Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Brock/Heyman:
As good as the build to Brock/Goldberg has been, I think I'll be good with them both moving on. Especially if one of them faces Kurt Angle next.
It's just really fun to chant Goldberg, OK?
Good to see Brock has his mojo back.
Goldberg beating Brock gave more life to Goldberg's last run. Even if it was just for a few months, they extended the nostalgia run and put the outcome of Mania in doubt. If Brock beat him at Survivor Series, it could have really halted his momentum. And fans would have complained like they did when Sting jobbed to HHH. WWE can't win.
- Mick/Stephanie:
I could literally never see these two together again and be fine.
Ugggggghhhhhhh.... I really hope this is building to something at Mania because I don't see any other reason to put heat on two non-wrestlers.
- Sasha vs. Dana:
Let's get Sasha's win or the interference over with.
Fine for continuing to build Banks. I hope they really shake things up after Mania, because it's the same few people over and over.
- Charlotte/Dana:
Finally Dana standing up for herself! I'm sure she'll be fed to Charlotte next week to rebuild the former champ.
- Warrior Award:
I can't fault WWE for honoring the people they've honored with this award. I just wish they went with the original pitch of honoring unsung heroes backstage.
- TJP/Tozawa vs. Nese/Kendrick:
Nice strategy from the heels early.
Impressive offense from the faces.
Good stuff so far.
I'm liking the teamwork between Brian and Tony.
Good ending!
- Club interview:
Hahaha yeah we focus on other teams because they're more interesting.
- Owens promo:
I love the spotlight. Shades of Heel Batista (who was BASED).
I love the insinuation Y2J was the one trying to play Kevin. Talk about a feud between two snakes!
This is great! Kevin's pretty smooth maaaaan.
Sounds like a pretty good match.
Definitely glad we had that instead of a meaningless match. Not everyone is complaining about having people talk to set up action.
- Joe/Owens vs. Y2J/Zayn:
Talk about a team of powerhouses.
Joe's targeting to destroy.
I like Joe's style.
Hahahahah Owens is such a great heel.
Sami has incredible resiliency.
Fine with that one ending as a wash. Wins and losses aren't everything. It's about ensuring you get your opponent soft for retaining the title at Mania.
- Post-match:
Joe's a pretty natural hitman.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a Joe/Y2J feud at some point.
NICE powerbomb spot.
- Stephanie/Mick/Nia:
Man, everyone takes shots at Sami Zayn.
Nia should definitely be in the title match. There's not much else for her to do at Mania.
- Mick/Jinder:
Jinder's only been back a few months! No way do they fire him.
I'm not sure which was funnier: Jinder thinking Rusev is holding him back or him having to face THE BIG DOG.
- New Day Talks:
There really isn't much for these guys to do if they're not going for the titles. At least they're not fighting Primo and Epico.
Oooooohhhh looks like Show vs. Shaq isn't happening after all. I guess Show's going to job to Strowman again, which I'm fine with.
Man, Titus could be the one to lose his job after all!
Mehhhh. Time killer/shill segment.
- Enzo/Cass promo:
God I love these two when they're "on."
- Enzo/Cass vs. Sheamus/Cesaro:
Smooth work for the once-reluctant partners.
Good work going into break.
I'm enjoying the Europeans.
Solid stuff.
This is going pretty well!
Hahah I can't blame Karl and Luke for wanting to get attention back on themselves.
- Post-match:
Fine by me! The challengers make things interesting enough.
- Foley/Club:
I would have been OK with Mick choosing them to be fired!
OK to get to the next stage of this.
- Roman vs. Jinder:
Mahal going for quite the upset here.
Man, Taker's really upset about that Rumble loss, huh?
Would the fans cut Reigns some slack if he lost to Jinder? I doubt it.
Fine win.
- Roman/HBK:
I'm all for Reigns calling the old man out. Let Taker get his crutches over break...
Nice surprise!!
Man, I really hope Roman doesn't have to job to Taker. He's a rightful legend, but it's time to look at the next stage of his life.
I'm all for Reigns stepping up to Taker instead of being intimidated.
NICE line about retiring Undertaker. They have a big opportunity to make Roman a big deal at Mania.
I do wonder where Braun fits into all of this.
- Steph/Mick:
Can Mick fire Stephanie??
I'd be OK with Mick getting fired so he can get time off. I'd pop for him calling up Shane and Bryan and firing Swagger since he asked for his release.
- Aries vs. Ariya:
Austin's really smooth. He's been waiting for this stage for a long time.
Ariya's not going to let him win without a fight!
Aries is on a roll!
Big win for the former TNA and ROH Champion.
- Show vs. Titus:
Someone just CGI Shaq in.
MAN. Big Show's doing to Titus what Brock usually does to Big Show.
Titus has now been sonned by Mark Henry, New Day, and Big Show.
- Bayley/Sasha:
Same old, same old.
- Y2J interview:
Hahahaha I love it. Although I'd think Jericho would be less joking after the ass-kicking he got.
I hope we get good things from the Highlight Reel. It can be hit or miss.
Damn, Tom. Get it together.
- Bayley vs. Nia:
We've seen this match and story about 1,000 times by now. I'd like to see some new names on this show. Where the heck are Golden Truth?
Fine work to keep the angle going.
I love how these two play off each other. The monster vs. the face in peril.
Yeah, listening to the ref is important there, Nia.
- Post-match:
Oh yeah, you've got to put her in the title match after that beatdown.
- Steph/Foley/HHH:
Deep breath. We can get through this.
YESSSSSSSSSS!! Glad Foley reached the same conclusion about whom to fire as I did.
FINALLY someone's standing up to her!
Thank you, Mick!!!!!!!
WWE has this weird issue with HHH on the main roster being evil but also being the guy in charge of the future of the company, signing top names.
Man, HHH still getting heat on Foley all these years later!
I also wonder where the heck HHH is most weeks, in kayfabe.
HHH firing/burying the other Foleys would be fitting.
Wow. I feel like I'm back in 2000.
Whoa. Looks like Seth's alright after all.
I'm all for a street fight at Mania to protect Seth from high-impact moves. Just smash each other with a chair all night.
Ummm, can't HHH fire all those refs?
HHH didn't need Joe this time!
More wrestling tomorrow.
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