyweight. I think it should have both.
Anderson vs. Gunner. That'll put asses in the seats. Heck, I LIKE Gunner and I wouldn't put him this high up on the totem pole.
The TNA fans are so into this potential match that they're chanting for beer.
That match-up makes sense, but I think that was Sting, Bischoff, or Hogan's segment to interrupt. Not that I'm a fan of the latter two talking, but they had a hand in him winning the title.
Not a bad match, though obviously storylines took front seat here. Not sure if this is going to be a face turn for Pope or not. I'd rather have him teaming with Devon than doing nothing.
Oh no, they're not bringing Kurt's kids back into this are they? It's REALLY time to do something different.
Ok, fine, maybe ONE more match if one or the other takes a hiatus following it.
I guess that works for me.
There's got to be some kind of TV role for West. Even if they just toss to him to talk about the upcoming matches or PPV.
A point system? Why do they have to over-complicate things? I thought the top 10 contenders thing was hard to keep up with...
I wonder what wackiness we'll get from Young next. I think WWE can get away with goofiness here and there, but TNA only has so much TV time and so few people taken as serious threats.
X-Division stars of the future? How's that even work?
I remember Kid Kash's TNA run. Teamed with Lance Hoyt for a time.
HAHA! Makeup-less Goldust sighting.
Jimmy Rave I didn't really care for. I'm a little surprised they didn't point out that he used to be managed by Hemme.
I liked Aries a good deal, as far as X-Divisioners go.
Wow, X-Division matches really do look different in a 4-sided ring.
I wonder if they'll still have red ropes in the 6-sided ring at Destination-X?
Fun little car crash match I guess. I wonder which of these guys are here for the last time?
I just saw the weirdest phone commercial... crazy muppets everywhere.
Yeah, I prefer goofy Divas to "grinding on the rope" ones.
Velvet vs. brainwashed Angelina for the Knockouts Title seemed like such a no-brainer, but apparently that's not going down.
Not crazy about that one. Even without the ODB interference.
I was hoping for Alissa Flash. Jacqueline's alright I guess. Not someone I was hoping for a return of, though.
Why do I get the feeling Hogan's going to turn on Jarrett?
Oh right, they're doing X-Division stuff at the PPV so the other feuds will be on a big Impact Wrestling afterward.
Not a bad segment between Sting and Hogan, though obviously it's going over stuff from what feels like forever ago. Then Sting started yelling and ignoring the camera guy and I kind of turned on it. It got pretty weird there at the end.
Wow. I'm really not feeling a Jacqueline return if that's the kind of promo we have to get from it.
This is some crazy stuff with EY.
Jarrett can still wrestle in Florida if he lives in Mexico.
Joe vs. RVD? Hell yeah.
The Bound For Glory Series reminds me of the Hard 10 tournament and Dupp Cup from the old TNA days. Crazy, convoluted stuff. Didn't see it firsthand, though, as I didn't start watching them until late 2004.
This is shaping up to be a pretty good contest.
Nice match. No complaints here.
I don't think Duke Nukem Forever should have come out. It was so mythical. It's like Bigfoot just coming out and telling everyone he's real. Where's the fun in that?
I don't buy Gunner as a main eventer just yet, but I'll give TNA props for pushing someone new there. They could certainly do worse.
That was kind of stupid for Anderson to do. I'm not so sure I'm on board for this big of a push for Gunner. Then again, it usually takes some time for me to warm up to someone being pushed a main eventer.
Scott Steiner promos are a guilty pleasure of mine. That was hilarious in all the wrong ways.
Steiner vs. Bully Ray. Whomever wins, it isn't a good guy, so the fans have to choose between 2 low-down heels. Fun.
Here's how I picture TNA meetings at times, based on this brawl:
"You know what this segment needs? More camera shaking!"
"I was thinking it needed more yelling."
"Guys, guys, you're BOTH right."
I'm kind of confused at where they're going from here, but I guess I'll find out next week.
Anyway, that's a wrap. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and a news post will be up after midnight. Thanks for reading!
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