Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Impact Wrestling.
- Shibata vs. O'Reilly:
Nice back-and-forth to start things off.
I'm liking the physicality and the technical ability on display.
I'm certainly impressed by Shibata here.
Good spot with the figure-four head scissors.
Just straight-up solid wrestling.
Oh, and physicality. That's good, too.
These kicks are just insane.
Both men are top-level, solid performers.
I'm glad this one's going long.
The solid action just keeps going.
I'm loving all the suplexes.
OK, this is starting to get to the "there's no way anyone would kick out after all that punishment" territory.
GOOD GAWD what an ending. Kyle had to damn near kill him to get him to stay down.
- Cole vs. Lethal vs. Naito vs. Tanahashi:
Funny start.
Good psychology early.
And some explosive action, too. This feels like a fight between big stars.
Impressive action all around. I usually hate Lethal's suicide dive spot, but it was done well here.
It's going to be hard to tap someone out in a four-way match.
Adam Cole's definitely good enough to be in WWE.
This has a good combination of action and charisma.
I'm liking the interplay between all the different people here.
Fun action so far.
Both NJPW names are really good, top-level guys.
This is really, really solid.
Smart of Tanahashi to get out of the ring.
Pretty good ending.
Impact Wrestling:
- Edwards/Lashley/Moose/EC3:
If I had invested in a company that put the belt on Edwards, I'd be suing them, too.
Lashley owning Edwards' ass. Embarrassing for them to change the title last week.
Lashley just killing him.
- Tribunal/O'Shea:
He's got a point with The Tribunal not being all that impressive in TNA. They're not bad, but not great, either.
- Corgan addresses Lashley's title shot:
Well, at least Lashley doesn't have to job to him twice.
- Rex vs. Godderz:
Man, they're going right into Aron title defenses.
Fine wrestling early. I like this style.
Nice offense from Jessie trying to get the win.
was OK. I wasn't crazy about the sudden ending. It's not like a
superkick and roaring elbow have been a believable finisher in forever.
- Lashley/O'Shea:
I hope Lashley rebounds well from here.
- Broken Hardys backstage:
That was pretty good. I'm looking forward to the next step here.
- Maria/Allie:
Good enough segment to set up more tonight.
- Lashley/EC3/Moose:
Well that was weird. I'm curious what this will mean for Corgan's character.
- Hardys in the ring:
This has been really fun.
I really wonder where they go from here.
Fun promo overall. The Tribunal are in for an ass-kicking.
- Cody vs. Bennett:
Bennett didn't waste much time before laying down a beating outside the ring.
Fine back-and-forth.
Pretty solid match so far.
Fine match overall.
I expect we'll see a mixed tag soon in order to mark that off Cody's list.
- Moose promo:
Pretty good. I'm ready for Moose being a main player.
- Rockett video:
I'm glad they're not just throwing this guy out here with no hype.
- DJ Z vs. Rockett:
I assume the music issue is somehow related to Billy Corgan suing TNA. More on that coming up.
I like Rockett using his power.
OK, Rockett's already making a statement. I like what we're seeing here.
I feel like it's almost mandatory for a company to have some flippy guy matches with little story behind them now.
That was OK. I'd like for there to be something interesting going on in this division again.
- Bennetts/Allie:
I'd pop if Allie made up those emails banning people from ringside.
- Gail vs. Maria:
Oh I'm all for some crazy weapon action.
This is fun for how silly it is.
I liked Gail not ending the match ASAP, since once the bell rings, others can come help Maria.
That was cool.
- EC3/Drake:
Mostly good.
- Cody/Eddie:
That was pretty boring. "We're just two old buddies who want to have a good wrestling match and win a championship"
- DCC promo:
loved them acknowledging there have been 573,000 invasion groups in
wrestling. I'd pop if they called themselves Kings and 9s or something.
- EC3 vs. Moose:
Good work so far.
I liked Carter trying to tap him out.
Enjoyable back-and-forth.
DAMN, that was a pretty quick loss for EC3. The match was good as long as it lasted, but... wow.
- Lashley/Moose staredown:
I'm ready for this hoss-fest.
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