Read on for my thoughts on last night's PPV.
- Kickoff:
- Hawkins promo:
OMG they already have him curtain-jerking on Kickoff. His gimmick is ALMOST into "so bad it's good" territory.
That was a waste of pyro. I don't see this ending well for Curt.
I was really hoping that the sirens meant Scott Steiner was coming to do Curt an egg. I would watched the hell out of that.
- Shane/Bryan/Alexa:
Actually, we all wanted to see you Alexa.
I guess November 8's going to be a pretty big Smackdown.
The clown reference was funny, and I love the Harley Quinn look.
- Usos:
These guys are good in their new roles. They're very comfortable as heels.
- Nikki on the panel:
Nothing compelling about that at all.
- A. Alpha/H. Bros vs. Vaudevillains/Ascension:
Solid start from Jordan and Gable.
Mojo's entertaining, as ridiculous as he is.
Good action here, as there usually is in the WWE undercard.
Nice strategy of isolating Ryder.
Fun sequence of everyone hitting their big moves to end things.
- No Mercy:
- Styles vs. Cena vs. Ambrose:
Very interesting to start with this. I guess they want to get people hooked before the presidential debate.
I generally love a "everyone try to hit their finisher and win early" sequence.
NICE double German spot.
I'm liking how these three intersect so far. We're seeing some good sequences.
Cena just pulling out a Code Red like it's no big deal. He's a really great wrestler.
Everyone working hard and pulling out their big moves.
I really liked Cena capitalizing on the Styles Clash with the STF, and Ambrose preventing any potential tapping.
LOTS of great counters here.
I didn't like that ending.
Oh, I guess it wasn't the ending.
Now that ending was better.
- Nikki vs. Carmella:
Nikki stretching to get as much as she can out of Carmella. The Princess of Staten Island still has work to do as a wrestler.
I would have bought the X Factor ending it.
This is becoming a pretty good match.
That was probably as long as they could keep that one interesting. I'm interested to see where these two go from here.
- Shane/Bryan/Miz/Maryse:
Miz is the man. Him getting the money they were going to pay Ziggler is based.
- Slater/Rhyno vs. Usos:
Good action so far.
The Usos picking Rhyno apart.
NICE powerslam.
That was fine.
- Bray backstage:
I have a feeling we're in for something crazy in the main event. They almost have to in order for it to headline the show.
- Swagger vs. Corbin:
I always enjoy Corbin's meanness; he's just there to hurt people.
Good strategy from Baron to try to stop the ankle lock.
Fun brawl so far.
Welp, so much for rebuilding the Swag Man. It's possible he gets a clean win to rebuild himself, but it's going to take some serious rehabilitation to make him someone believable again.
- Miz vs. Ziggler:
Good fire from Ziggler early. This should be sold as the most important night in his career.
These two are good; we've just seem them face off a LOT at this point.
Miz. Is. So. Based. Him stealing Bryan's moves is great.
Dolph does have a strong work ethic in the ring. He has a natural predilection toward performing for the crowd at a high level.
Good counters going on here.
I would have marked so hard if Miz won with his feet on the ropes. It would have put Dolph in such a babyface position and made Miz look like such a jerk.
Both men digging in deep to get the advantage. Dolph using the Rough Ryder and Miz using the turnbuckle were great touches.
Good seeing submissions being used.
Damn. I was hoping the SCF would have done it.
Clever superkick spot.
OH MY GOD please bring back the Spirit Squad, even if they're just jobbers.
That second SCF should have done it. This is some John Cena shit.
Hopefully Miz gets his heat back on Kenny and Mikey for letting him down here.
- Orton backstage:
Looks like they need to Wellness test Orton. He's tripping.
- Alexa promo:
That was fine to set up another match. Alexa's character work is great.
- Alexa vs. Naomi:
Naomi's pretty solid.
I'm enjoying the work by both women here.
Well that was a disappointing ending to hurt Alexa's momentum. I guess we could see a triple threat on November 8? That would be the right move unless Alexa gets her win back before that date.
- Orton vs. Bray:
This is a good methodical match so far.
Bray just wearing him down.
Just fight all over the place, I guess.
More wrestling coming up.
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