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Friday, October 28, 2016

ROH and Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/27/16

- ROH:
- Cabana/Castle vs. Tanaka/Komatsu:
Cabana, Boys, and Tempura Boys.

Good work so far. I like the CMLL duo.

Castle's work is impressive. He's got good character, personality, and in-ring skills.

Funny pose spot.

Cabana and Castle make for a really solid duo.

Fine work all around.

I mean, seriously, Colt and Dalton are doing great here.

Nice match to show what the faces can do.

- Briscoes promo:
I'm glad these two are actually doing something now, although there's not much left for them to really do in ROH at this point.

- Gresham vs. O'Reilly:
I'm liking the grappling for position early.

O'Reilly's definitely really impressive. Gresham's not bad himself.

Pretty good spot with the hip tosses.

And more good stuff with hip tosses.

Kyle's got a good technical background. He could be someone to watch in the years to come.

Gresham putting up a good fight against the possible future World Champion.

Pretty good ending overall.

- reDRagon/Page and Cole:
I'm liking partners getting involved in this feud.

I'm glad Page is becoming a badass.

Pretty good fight segment.

- Cheeseburger/Ferrara promo:
I really hope Martinez and Whitmer can beat these two bland goofs.

- Cheeseburger/Ferrara vs. Martinez/Whitmer:
Martinez destroying these two is great.

I like the outright meanness Whitmer shows.

The faces are doing well enough with their comeback.

NICE destruction from Martinez. I'm glad they're using him.

- Post-match:
I liked Martinez not caring the match was over. Keep killing people.

- MCMG promo:
Ughhhhh bland babyface promos. This nu-wrestler bullshit needs to stop.

"We work really hard you guys!!!" They do, but it's such a bland character trait.

- MCMG vs. Naito/EVIL:
Nice heel work to counter a team I haven't cared about in years.

MCMG definitely have really good teamwork.

Pretty good back-and-forth.

I like LOS bringing something different to the table.

EVIL's impressive.

Definitely good work from the heels. MCMG are always impressive athletes, too.

This is pretty good. The two sides play off each other quite well.

This is REALLY heating up well.

Solid match.

- Impact Wrestling:
- Hardys introduction:
I'm not shocked at all this much craziness is going on at the Hardy house for Halloween week.

- EC3/Godderz vs. Drake/Rex:
Mostly good stuff so far.

Drake's made the most of his opportunities on TV in TNA. I like him.

Rex and Drake make a good duo.

Pretty good stuff here.

LOVED the sleepers spots.

NICE fire from Godderz. He's working hard.

I'm totally good with Rex turning heel. He's much more interesting that way.

- Maria/Brandi:
Blehhh... I'm getting burned out on the Bennetts.

- Grado promo:
Hopefully this is ridiculous fun.

- Trick or treaters arrive at the Hardy house:
OMG this is amazing.


- Spud promo:
I just can't find a reason to care about the X-Division these days.

- Grado/Robbie E/DCC:
lolwut. I do miss Robbie E's push alongside Cookie. Also Robbie T.

This is nuts. Funny, though, in a way.

Ahhhh I was wondering where this was going.

I really wonder where this new group goes. A feud with the Hardys, perhaps?

- Allie/Corgan:
That was pretty fun. Allie's story has been told well.

- Z/Mandrews/Sutter vs. Spud/Abyss/Steve:
I like Abyss more when he's dominant. Sutter did more than I expected.

Fine enough work here. It just seems pretty random.

Good enough match overall, although I'm sad Decay have gone downhill.

- Cody/Brandi promo:
Ehh. At least Cody's somewhat interesting.

- Edwards/Lashley:
Blah blah blah just kill him already Bobby.

I'm just not getting into this feud. Edwards has been too bland of a character. EC3 wasn't brought in as "hot free agent formerly known as Derrick Bateman" and Lashley's different from his WWE character, but Edwards is just "that guy who used to wrestle in ROH."

I just can't buy Eddie as a badass, especially with that lame name. That's some FCW shit fam.

- Van Ness/Sutter:
OK, that was pretty funny considering Braxton is married to Allie off-screen.

- Helms/Hardys:
OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. Great cameo from one of my all-time favorite characters. I miss Hurricane.

More crazy Hardys stuff. TNA has definitely had worse holiday segments.

- Van Ness vs. Allie:
Good heel work from Laurel.

Allie's been absolutely great in her role.

This is a better match than a lot of flippy stuff because we have sympy for the face and a real story.

Nice rollup spot.

- Political shenanigans at the Hardy house:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is great.

I'm so writing in #Broken Matt Hardy for president after that segment.

- Godderz/Rex segment:
That was good to continue the angle.

- Hardys/DCC:
OK, now this is important. DCC wanting the titles is a good start to actually mattering.

- Bennetts:
Blah blah blah blah. These two are so bland.

- Cody/Brandi vs. Bennett/Maria:
I can't say I blame Cody and Brandi for taking the spotlight here, since TNA obliged and let them do some shots.

Good stuff from Cody and Bennett.

I'm liking the story of both Bennetts working over Cody.

OUCHHHH that missed punch.

OK, Bennett mocking Dusty got me.

This is pretty silly.

Bleehhhhhh. It was there. Vanity match for the Cody Retirement Tour, more or less.

- Based Lashley/Cody/Brandi:
Thank you Bobby. I love his heel actions.

More wrestling coming up.

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