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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Raw Reax - 7/10/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Commentary:
Man, David Otunga's taken quite the break from announcing.

- Cass/Show:
Oh, I love this guy's heel push already.

Cass is confident and unapologetic. Good heel qualities to have.

Hahaha Cass shutting down the hipsters who are going to cheer him to be cool and edgy.

Wow. Cass already setting really big goals for himself. Let's take it one step at a time there, big guy.

Enzo and Big Show would make a pretty fun duo, but I imagine Show's not going back to taking bumps regularly.

Good to see Show able to work with someone his own size. It's hard to match up with someone a lot smaller than you.

- Elias/Finn:
Elias has good delivery, but I don't think he's going to be able to get all that far up the card with this gimmick. But maybe it will be OK to have him in his current position.

- Elias vs. Finn:
Samson's not going to be able to have much of an advantage for long. Finn's good.

Elias isn't a bad wrestler, but Finn's one of the top workers in the world. He's outclassed here.

Samson is a solid prospect, but I wonder if it was wise putting him in the position to have to keep up with someone as good as Finn.

Finn goes all out.

Not bad here from The Drifter.

I like Elias, but this one's just a matter of time.

BOOM. Another win for Balor.

- Finn/Hardys:
That would be one heck of a trio. Especially with everyone getting to go wild with paint and such.

- Hardys/Club:
I love the references to the Broken universe, although I doubt Anthem does.

Uggghhhhh Luke and Karl. Unless Finn sent them out here, I don't really care.

Nice line about the "old Hardy Boyz."

The Club's work has been really uninspired. They're just "those guys who were a big deal in Japan." No wonder audiences aren't connecting with new talent; it's like we're supposed to already care about them because they made their names somewhere else.

- Club vs. Hardys:
Fun stuff from Matt and Jeff.

I do like the Club in the ring. They can do good work.

I liked Anderson having the bulldog scouted.

Wow. I'm surprised the Hardys went down in flames. Are Karl and Luke coming for the titles next as faces?

- Post-match:
WHOA. They're done staying on the sidelines and letting others run in and attack people.

Hardys/Revival should be pretty fun.

- MizTV:
I love Miz but all the Hollywood references are getting tired.

I do love the Miztourage being rewarded. They could use the rub!

Ahhhh I love Bo Dallas sometimes.

I love the heel gloating. This is beautiful.

I miss main eventer Miz's run.

Ahhhhhhh throwing shade at all the faces who lost. Why is Miz so BASED???

Wait, really? Ambrose is tougher than Cena or The Rock?

Ughhh more Dean Ambrose.

Oh NOW things are heating up. Maybe Dean can work with Bo and Curtis on Main Event while so Seth doesn't have to carry him.

- Ambrose/Rollins:Interesting. I figured Dean would be grateful he could slack off and let Seth do most of the work.

- Sasha/Bayley vs. Nia/Alexa:
Alexa wants no part of Sasha after Banks' cruel, cruel actions at GBOF!

Alexa and Nia have a fun dynamic.

I'm liking the disorder here.

Fun work between Bayley and Nia. They always work together well.

Fun work all around here, actually.

Good work from the heels.

I like Nia's attitude.

Hahahah Alexa playing Sasha like that.

Booooo Sasha interrupting a pinfall by the women's champion! Have some respect!

Pretty good to keep things moving along.

- Shattered Dreams Production:
I love this version of Goldust. He's definitely better when he's sinister. Just not Black Reign sinister.

This should be fun.

- Truth vs. Goldust:
The former K-Kwik is pretty upset at his former partner!

I liked Truth knowing the uppercut was coming given how much they've teamed.

This is a good fight so far.

Goldust the master psychologist.

Nice powerbomb spot.

I'm glad these two are wrestling on TV again. We see plenty of the cruisers with 205 Live, but not much of some Raw and Smackdown talents.

I'm liking the story well enough.

Nice ending! I do wonder where they go next, though.

- Angle/Brock/Heyman/Roman/Joe:
Wow. Looks like Braun will indeed be missing time (?)

Man, Brock vs. Angle was AMAZING. One of my favorite matches ever.

Brock has definitely been an asset in the ring.

Hahaha Paul's remark about creative meetings.

Imagine Brock and Heyman just showing up to hang out with Kurt for a bit before leaving for a week.

Right?? Angle would be doing moonsaults off cages if WWE would let him.

It's worth noting Brock's original WWE is generally considered to be after the Attitude Era ended.

Oh, man! Roman taking care of the Strowman problem because it's his yard now.

I'm down for more Roman vs. Brock.

Glad Joe's not just going to hang out and let that GBOF result shake him.

That was good from Joe.

Dude. Both Joe and Roman deserve a match.

Oooohhh... interesting. I'm guessing Braun returns during Joe vs. Roman.

- Graves/Angle:
I assume this is leading to Stephanie returning to feud with Kurt. God I really hope not.

Has Kurt been colluding with the Russians!!???

Interesting tease. I wonder what they have planned.

- Tozawa/Cedric vs. Dar/Neville:

Fine work early.

Noam is such a ham. I love it.

Ooh, nice teamwork from the faces.

This is good action so far.

Haha Noam taking advantage of the opportunity to stomp Tozawa.

Nice work wearing Tozawa down.

This is pretty solid.

I like Cedric's flying.

Funny to see Neville crotched after the GBOF ending.

That was clever!

- Seth/Bray:
Yeah Seth should definitely keep "his eye" on Bray Wyatt.

Interesting they're shooting down a Shield reunion like that.

I like Bray's spooky promos.

Good enough to keep things going.

- Seth vs. Bray:
I like what Wyatt brings to the table as a wrestler.

I like the story of Bray trying to hit him in the eye again.

Nice physicality here.

Bray's something special.

Good counter to Sister Abigail.

OUUCCCHHHH punching the ring post would hurt a LOT.

OK, Seth working on the hand changes things a bit.

See, that's why you need to be careful doing fancy springboard moves!

I hate wrestling crowds sometimes.

Nice work between two hard workers with two different ways of trying to win.

Good story of working on Bray's hand.

Uuuggggghhhh I'm good on suicide dives, thanks.

Seth has some really good wind.

I do wonder if Seth does a little too much flying around. I know he can deliver without all the dives and blockbusters and stuff, but it seems like he's compensating.

Good counter to the big knee.

And another surprising win for Bray!

- Post-match:
Wow, Bray must have had plans for after the show or something.

Miztourage is the new Shield, I guess?

I'm glad Seth's not beating three people after losing a match clean.

This is a much better use for Dean. Let him just be Seth's hardcore buddy.

- Angle backstage:
Well this will be interesting.

I'd like for it to be Shelton Benjamin returning and Kurt being proud of him, but there's no telling.

More wrestling coming up.

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