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Monday, July 17, 2017

Main Event Reax - 7/16/17, Orton done with filming, Interview with Sasha, Lio's last indie date set, Smackdown live event notes, and Questions on accidental blood in WWE, WWE at the Emmys, who is and isn't an independent contractor, GFW running baseball stadiums this summer, and GFW working with AAA and Crash

-- Main Event:
- Mickie vs. Emma:
Two people I've wanted to see more of in the ring recently. I love Sasha, Alexa, Bayley, and Nia, but I can only watch so many matches involving those four.

Oh I'm liking this already. I'd like to see Main Event be a place for people whom we don't see on Raw and Smackdown. Keep 205 Live to Raw and its own show.

Wow. Both of them are fired up to show what they can do.

Well at least Dana's watching this one!

This is pretty fun.

Nice Tree of Woe spot. Emma has been SO underutilized.

This is really solid. Two of my favorite female workers, likely at least partially because we don't see them that often.

Mickie's got a lot of fire. I like it.

That was solid all around! Good work.

- Dorado vs. TJP:
Good back-and-forth to start.

TJP is ridiculously smooth in the ring.

And, yeah, Dorado flies around well.

OK, the dive fakeout spot was pretty good.

Good story so far.

I'm liking this story.

These two work together pretty well. Glad to see a new matchup here.

I liked the counter to the Detonation Kick.

Nice one overall.

Randy Orton has finished filming his role in an upcoming movie, so he should be able to return to the ring on a somewhat regular basis now.

Sasha Banks did another interview promoting the women's revolution, this time in New Zealand. She's getting a pretty good mainstream spotlight on herself and the division.

Lio Rush's final independent appearance will be August 12 in Maryland. Hopefully they keep him in the performance center and local live events for a while. Given how young he is, I don't see any need to hurry him to a big stage. He does have a nice number of matches to his name, but I'd like to see him get further teaching and seasoning before they make him an NXT superstar.

Lana worked at least one main roster match this weekend as part of a tag match. So, she's not been totally forgotten about.

Interestingly, Primo wasn't in action this weekend while Epico was.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Talent can only bleed when WWE says they can bleed, damn it!

2. It's been a running narrative that WWE wants to be acknowledged there. I do wonder if they're dismissed out of hand just because the Emmy don't want to associate with "rasslin'."

3. I can see why talents want to get a cushy producer job or coach down at the WWEPC or something.

4. Between running shows in baseball stadiums and not running shows at all, I support GFW's approach. If they're making more money than they would running more traditional venues, that's great!

5. From the sounds of things, Konnan and his people are still able to work GFW and GFW talent can work Crash in addition to AAA. I just don't expect to see Crash and AAA working together.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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