RVD, Scott Hall, X-Pac, The Stro, and "Mean" Gene Okerlund remembered Curt Hennig.
Curtis Axel put out a series of tweets related to WWE taking signs supporting him in his hometown: here, here, here, and here. WWE prefers to have fans with signs supporting talents they're showcasing. It's their event, so they're going to run it in a way that benefits the story they want to tell.
Goldberg will be on Monday's Raw to continue the build to his match with Brock Lesnar. I'm curious how big of a deal that match will be presented as.
- Goldberg vs. Lesnar has been officially announced for Survivor Series. It's pretty crazy to see both wrestling in WWE after the way their last match went.
Magnum T.A.'s Highspots.com DVD has been released, thirty years after his big crash. It's good to look back at a career with so much potential.
WWE welcomed its new recruiting class. They have quite the mix of wrestlers with impressive experience and athletes with heavy potential.
Raw Monday night drew 2.82 million viewers, pretty much in line with what they were doing before last week's Goldberg bump. This is pretty much the new normal during football season. The three-hour grind is really stretching them out.
The Undertaker appeared in full gimmick (including hair) for the Cleveland Cavaliers' opening night after they won the NBA Championship this summer. LeBron James wore an Undertaker shirt during the NBA Finals. That's REALLY cool.
Billy Corgan's TNA lawsuit is now public record, other than sensitive financial information. Here are important takeaways:
- Corgan alleges he invested in the company so it wouldn't foreclose and be taken over by Aroluxe.
- Documents indicate Dixie Carter owns 92.5% of TNA, with Aroluxe holding 5% and Anthem holding 2.5%. I expected her to own significantly less given all the talk of her being on the way out, etc. I'm not surprised things have been sensationalized, though.
- Basically he alleges that if Dixie defaulted on her loan from him, he'd gain control over her stake and voting power, effectively making him the majority owner of TNA.
- Corgan believes TNA breached its contract with him by having discussions with WWE about buying their video library without including him, the company president.
- Corgan also believes the deal was breached by him not being informed of the latest financial assistance from Fight Network's parent company.
- As a result of the alleged failings by TNA Management, Corgan is asking the court to grant him control of Dixie's 92.5% of the company. More on all this tomorrow.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. It was great! Everyone involved is motivated to make the match a big deal, which is good. It looks like he'll get to go out with a bang.
2. A showcase of both men's big moves leading to a solid thrashing by Brock. Unless Heyman screws him over to set up something at WM33, Brock should finish him clean with an F5. Goldberg going over or being protected too much when he might never wrestle again would be asinine.
3. GFW is small potatoes compared to TNA. Unless Jeff has a spare $10 million or whatever on hand he really wants to get rid of (which would be weird, because why not put that into GFW?), he should stay out of TNA at all costs.
4. As was alluded to, guys like Cena, Orton, Styles, etc. have been doing big things in the world of wrestling for the past 10+ years. Kendrick more or less fell off the map compared to those guys. So, he's out to make a big statement while he still can. If it wasn't for the CWC, it's possible he would have just stayed as a trainer for the rest of his wrestling days.
5. I would primarily advise her to think of where she wants to be in five years. Does she have enough money to throw away a big WWE contract, and possibly years of that level of revenue? I'm sure she could get work elsewhere, but there are reasons people chomp at the bit to get into WWE. It's a big risk if she's thinking of leaving in order to be with Alberto.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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