Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- JeriKO/Stephanie/Rollins:
Whoever stole the list is definitely going to get IT.
I do wonder what's in it for Jericho to keep helping Owens like this.
You can't have a show without Jericho's list!
This is silly.
They're making a goofy segment work, because everyone involved is that good.
Good work from Rollins. I'm ready for HIAC.
I hope we get something big from Seth and HHH. Will it be at Survivor Series or WM33?
- Seth/Stephanie backstage:
I really wonder how they're going to stretch Seth vs. HHH to WM33. Why haven't we seen HHH since his attack?
- Enzo/Cass/Club promo:
Funny for them to do the entrance anyway. The Club have no gimmick of any interest in 2016.
- Enzo vs. Karl:
I really hope The Club can beat someone Enzo's size.
Fine match so far, but I don't really see much special in Anderson or Gallows as in-ring workers.
That wasn't bad. Karl and Luke REALLY need to get some heat. I think they're victims of their pre-WWE reputation, since they haven't accomplished all that much since coming here.
- Rusev promo:
I love Machka Man and hope he's in for a Universal Championship run in 2017.
Really good promo.
- New Day promo:
As funny as burying Sheamus was, he's definitely a great athlete. He's underrated because he works the stereotypical WWE style.
DAMN. Stiff shots at Sheamus there.
- Sheamus/Cesaro vs. Big E/Kofi:
Ugghhhh Cesaro.
The Europeans are a pretty solid duo, which makes sense considering how they work together as opponents.
I'm warming up to the team of Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus could be a good face if they don't make him do goofy lines like Cena and Roman.
This is pretty good. Lots of back-and-forth.
I'm liking the action between Sheamus and Big E.
And good stuff between Kofi and Cesaro.
Nice to counter/avoid big moves. That adds believability to the endeavor.
- Y2J/S. Stars/Titus/Jinder:
Primo and Epico's gimmick has got to be a rib on someone. It's too bad to be real.
Mostly funny segment.
- Dana promo:
I like Dana asserting her physical dominance.
- Dana/Bayley:
Every arm-wrestling contest in wrestling goes like this, but we haven't seen one in a really long time, so it's OK, I guess.
That was fine enough. I wonder where both women go after HIAC settles Charlotte/Sasha.
- Y2J/Stephanie:
I love the nod to these two's histories.
Suspending Chris Jericho will definitely get her on the list.
- Curtis promo:
Hometown babyface promo it is!
- Axel vs. Bo:
At least Curtis is getting to get some shine in his home state.
Well, so much for Curtis getting a push. Where does either man really go at this point?
- Y2J/Braun:
Good for Jericho to sell the toughness of Braun. Although, if Y2J will fight Brock backstage, I think he'd stand up to Strowman.
- Roman promo:
Good selling of the brutality of HIAC.
Hopefully Roman vs. Rusev ends with a bang inside HIAC.
- G. Truth vs. S. Stars:
Goldust is still going 21 years after his first WWE match.
Good teamwork from the Stars.
Pretty solid match so far.
That was fun enough. I wonder what, if anything, they're building toward. I expected Henry to have retired months back, but clearly he's not done yet as a wrestler.
- Foley/Sasha/Charlotte:
I hope neither woman goes off or through the Cell. I don't know if it'd really be worth it.
I'm glad Mick's selling how intense the match can be.
I loved Sasha plugging the WWE Network.
Yeah, ask Foley how much crazy bumps have done for him at his age. It's a rough life.
I didn't like Charlotte calling Sasha second-rate. Sasha has beaten Charlotte, which would make Charlotte, what, third-rate? There's trash talk and then there's outright burial.
Intense words from both competitors. The match is being sold as something that shortens careers. It's kind of barbaric, really.
Foley's got a point here. HIAC and similar big bumps did him ROUGH.
I LOVED Mick pleading the two women not to destroy themselves in the brutal match. He really put both women over.
- Swann vs. Kendrick:
I love Kendrick going shady.
Swann's agility is always quite incredible.
I'm glad this match isn't JUST big flips.
Impressive work by both men.
Surprise win. Why have Swann beat the No. 1 Contender clean six nights before the PPV? The No. 1 contender beat the champion in a non-title match previously. I'm really not sure what they're thinking.
- Owens promo:
I like the idea of Kevin having Rollins right where he wants him to get an advantage for HIAC.
I DEFINITELY like Owens wanting to make the match brutal instead of a super-cool spectacle.
Good fire overall.
- Braun/Zayn:
You should probably wait until you actually beat the guy before you say he's not competition.
I'm glad Sami didn't just sit there and take Braun punking him out.
That was pretty good overall. I like the story of brute strength vs. tenacity and never saying die.
- TJP/Kendrick:
Brian has a point there.
Pretty good overall. Brian's been a compelling character.
- Brock/Heyman:
I like the idea of Goldberg being the 1998 version of Brock Lesnar. That's clever.
Heyman burying bandwagoners was good.
That was honestly a little underwhelming, but it was pretty much just to stoke Goldberg support. Plus, neither Brock nor Goldberg are working HIAC.
- JeriKO backstage:
So, what happens if Jericho wins tonight? What does that mean for him as a title contender?
- Y2J vs. Owens vs. Rollins:
Jericho joining Owens on the floor was funny.
Pretty funny stuff with no one wanting to start.
Damn, a blockbuster already?
Rollins has his work cut out for him in this one.
I'm liking the work trying to beat Seth down.
Good counter work.
Pretty solid stuff with Seth trying to come from behind.
NICE Irish whip/cannonball spot.
That was a pretty wild ending. I liked the callback to Seth's injury.
Seth pinning two men at once was pretty good.
- Post-match:
Really solid fight going on.
Oh, Seth REALLY has the odds against him after that powerbomb.
More wrestling coming up.
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