Last week Sheamus earned a match for the World Heavyweight Championship, and tonight he cashes in. Can the Pale Warrior win his first Big Gold Belt or will the reign of The Viper continue? Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
An Intercontinental Championship match tonight, too? That's a bit of a surprise. I figured they'd save that for Capitol Punishment. It might not be against Ezekiel, though.
This match pretty much confirms to me that we're going to get a Fatal 4 Way for the World Title at the next PPV.
Hard to believe these guys used to be on the ECW brand.
This is a hell of a match so far. They're playing off of each other pretty well.
Christian's a wizard. They told a nice story in this one: Christian used the ring and surroundings to his advantage and didn't let Henry catch him and play the power game.
Infamous 2. Got to get that one.
Of course Theodore Long comes out for a segment. I like this one, though.
The plot thickens. They've got a good story here leading to a possible 3-way or 4-way match at the PPV.
Ha, they're getting all the Divas into the mix this time it seems.
And Team Quirky continues.
Well then. Obviously they're not pushing them too hard too soon.
I guess Sin Cara's not wrestling this week, so they showed a video. Hopefully he's continuing to adjust to the WWE style and the bigger ring.
I really like this promo from Rhodes. His twisted logic and voice oddly works. This is one of those gimmicks that can succeed or fail based on who's doing it.
DiBiase vs. Bryan? I'm fine with that.
I like the rebranding of Khali here. He's one of those guys with instant credibility based on his size.
35 weeks in a row. Good for them.
Jinder's got a great look. Not a bad debut. Nothing amazing, but a nice first TV match.
Yeah, this dream thing gets cornier every time they do it.
I love Zeke's theme song.
It doesn't get much more intercontinental than this match.
That Black Hole Slam spot was awesome.
Solid match. I think they needed something a little stronger to take Barrett out for a 10-count. Though I guess he could have seen Slater and Gabriel coming and decided he didn't need to try to get in the ring, so he stayed out there.
I wonder if this is setting up face turns for Gabriel and Slater? I think Gabriel in particular could do well in that regard. I think I'd have rather them save him a little sooner to leave the outcome in a bit more doubt.
Damn. This match is pretty nice. Bryan can go (not that this is news to anyone who's seen him pre-WWE).
Don't count DiBiase out, though. He's coming into his own as well.
That was all good. Sin Cara slipped up once again, but Rhodes/DiBiase vs. Bryan/Cara will be fantastic.
Wow, I didn't even recognize Curtis.
That was umm... interesting. I wonder how many people watching at home know who the heck he is (since NXT Season 4 was online-only). I do like that they're using him now and came up with a reason to separate him from R-Truth. Smackdown's better for debuts of relatively inexperienced guys, anyway.
Pretty awesome match we've got going on here.
Haha, that's great. Hilarious ending.
Hopefully that's not a total heel turn for Christian. I think he needs to stay as the show's other top face. I like where the story's going, though.
I liked pretty much everything about this show.
That's a wrap. I'll be back for Tough Enough and Raw on Monday, and a news post will be up after midnight. Thanks for reading!
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