I like the graphic for the main event.
It's still really weird having Cole and King not bickering. Where's Josh Mathews?
I liked Miz's opening promo.
Packed house.
Miz has interacted with Rock, Bret Hart, and Stone Cold Steve Austin now. Pretty big deal.
Thankfully Stone Cold didn't "bury" him on the mic by saying he wasn't in his league or anything like that. He also put Riley over pretty nicely.
YYEEEESSS!!! Looking forward to Piper's Pit tonight. That's awesome.
Alberto Del Rio in a segment with Stone Cold too? This is a hell of a start to Raw!
Austin's still got it on the mic obviously.
With Big Show "injured", having Del Rio facing Kane tonight is perfect. If there are people tuning in because of Stone Cold, they also (almost certainly) know Kane. This is a good chance for them to see what Del Rio can do.
WWE.com has an article discussing the amount of damage done to Del Rio's car in the accident with Big Show. Nice touch. It also goes into other automobile accidents in WWE history.
Ideally this leads to a rematch on Sunday. It's too soon to bring Big Show back.
Boo. He should still be injured. Or at least somewhat ineffective as the result of being hit by a car 3 weeks ago. At least he was out that long... a bit of a letdown as far as getting over Del Rio. Could certainly have been worse, though.
I like the 6-man tag idea. Again, those fans who are watching for Stone Cold get a chance to see some of WWE's newer names, and reasons to see Smackdown.
I thought the point of Rhodes' gimmick was that he wasn't hideous, just psychologically scarred.
Ezekiel's a powerhouse, for sure. Which is good, because he's not going to get over by the variety of moves he does.
Damn fine match. Everyone was used well, though Zeke's limits in the ring were really on display.
I need to play inFamous 2 soon.
I figured someone would interrupt Hornswoggle.
Crazy R-Truth is the best R-Truth.
I wonder how many people who haven't watched in a while are going "R-Truth is in the WWE Title picture? Seriously?"
I was wondering when Austin would chime in.
Hmm. I was pretty sure that Morrison was still injured. They're throwing a lot out tonight it looks like.
Yeah, probably not a good idea to have that music playing when you're tossing to a serious video package.
They must have a lot planned tonight if they're skipping ring entrances.
Thank goodness they didn't have a World Title contender go out to the Cobra. Cool that Sheamus added the
Nice that they're showing that video package on Raw to catch the non-Smackdown viewers up.
WWE starts the top of the hour (and Raw's normal time slot) with a top star to immediately catch interest of people just tuning in. Smart.
Technical difficulties. They happen.
I'm liking the story between Christian and Orton, though I think I'd prefer him being face, given that Sheamus and Mark Henry are also heel.
Wait, I thought the Anonymous Raw GM was on vacation?
It felt like they kind of had to have the Anonymous GM make that decision. It'd be really out-of-character for Austin to do that.
How does the Raw GM get to strip a Smackdown star of a title? I guess if you're on his/her show, you're fair game.
Glad that they're treating a concussion as a serious issue.
I guess King and Booker have mended the fences after their feud however many years ago when Booker was King of the Ring.
Rey and Christian would be a good feud.
For those who haven't heard the story, Mick Foley lost part of an ear when he was caught in-between some overly tight ring ropes in Germany. Generally they're kept somewhat loose before a match where they do that spot, but some people in earlier matches complained, so they were tightened up. I'm thinking Foley wasn't informed of this, so he did the spot anyway.
Anyway. This match/segment was kind of convoluted. It got over what it needed to, though. Punk's being featured a good deal for someone who might not be here by the end of next month.
I like this: Stone Cold knows who Dolph Ziggler is, and is a fan of his work. He's not (being booked/written as) belittling him or make him look like some nobody. For those people who don't watch regularly, that impression is important.
It'll be interesting to see what happens with Dolph from here. Either he'll end up back with Vickie shortly or have a chance to really break out. Also, Vickie looks like an almost entirely different person from when we first saw her on TV. Good for her.
Those All-star caricatures are kind of creepy looking.
Recap time to make this match mean more. Again, not everyone watches every week and is incredibly familiar with all of the storylines.
I'm guessing they're not going with a straight-up match since Morrison's not 100%.
Hahaha! Looks like they are saving Truth vs. Morrison for later. I think this can really mean something down the line if they build it up right. Not John Cena level over or anything necessarily, but still a fairly big deal.
I'm still waiting for Nunzio to take off his referee shirt and fight someone.
Top 25 WWE managers? That's going to be an interesting one. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan would be the popular choice I think. I'm going to be diplomatic and say that it's too tough to call.
I thought he couldn't be with Vickie anymore? I guess that's just for Sunday.
This is something wrestling companies in general can do a better job of: showing us hype packages of superstars (who aren't already featured on the show all the time).
They're getting a lot of faces on the show tonight. I get a feeling we'll end up with a big Divas tag match (or two) as well.
I think I'd have to wear a hoodie or something in public if I had Dolph's old hairstyle.
Commentators putting over what's going on or just went on in the ring? What a novel concept.
No video package of Rock's win? Somewhat surprising.
You can bet TNA's Creative team is looking at that Best of Nitro DVD. Sorry, had to do it. It is pretty funny that they showed a video of Hogan losing the WCW Title.
It'd be pretty weird if however many years from now we get a "Best of Impact" DVD by WWE and we see what does and doesn't make the cut. I wonder how many people watching Raw now watched Nitro back in the day? It has been more than 10 years since the last episode.
There's only one Roddy Piper. He looks better than he did the last few times I've seen him.
This is a pretty cool confrontation.
If Riley has a good showing here, he can really break out from Miz's shadow.
I was hoping for more mic work, but I guess this is fine, too.
Damn, I was hoping Piper'd clock Miz with the microphone and jump him to start an impromptu match. This might work out better, though. More potential for turmoil between Riley and Miz.
And they get to set it up over commercial break.
AND Miz won't want to attack Riley because he has $5,000 on the li... well, so much for that. Yeah, that was kind of a wash. Felt like it should have gone on a little longer, but maybe Piper could only go so long. He's not exactly a spring chicken anymore.
And the focus at the end is on Riley and Miz, as it should be.
We're about 45 minutes from a riot if Zack Ryder doesn't have a match in front of his hometown crowd.
Naturally they do a video package on Kelly and the Bellas being on the Price is Right. I guess they're just going to ignore heels being with faces.
WWE has 14 Divas? Wow. I would have guessed like, 10.
Clustermess time!
Ok, then. Not really what I was hoping for in this segment.
Talk about a match I want to see at next year's Mania. No, not Punk vs. Andy.
What!? How can Stone Cold just make a 3-hour show like that? (It was already set up to be one).
See, more proof that Cole isn't the GM.
I wonder how much that laptop will go for on WWE.com? They sold the one Edge trashed; I don't see why they wouldn't put what's left of that one on sale, too.
There's got to be a better way to toss to these segments than "dreaming". The segment itself wasn't bad, though.
Uh-oh. If that's next, that means no Zack Ryder match. They're going to need that security crew back to do riot control if Twitter's to be believed.
Darn, I was thinking Punk, Otunga and McGillicutty (with Ryan) vs. Rey, Santino, and Kozlov for Sunday.
The Nassau crowd was better than they usually are tonight, until this match that is.
Fine match. I'm just kind of burned out after over 3 hours of Raw.
Fine ending to the show. I can get over no Zack Ryder appearance; it wasn't really a "make or break" thing. I just wanted to see what would come from his latest video.
That's a wrap. I'll be back tomorrow for NXT, and a news post will be up at some point after midnight. Thanks for reading!
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