Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- Management backstage:
I can definitely see the argument the new Impact focuses too much on non-wrestlers. There are quite a few of them getting screen time now.
Yeah, this really makes running Impact look like quite the mess. Is that the message to send alongside the "we're fixing things from bad management" line.
I hope JB/Mathews doesn't go on TOO much longer. As much as Mathews has come into his own as his current character, I think a lot of people want Impact to focus on the wrestlers.
- Karen/Sienna/KM:
Oh, no. Is Karen going to be Impact's Stephanie McMahon?
Please don't set up Karen vs. Sienna!
So um a Knockout's going to come and face Sienna, right?
And it's another debut!!
OK, now it's about Sutter/Allie vs. KM/Sienna. I don't know if we needed Karen for this.
I'm ready for KM in action.
- DJ Z vs. Everett:
I still want some character development in this division beyond "he does these moves and I do these moves."
Impressive FLIPS.
OUCH what a moonsaultlanding.
- Lee/Helms:
Good enough, I guess. I like Impact making use of managers. I hope Al Snow gets back to that role soon.
- Rosemary/ODB:
Oh, no. Way to no-sell Rosemary by having ODB come out and clown around.
Hopefully Rosemary gets put over in this business.
Well that was something. Lumberjill match?
- EC3/Storm:
Ethan's at a pretty interesting crossroad here trying to fit into the new Impact. I hope he ends up doing pretty well for himself.
What's with this acknowledging former employees who have held gold in WWE in 2017? I would think that would only remind people of talented people having left in recent years.
I'm glad to see James Storm hopefully as an important player again outside of DCC; that just seemed kind of an odd fit for the Tennessee Cowboy.
Funny back-and-forth here. I like the building up of James' history with Impact.
Weird to see them putting Roode over so much.
So where the heck is Alberto after dropping the title? Does he already have big heat with someone?
- Garza/Laredo:
Golly gee we love wrestling and titles, guys!
- SCUM promo:
That was really funny to me for some reason.
- Moose vs. Cody:
-- Round One:
Nice brawl to start.
I HATE this mentality of doing moonsaults in grudge matches. Totally kills believability.
Poor judge!!
-- Round Two:
Both men are pretty talented.
This is going well enough.
OH MY GOD that apron bump. That was ROUGH.
Fun enough so far.
-- Round Three:
Brandi owning Cody there.
NICE job stealing Cody's dad's move.
Good back-and-forth here. Both men have put a lot on the line.
- Knockouts gauntlet announcement:
Looks like we'll see a lot of guests in action.
- KM vs. Sutter:
Is KM the shortest ring name out there? I don't remember anyone just having one character in their name. Bull Buchanan was B2, but that's the only name I can think of off the top of my head.
This is fine so far. KM's in a pretty good mold.
Oh my GOD what a finisher. That was OK enough. I did get some 50-50 vibes with the interference, though; I thought the goal was to have less of that.
- Post-match:
And more and more chaos.
I'm pretty tired of Laurel. Also, way to render Sienna and KM as not much of a threat with the faces standing tall.
- LAX promo:
I'm ready to see Homicide in action again, really.
- More Laurel:
Pretty much ready to see this one wrap up.
- Fury promo:
I hope this person lives up to the hype.
- Garza/Laredo vs. Steve/Abyss vs. SCUM vs. Santana/Ortiz:
Lots of craziness here. It's kind of hard to get three new teams over at once.
Ugggggghhhhhh flips.
I'm curious how Steve and Abyss will fit into the new Impact.
This is pretty wild! Everyone's trying to maximize their minutes.
Lots of moves, and the Knockouts getting involved. A little "ROH" for me.
More wrestling coming up.
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