Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Intro:
I'm very disappointed at the reaction to Orton playing Bray. I thought the layered story would have appealed to people who kept saying WWE was too predictable and simple in their booking, but clearly a lot of people don't "get" that Orton was using the Wyatts the whole time, biding his time until he could turn the tables and play the situation to his advantage.
- Shane/Bryan:
I think Orton should automatically be in the match at Wrestlemania. He earned that right at the Rumble. If he didn't "sign away" the win, he should be good. He's smart enough to fake Bray out and still get the match.
If AJ isn't going into the title picture at WM33, I really wonder where Luke fits in. It would be odd for Luke to get in but not AJ based on recent booking.
That was fine to set more things up. I really like their dynamic more than Stephanie burying Mick and everyone else she ends up coming across.
- Shane/Bryan/AJ:
It is weird that Cena won the title from AJ at the Rumble, but neither of them are going to be in the title match at WM33.
- Carmellsworth:
I'm all for Goofy Heel Ellsworth. He reminds me a bit of AJ as a heel in Impact years back - being between Christian and Kurt Angle.
Pretty funny.
- Cena/Nikki vs. Carmellsworth:
This should be Goldberg vs. Owens, more or less.
This would be a HUGE win for the rookies.
Hahahaa Ellsworth not wanting to mess with Big Match John.
This is pretty funny.
Pretty emphatic win by Cena and Nikki.
- Post-match:
This is why you've got to have eyes in the back of your head. As much as it would be a feel-good moment to have Cena and Nikki win at WM33, I'd be good with Miz and Maryse winning since Cena and Nikki are taking time off. And just think of the heat Miz could get!
Ugh. Total Divas fluff.
Nice heat from Miz. It's important to have the heels get built up before John cuts them down.
- Orton interview:
Pretty good. Long promos aren't usually necessary.
- Hawkins/Ambrose/Corbin:
Curt's fun enough in that role. Really this is about as high on the card as he should be pushed.
It's going to be a long road to Mania with Dean and Baron if they're not going to fight before then.
Hahahahah poor Curt. Hey, he got paid to take three moves! That's better than hustling on the indies in front of 500 people.
- Mojo/Dolph:
Wow. Mojo not even going to try for anything higher on the card?
He's right! Not everyone can have a Mania moment. There have to be people at Mojo's level, too.
Oooooh. I love the continued disses of the B+ player Dolph Ziggler.
- More Corbin/Ambrose:
DAMN. Baron pulling no punches. When these two do have a match, I don't want to see a single rebound clothesline or elbow drop. This needs to be a FIGHT.
I'm all for some kind of crazy falls count anywhere match at Mania. I know these two can pull it off, too.
- Bliss/Mickie/Becky/Natalya/Bryan:
I wonder what Mickie thinks of Alexa's claim of being the greatest female superstar on Smackdown.
Alexa's such a perfect mean girl. Eat your hearts out, Laycool.
Yeah, Becky's going to have to earn another title match.
Hmmm... maybe we're in for a four-way? Or will Tamina make a surprise appearance and get involved?
Hahaha poor cat lady Natalaya.
Clever line, but what does it say when someone loses to Natalya now that she's been identified as the worst of all time?
OHHHHH so THAT'S why Mickie's helped her out.
OK Bryan totally set up someone returning to win the title. Could be Kelly Kelly or someone else. Why not Tamina?
I love that Teddy Long will forever be known as the guy who makes tag team matches.
- Alexa/Mickie vs. Natalya/Becky:
Natalya's pretty entertaining. A wholly expect her to enter the HoF when she retires. Mickie, too.
Glad Natalya's still around to help the current crop of women get better.
Mickie hasn't lost a step. She's a great addition to the Smackdown women's division.
Alexa's mean streak is golden.
Becky's really solid here as always.
Ha. Alexa bailing. Tonight is not going her way.
Nice strategy from Mickie.
I'm SO glad Mickie's back. With WWE focusing on younger names, it's nice to see some veterans sprinkled in, too.
MAN. What is it about Becky where everyone turns on her!?
Nice win.
- Post-match:
SAVAGE!!!!!! I like Mickie's characterization. As fun as she was as a face and as the stalker, she's good at this, too.
- AJ promo:
Man, how many houses has AJ built? TNA, ROH, NJPW, and now WWE!
So glad to see Styles get to be a top guy.
AJ's got a point. I hope Bray had insurance on that barn.
Really good.
- AJ vs. Orton:
Dream match right here.
Nice feeling out process here.
I'm glad Orton doesn't work TOO much like a babyface.
This is good!
Ahhh the Orton Stomp. Such a goofy move.
Wow. Orton's a pretty solid worker.
I like AJ setting up for the Calf Crusher.
This is everything I've wanted it to be. Both men are credible veterans and it shows.
Very solid work.
I would have POPPED for an RKO out of the Phenomenal Forearm.
That was good! AJ looked game in defeat, which will be overlooked sadly.
-- 205 Live:
- Aries/Neville:
The banana thing has got to be a rib or something. He is vegan, though.
Ah I'm so glad Aries is back as a wrestler.
Austin has definitely picked a fight with a tough guy.
Ahhh Austin's such a cocky douche.
I mean, Aries was ROH and Impact World Champion. If anyone's at Neville's level, it's him.
How soon will WWE have Neville Level shirts? That sounds like something Cole or JBL would repeat.
Neville has a point about Austin belittling the cruisers.
Does anyone in the division like Neville? I don't think he should be counting on help.
- Swann/Gallagher/Dar:
Uh-oh. Is someone else courting Alicia? She's pretty popular on this show! Dana and Emma should ask to be drafted so they'll have something to do.
- AJ announcement:
I know everyone wants AJ in the title picture, but AJ vs. Shane could be a lot of fun as a match.
- Noam/Ariya vs. Gallagher/Swann:
Nice work to start.
I liked Noam's save of his partner. He's smooth.
Ariya's got a nice niche here as one of the few non-flippy guys. He plays keepaway and makes those spots mean more.
Noam's experience is always impressive.
Good work from Jack, although I wish he was a little less chipper after losing a PPV title match.
That was a really good ending!
- Kendrick promo:
That's hilarious! I love it.
Fucking GENIUS. I'm dying.
- Tozawa vs. A Bryan Kendrick:
Akira's got no sympy for this guy.
Hey, Bryan's putting up a fight.
That was fine for what it was supposed to be. More of a segment than a match.
- Neville interview:
I like how fired up Neville is over all this. He doesn't want to be eclipsed by Austin.
I'm interested to see what the rest of 205 Live will be doing at Mania. They should definitely be part of something else instead of fodder in the Andre battle royal.
- Aries vs. Nese:
I'm SO hype for this.
I like the mind games here. Two pros at work.
Aries is ridiculously smooth.
Man, Aries going for a thumb to the eye after his own big injury is pretty cold.
Aries' elbow to the back of the neck is always sick.
I'm glad Nese isn't being squashed.
This is quite solid.
Interesting cartwheel spot. It worked for Nese.
Haha now THERE'S a cartwheel for you.
That powerbomb could have been it!
The German to the turnbuckles scares me every time.
NICE. Aries hasn't skipped a beat!
More wrestling coming up.
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