-- Main Event:
- Bo vs. Axel:
We're going to see this match at least once a month forever, I think.
Axel's smooth.
Heck, Bo's improving himself.
Solid work from Curtis. He soldiers on despite pretty much being stuck on Main Event and live events.
Nice back and forth at the ending.
- Gallagher vs. Noam:
Jack's smooth. Don't let the mustache confuse you.
Nice mat work here.
This is good.
Dar's got some good strategy going on here.
OUCH. Noam's got a mean streak at times, too.
Good "chess" going on here.
Impressive wrist lock/suplex spot. Noam makes it look too easy.
That was really good!
Rebecca Hardy continued to bury Impact on Twitter after the company sent legal paperwork regarding ownership of the Broken Universe and its characters. So, the two sides are still at odds about all that intellectual property.
- The Hardys have apparently hired legal representation in the matter, and this party will speak on their behalf going forward. That's probably wise. It will be interesting to see how this will affect the Hardys going forward, as ROH and other parties booking the act might not want to risk being sued by Anthem.
Zack Ryder is doing a YouTube series chronicling his return from injury. It's on WWE's channel, so it's something they gave approval for. We'll see if he's still got the magic all these years later, and if any new characters (Mojo?) will be featured.
Finn Balor is back working Raw live events regularly. He might make a surprise appearance at Mania when Rollins calls HHH out, or he could be saved for the night after Raw. I don't see them adding Joe vs. Balor at the last minute.
Mojo Rawley beat Viktor at Smackdown live events this weekend. With Ryder injured and Swagger gone, Konnor's not in action.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. This was something done in their private lives and was intended to be kept private. They never intended it for public release. So, no. It'd be different if it was something "WWE's Paige" had put out publicly to degrade WWE, but that's not what happened here. I agree about having talent meetings/classes about being REALLY careful with these kind of acts to make sure private videos stay private.
2. I'd also love for him to be inducted, even if it's as a legacy name or something. I know WWE wants to get publicity from featuring a living celebrity at their Hall of Fame, but Kaufman deserves to be honored at some point.
3. William Regal, JBL, Jim Cornette, maybe Honky Tonk Man, Michael Cole, Paul Heyman, potentially the Coach given his ESPN connections, Joey Styles, Tazz, and Mike Tenay all sound good for me.
4. I don't think they need to add anything to what the winner gets; they just need to do more with the momentum the winner has after the match. And really, if WWE wanted to push anyone in that match, they'd probably be in something other than the "get everyone on the card" match. Hopefully this year Braun goes on a path of destruction and goes back to being a top threat.
5. NO. It's already pretty overexposed. I'm fine with it breaking up the monotony of three-hour Raws (and maybe the occasional Smackdown segment), but it's better in briefer doses.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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