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Thursday, March 2, 2017

NXT and ROH Reax - 3/1/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.

-- NXT:
- Clark vs. Maluta:
Haha. I'm enjoying Patrick's new direction.

Maluta might as well be picked up at the WWEPC at this point.

I'm liking Patrick here.

Fine match. I hope both men have futures.

- SAnitY promo:
EY's on a mission. I'm looking forward to more between him and Tye.

- Asuka vs. Peyton:
I'd be down for Asuka defending in a handicap match involving Billie, but I suspect we're in for Asuka vs. Ember at Takeover.

Good start.

Both competitors are game.

I'm liking the story of working on Asuka's arm.

This is solid!

REALLY good ending sequence. Asuka is absolutely ready for the next stage.

- Peyton/Billie/Asuka/Ember:
They're not pleased with that loss!

Good seeing Ember again. Hopefully we see a good deal of her going forward.

Good staredown between Ember and Asuka. That match should be really good.

- Regal announcement:
I can NOT wait for that one. I'm excited to see what Ohno brings to NXT this time.

- Wolfgang video:
So the UK Title scene is still a thing.

- Shinsuke update:
I really wonder where he fits into Takeover. Roode vs. Ohno vs. Shinsuke?

- Authors vs. #DIY:
Ciampa's not backing down!

I love big guys working like big guys and their opponents selling them as threats.

OH MAAANNNNNN the Authors are great for destroying opponents. High-risk moves don't always pay off against people this size.

I love the team of wrecking balls. #DIY are pretty amazing, too.

Talk about two big beasts.

Flashy moves make sense when using your speed to take your larger opponent off-guard. Good work here.

Cool sequence with the double powerbomb.

The Authors have #DIY pretty well scouted.

Oh man! That was a cool turn into the submission moves.

Great ending to set up what should be an outstanding triple threat match. I assume Revival will be heading to the main roster right after WM33. That's a good last match for them.

- Post-match:
The Revival are always taking advantage of a situation. I like it.

That was pretty cool. Bring on the triple threat!

-- ROH:
- Daniels promo:
That was really good. I REALLY hope they pull the trigger on him. They've got something going with the victory lap/final run at the top angle.

- Addiction/Cole/Page:
Daniels has some real credentials as an ROH veteran, although of course he spent many years in Impact.

Daniels more or less implying he doesn't respect Cole. I like it.

Cole's delivery on the age jokes sells it.

If Cole stays in ROH (for some reason), there's no telling how many total days he'll be woeld champion.

Nice opening segment!! This is definitely more exciting and fresh than the Briscoes and Lethal in the title picture.

- Addiction vs. Cole/Page:
I'm liking this so far.

Nice start. I wouldn't mind Kazarian being in the World Title picture, too.

NICE counter to Daniels going for the Arabian Press.

The two Adams make a pretty good pair.

This is going pretty well. The spots have meaning.

Just really solid action.

Interesting ending. I'm good with more matches ending for reasons other than big finishing moves.

- Fish promo:
Yeah, no one believes you're going to beat Cole, dude.

- Addiction backstage:
If anyone can beat Daniels psychologically, it's the Bullet Club.

- Commentary change:
I like the idea of Bob being used in work with the future of ROH.

- Skyler vs. Carr:
Fine start.

I'm getting indieriffic vibes from Carr in particular.


Not good. They had Carr do most of the cool MOVES, but he lost. I'm worried for the future of this tournament if these are the guys they put out first.

- MCMG attacked:
Oh. Interesting. I wonder who would have done such a thing.

- Scurll vs. Dijak:
Donovan might as well call this his NXT tryout. I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of his stuff in his last televised appearance.

This is an interesting mix of styles.

They're telling a pretty good story, although Dijak's a little too flippy for me here.

ROH is really going to miss Dijak. They need more variety in their act.

This is quite good. Both men are selling this as important.

Oh come on! Kicking out of a piledriver at one???

"Just go do all your moves. It's Dijak's last match here."

Yeah that's why you don't offer your hand, you idiot.

A good match that could have been even better if they toned down the MOVES. I hope Dijak's headed to NXT soon.

- Scurll/Rush:
Meh. Thankfully Rush is probably leaving soon, too.

- Rebellion/MCMG/White:
At least this hypes up a future tag match. I'm ready for the Rebellion to actually make a splash. Sadly, ROH would rather push the new Kingdom.

More wrestling coming up.

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