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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Raw Reax - 3/20/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Foley/Steph/Zayn/Joe: 
I'm surprised Mick's on the show at all! 

Oh, that explains it. They're bringing him out for his execution.

I love that Foley always has Mr. Socko available JUST IN CASE.

I also want the fans not talking about the authority figures feuding this close to Mania. It's not like Mick vs. Steph is on the card, nor are they in anyone's corner that night.

WWE's not going to let a disgruntled employee have a live mic after that whole Pipebomb thing.

Well yeah, it wouldn't make sense not to have Mick in his home state.

Can Teddy Long be the new commissioner???

Come on, Sami. You know this is going to end with you getting your ass kicked.

I really hope this isn't just to get heat on Stephanie at Sami's expense.

Joe knows who pays his bills and gave him a chance on Raw. It sure wasn't Mick!

I'm guessing we'll see Mick again tonight for a bigger sendoff.

- Sami vs. Joe:
Zayn's in there with a dangerous man.

Good clash of in-ring strengths here.

I'm liking the action here.

WHOA. Impressive suicide dive from Joe.

Really cool to see these two compete on Raw.

Joe's efficient in that destroyer role.

You wouldn't think a guy who barely beat the countout to pull off a double jump cross body. But, you know, selling is passe.

That DDT through the ring post is always insane.

NICE ending sequence.

Poor Sami. Hope he enjoys being in the Andre battle royal.

- Foley/Sami/Cesaro/Sheamus/cruisers/Bayley/HHH:
Hahahaha even Mick's burying Sami's penchant for getting into bad situations.

I'm liking this trip down Memory Lane.

Oooooooh HHH will be burying Mick 20 years from now with each man's kids in tow.

- Rollins update:
Seth could easily pull a John Cena, showing up for a few big moves then going back to recovering.

- Charlotte vs. Dana:
Rebuilding Dana needs to be a priority after the 2017 draft. She's being wasted.

Dana's more successful than I expected in this match.

Every match must have either an apron bump, a superkick, or a dive on the outside in 2017.

Not bad, I guess. We're just passing time until Mania.

- Steph/Bayley:
Glad Bayley's standing up to Stephanie instead of being all "golly gee that was mean!"

I'm all for Nia being added to that match. It's not like the other Raw women are doing anything.

Nice link between Stephanie and Nia.

- Highlight Reel:
Mindblowing to think Jericho's been around long enough for one of his fans to have a full career and now face him.

I'm liking this story now that it's finally at the opponents stage.

Jericho doing a good job selling this one.

Finally a big face/main eventer moment from Y2J. What's all this shit about Owens not being an important feud? Brock, Goldberg, and Taker are barely on TV. More attention goes to the Best Friends splitting.

Jericho's been pretty ruthless in his time as well.

Man, Kevin's a dick. That man was his idol!!!

That was good.

- TJP vs. Kendrick:
Nice fire to start things off.

Perkins is always impressive.

Nice ending. I love the heel antics.

- Kendrick promo:
Hahahahaha what a douchebag!

 - Roman interview:
I am ALL FOR this attitude. He's not intimidated at all by the guy who might be heading into his last match.

- Universal Title video:
I'm very curious what's next for Goldberg. I'd watch him face Cena and Angle, for sure.

- Steph/Sheamus/Cesaro:


- Bayley vs. Nia:
I'm liking the aggression from the champ. She'll need that to beat Jax.

Nice job avoiding the powerbomb.

I'm liking the story being told here.

Nice use of the chair.

You wouldn't think someone would want to do a headbutt after taking a chair to the face.

Bayley's building momentum!

Nice win. Jax earned that one.

- Cole/HHH:
I think HHH would like to kick Rollins' ass at Mania. It'd be big for him.

HHH has a lot of experience with people choosing the crowd over titles.

Hahahaha HHH ALWAYS goes in on Foley.

Nice heeling of the crowd.

Does HHH still get a big Mania entrance if he's not officially in a match?

I'm liking all of this.

I mean, couldn't HHH overrule his own doctors?

So, yes, we will see kind of sort of a match at Mania. I know a lot of people want Balor involved, but they should either save him for a big surprise on the show itself or have him return the night after.

- Sheamus/Cesaro vs. Club/Enzo/Cass:
On one hand I'm glad they didn't waste time setting up the DQ ending, but I would have been OK with some action here. Then again, this saves these six names from facing off too much in the ring before Mania. One thing that makes Brock, Goldberg, Taker, and HHH special is we don't see them involved in a bunch of TV matches with their WM33 opponents.

I liked the dual finisher.

- Post-match:
You'd think the Club would only want one set of opponents at Mania! I guess they're that upset at Enzo and Cass.

- New Day interview:
Hahahahahaha good move not putting these guys in front of the live crowd. Xavier would get a reaction completely unrelated to hosting Wrestlemania.

OK, the burn the house down comment was good.

- Aries vs. Nese:
I love both these guys as wrestlers.

Aries is really glad to be in the ring on Raw after all these years. Glad he didn't retire!

Two top athletes going at it here.

I'm liking the action here.

WWE using Nese a lot means they like his work, but part of me wishes he'd get more of a push.

This is pretty fun!

Nice win!

- Neville/Aries:
Austin's a pretty entertaining guy.

Hmmm... I like Neville as a heel, but he shouldn't be no-selling a former TNA and ROH World Champion like that. There's a difference between "I'm going to kick your ass at Mania" and "you're not even worth my time."

Good promo from both men.

- Emma video:
See you in June!!

- Braun interview:
It is a shame Strowman's being pushed aside in favor of Taker. I know Roman and Braun can deliver a Mania-level match. Strong promo from the big man.

- Roman vs. Braun:
I love a big slugfest!

I'd watch Brock vs. Braun on a future PPV.

Braun doesn't need a 450 suicide superkick into a reverse rana to be effective.

I'm all for Braun replacing Henry, Kane, and Show as they approach the limelight of their careers. WWE needs some credible giants!

This is a lot of fun!

Big crazy battle.

MAN FUCK YOU TAKER!!! I was enjoying that!

I'd mark for Strowman helping Roman retire Taker after that ending.

The ending worked to set up more of Roman vs. Taker.

More wrestling coming up.

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